Uterine Prolapse Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
The term prolapse means “fall out of place”. Prolapse is the condition where organs such as uterus slip out of place. Uterine prolapse is the condition of sliding and falling of uterus from its actual position in the pelvic cavity into the vaginal canal. A spinal disc herniation is also sometimes known as “disc prolapse”.
Uterine prolapse usually occurs in females and sometimes it does occur in animals also. Uterine prolapse generally occurs after an immediate delivery due to maximum force of contractions. Spontaneous abortion can cause serious uterine prolapse. Some types of prolapses are as follows –
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a valvular heart disease defined as the dislocation of an abnormally thickened mitral valve leaflet into the left atrium during systole.
Rectal Prolapse
It is that situation where the entire walls or part of the rectum walls slip out of place, the rectum may stick out. Symptoms of a rectal prolapse can be –
1. Stool leakage
2. Protruding of tissues from the rectum
To secure the part of the large intestine a surgeon may operate through the belly. Sometimes surgeon removes the affected part of the intestine.
Female genital prolapse
Uterine prolapse is also known as female genital prolapse which occurs when the uterus falls out of the normal position. It is very common in women of all ages especially in those who have delivered large babies.
Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus falls out of the place. The uterus is held in position in pelvis supported by the muscles, special ligaments and other tissues. The uterus prolapses into the vaginal canal when the muscles, ligaments and tissues weaken. It also happens in women who have delivered large babies. Frequent abortion can also cause this problem.
Signs and symptoms
Some symptoms are mentioned below –
1. Shortness of breath
2. Fatigue
3. Dizziness
4. Cough problems
5. Backache
6. Inability to control urination
7. Protruding of cervix
8. Pain and vaginal bleeding, etc
A pelvic examination is performed to determine the organs involved. This is usually done without full bladder. There are also several methods of surgical treatment which are performed to cure this problem. Vaginal estrogen cream helps to improve vitality of vaginal epithelium. Non surgical treatment such as exercises can strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor which in turn helps to combat against uterine prolapse. Herbal remedies along with exercises are very helpful in this condition.
Frequently Asked Questions
- QUESTION:Prolapsed uterus?
Has anyone been treated for prolapsed uterus? What was the treatment? I’m considereing hysterectomy, for combo of this and uterine fibroid…any input???
Also what was the degree of prolapse?- ANSWER:i think my doctor said it was 3rd degree, I had a complete hysterectomy done about 2 years ago. My mom used this cup thing as her Mom went through the operation and she didn’t want to, of course, the women in my family never told anyone anything. I didn’t find about my Grandma’s hysterectomy until after I had my own. It might be genetic.
If your past child bearing age go ahead and do it I found no problems with a vaginal hysterectomy your in the hospital about 3 days and about 6 weeks recovery time.
- ANSWER:i think my doctor said it was 3rd degree, I had a complete hysterectomy done about 2 years ago. My mom used this cup thing as her Mom went through the operation and she didn’t want to, of course, the women in my family never told anyone anything. I didn’t find about my Grandma’s hysterectomy until after I had my own. It might be genetic.
- QUESTION:Will removing my large uterus make me look slimmer?
My gynec is talking in terms of hysterectomy, not because I have a large uterus, but because I have a prolapsed uterus and also a small fibroid and heavy bleeding every month. She said we should wait for some months and do some lab tests. I am noticing my tummy looking a bit larger than usual, something I have never had. Will removing the uterus bring down the size of my tummy area. I am 47- ANSWER:
- QUESTION:Help me pls. I am 46.. Have a hysterectomy or not? ?
Here are the problems found
– liquid in the fallopian tube (means infection)
– prolapsed uterus. (second degree ie, almost out)
– Thickening of the endometrium 10 days past the period.
– fibroid 5 cms which is making the uterus bulky.- ANSWER:Hi, ive had a hysterectomy at the age of 38 and must say, best decision ive ever made, you must research this very carefully first before you make any decisions, or should i say the medical profession will do that for you, this operation is not so straight forward as people think, there are so many things to take into consideration, recovery time, hormone replacement, dealing with the fact you cant have any more children even when you don’t want any more, your symptoms are bad enough to go ahead with it, normally the gyny would give you a course of special tablets as a last resort, this is only taken for a short period to see if it has helped you and can only be taken the one time, if that doesn’t work then hysterectomy is the next step. If you decide this is what you want you must ask as many questions as possible, ie, will they take your ovaries, not always necessary, will they do a complete hyst, how will your hormones be effected, recovery time, will you have a vaginal or full cut operation, these are just a few, my op was vaginal and the recovery time is brilliant, i still have my ovaries intact and still have my cervix, leaving the cervix is the best way to go because it keeps everything else in place, bladder ect, they will decide for you, my life has changed for the better i had all your symptoms and more, its important you have a good quality of life because this can get you down so much, i sypothys with you totally, i wish you good luck and health and hope this has helped you understand the neg and benifits of this surgery. x

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