Fibroids Uterine

The History of Hysterectomy Surgeries

The term “hysterectomy” is an English word, which comes from the Greek word hystera, meaning “womb”, and the Greek suffix -ectomy, which comes from the Greek word ektome, meaning “a cutting out”. It is considered the second most habitual surgery among women. Cesarean section delivery is believed to be the most common form of women surgery. It is generally performed by gynecologists. A Hysterectomy is a surgical process, which is performed in order to remove of the uterus. This improves the prognosis for uterine cancer and at the same time, provides relief from awkward symptoms like as pelvic pain and heavy coarse periods.

There are different types of hysterectomies, particularly three. First there is the Total Hysterectomy. It is a method where the complete uterus and the cervix are alienated. This is the most normal of its kind. Then there is the Partial Hysterectomy. This is a method where the cervix of the uterus is remaining behind but the upper section of the uterus is removed. In the end we have the Radical Hysterectomy, which is usually performed in case of cancer. This involves departure of the uterus along with the cervix, the upper portion of the vagina, and the surrounding tissues.

In the US, a hysterectomy is also designed one of the most normal gynecological surgical procedures. Over half a million hysterectomies are performed annually, making the odds that a woman 45 or older has had one at a possibility of 40%. In case, if an adult happens to read a background of the hysterectomy, he or she will be extremely thankful for at least one thing, which is, they live in the age of anesthetics.

The first ever prospering hysterectomy was an abdominal hysterectomy. This affluent surgery took place at Massachusetts, in 1853. But, like the vasectomy, by then the hysterectomy had also been around. It was there at a point of time as long as 1000 years back. According to some gynecological experts, hysterectomy had existed even before that. Few of them even state that, hysterectomies were performed through the vaginal canal and had been around since at least the 2nd century AD. An past physician named the “Soranus of Ephesus” wrote in 120 AD of performing them. He was even competent to act successfully in a few occasions.

In the early days of hysterectomies, women who had to go through that method were absolutely awful. Back then the activity was considered, horrific and the outlook grim.

At that point of time, there were no antibiotics and no one had even heard of a thing called pain killers. Many women died of shock, hemorrhaging, and sepsis. The survival rate for past hysterectomies was coarsely around 30%.

Antibiotics, antiseptics, blood transfusion, ether forms of anesthesia as well as more functional versions of the surgery have now made the absolute change. E.G. when the Victorian surgeons started cauterizing the cervix, rather than leaving it to drain, the survival rate spirally jumped to 92%. Today, a hysterectomy is meditated, absolutely appropriate. The survival rate has now gone up to upwards of 99%. Now, it can be performed in different ways which includes abdominally, vaginally, laparoscopically.

About the author: For more information on robotic hysterectomy, visit our website.


Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids?
    There are three people has been diagnosed by uterine fibroids in my family. I’m afraid if I will have it. So I want to know something about the disease and the symptoms of it. Thanks in advance.

    • ANSWER:
      How do you know if you have uterine fibroids? Probably you do not know. Most fibroids do not cause any symptoms and do not require treatment other than regular observation by a physician. Fibroids may be discovered during routine gynecologic examination or during prenatal care. Some women who have uterine fibroids may experience symptoms such as excessive or painful bleeding during menstruation, bleeding between periods, a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, frequent urination resulting from a fibroid that compresses the bladder, pain during sexual intercourse, or low back pain. Although reproductive symptoms such as infertility, recurrent spontaneous abortion, and early onset of labor during pregnancy have been attributed to fibroids to any of these symptoms. In rare cases, a fibroid can compress and block the fallopian tube, preventing fertilization and migration of the ovum. After surgical removal of the fibroid, fertility is generally restored.

    How to treat Uterine Fibroids by herbal ways?
    Has anyone treated their Uterine Fibroids with Herbs? I’ve stumbled upon this product called Hysteromyoma Plaster that is all natural created by traditional Chinese herbalist. Have you or someone you know tried this?

    • ANSWER:
      My cousin had uterine fibroids and she has used a Chinese black plaster called Hysteromyoma Plaster for about half a year. You can find it on Apply it everyday and apparently they dissolve. Hope this helps!

    How to treat uterine fibroids naturally?
    I have been diagnosed by uterine fibroids. My doctor recommends a surgery, but I don’t like this opinion. I’m looking for alternatives and need some help.

    • ANSWER:
      My sister’s condition is similar to yours. She used to have uterine fibroids few years ago. Her doctor also recommended a hysterectomy and she didn’t accept it. She tried a Chinese herbal meidicine called Hysteromyoma Plaster and it really work very well for her. You can go to for more details. Wish you better soon.

    Is it possible for uterine fibroids and pregnancy to get confused on ultrasound?
    Is it possible for uterine fibroids and pregnancy to get confused on ultrasound?

    • ANSWER:
      I began having ultrasounds at 6 weeks with my last child and there was always a heartbeat with the embryo.

    What foods containing estrogen do I avoid due to uterine fibroids and newly pregnant?
    I am newly pregnant and have uterine fibroids, which grow from estrogen. I am trying to avoid foods that contain extra estrogen because of this. BUT Im avoiding foods that contain extra estrogen. But am I avoiding foods rich in phytoestrogens OR foods containing a natural estrogenestrogen compound phytoestrogen – or both?

    • ANSWER:
      Foods that contain phytoestrogens include soy foods such as tofu, soy milk, tempeh and soy protein powder –

      Other foods have estrogenic effects, meaning that the body can “mistaken” them for estrogen: fennel seed and cinnamon

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