Uterus Fibroids Surgery At Less Cost Price On Kirundo, Burundi
Uterine Fibroids – Surgery
To treat uterine fibroids, surgery can be used to remove fibroids only (myomectomy) or to remove the entire uterus (hysterectomy).
Surgery is a reasonable treatment option when:
* Heavy uterine bleeding and/or anemia has continued after several months of therapy with birth control hormones and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).
* Fibroids grow after menopause.
* The uterus is misshapen by fibroids and you have had repeat miscarriages or trouble getting pregnant.
* Fibroid pain or pressure affects your quality of life.
* You have urinary or bowel problems (from a fibroid pressing on your bladder, ureter, or bowel).
* There is a possibility that cancer is present.
* Fibroids are a possible cause of your trouble getting pregnant.
Surgery Choices
Surgical treatment options include:
Frequently Asked Questions
Is hysterectomy after menopause the best answer for hormone therapy when you have uterine fibroids?
I have uterine fibroids and have gone through menopause. I desperately need HRT but due to uterine fibroids my doctor recomends hysteroctomy. I have also had steph infections in the urinary tract due to enlarged uterus. My urologists also recomends hysterectomy.-
if you have both doctors telling you the same thing then I say go for it ~ i never made it to menopause I had a hyst 8 years ago & all though it was a little mind boggling for me I made it through just fine & I did do hrt for about 1 month & quit due to the high risk of heart attack & stroke & death ~but I am fine without it & have no strange hair growing any where so I did well i do believe♦
What happens to a woman after having a hysterectomy?
My mother is about to undergo a hysterectomy because of fibroids. What will happen after to her. What should I expect. I mean I will be there for her but are there any psychological effects that might happen, any changes to the body? Please let me know, thanks.
fadded, my mother isnt a b!tch and watch your mouth. If you’re not going to answer the question with a real and sincere answer then beat it.
Thanks for your real kind answers. I appreciate it.
The doctor said she has large fibroids and it has to be done. I am worried. but i know she will be ok once they are removed.-
Hysterectomy patients may have a fever during recovery, and some may develop a mild bladder infection or wound infection. If an infection occurs, it can usually be treated with antibiotics. Less often, women may require a blood transfusion before surgery because of anemia or during surgery for blood loss. Complications related to anesthesia might also occur, especially for women who smoke, are obese, or have serious heart or lung disease.As with any major abdominal or pelvic operation, serious complications such as blood clots, severe infection, adhesions, postoperative (after surgery) hemorrhage, bowel obstruction or injury to the urinary tract can happen. Rarely, even death can occur.
In addition to the direct surgical risks, there may be longer-term physical and psychological effects, potentially including depression and loss of sexual pleasure. If the ovaries are removed along with the uterus prior to menopause (change of life), there is an increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease as well. These will be discussed later along with possible treatments.
In making a decision, you should also consider that a hysterectomy is not reversible. After a hysterectomy, you will no longer be able to bear children and you will no longer menstruate. You need to think about the impact these changes would have on you.
Some women report having a strong emotional reaction, or feeling down, after a hysterectomy. Most feel better after a few weeks, but some women do feel depressed for a long time. Other women experience a feeling of relief after a hysterectomy.
Every person reacts differently, and reactions are a combination of emotional and physical responses. We still have much to learn about the effects of hysterectomy on sexual function
and a few mood swings which hormone theropy will help with that.
Can you sue if you get fibroids on Both Ovaries after a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy?
My mother had a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with Attensive Lysis of Abdominal and Pelvic Adhesions five years ago.The surgeon told her that she had Total Hysterectomy. Today she called the hospital that has records of only the type of surgery she had – which is when she found out that she had a “Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with Attensive Lysis of Abdominal and Pelvic Adhesions”.
My mother thought for sure that the Surgeon was removing Everything (he said the words “I had to remove Everything” out of his mouth.) – Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, Uterus and the Cervix. But to her discovery, her recent doctor told her that she has Both ovaries and fallopian tubes, only her Uterus was removed.
My mother went to this recent doctor due to the fact that she’s have severe pain in her abdominal and lower back area
The recent doctor told her that she has Fibroid Cysts on BOTH of her Ovaries – they’re both about Four Centimeters large in size.
Also, because of her thinking that her ovaries were removed, she’s told other doctors about this. This lead to doctors telling her to take Estrogen.
The fact that her Own ovaries have been producing Estrogen themselves and her taking much additional Estrogen for over Four years can cause a higher risk for her to develop Cancer. – This is what Frightens me more than Anything.
Could this possibly be a law suit case? Can you sue if you get fibroids on Both Ovaries after a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy?
No, because the doctor didn’t do anything wrong. The problem is based on your mother’s misunderstanding of what “total hysterectomy” means. And she should have shown her records to her other doctor, because then that doctor would have known what her surgery was and wouldn’t have given her estrogen, perhaps. It’s the patient’s responsibility to do these things. Part of the problem here, frankly, is the disrespect with which the medical profession regards women’s bodies. There’s an enormous difference between the ovaries and the uterus, and the impact on a woman’s body varies tremendously depending on what organs she has removed, whether ovaries&uterus, or just ovaries, or just uterus. But the medical profession still won’t recognize the absurdity of calling removal of just ovaries, just uterus, or both, “hysterectomy”. Sure, technically, they are supposed to say “total hysterectomy” for removal of uterus and cervix, and “partial hysterectomy” for removal of just uterus, and “radical hysterectomy” for removal of even more parts, but I won’t go into that because you can see what I mean already. So as you have seen, in practice, the situation is confusing. In practice, medical people use the word “hysterectomy” to refer to the removal of any combination of ovaries, tubes, cervix, and uterus. Usually the surgeon is clear on what’s going on for a given patient (but not always!), but I know from personal experience that other members of the surgical and medical care team aren’t clear on what body parts you’re going to have removed, or have already removed, and it causes problems, because they ask the wrong questions and give you the wrong impression. So you can see why it’s only natural that your mother was unclear, especially since at a stressful time, as surgery is, it’s hard to remember stuff, and you hear “hysterectomy” and think that’s the full story but it’s not. Frankly there should be a huge class action suit to get the fricking medical profession to take these concerns seriously. But that’s not feasible. OK, end of rant. Regarding your mother’s estrogen: the situation might not be as dire as you think. She might have already been approaching or in menopause, which may have been what led her to see the other doctor and take the hormones. While taking estrogen at such a time does VERY SLIGHTLY increase risk for ovarian and breast cancer, it’s not a huge risk. Also, taking estrogen when you have ovaries can partially suppress the ovaries so the ovaries don’t produce as much hormone. So you’re not looking at her having ovarian estrogen plus estrogen in pills. You’re looking at estrogen in the pills plus a reduced amount of ovarian estrogen, that all together isn’t crazy high. There’s no way to know for sure except to travel back in time and do blood tests of your mother’s estrogen. Though perhaps the doc who prescribed her the estrogen did test her estrogen first? She should request those records and check out if there is any blood test of “E2”, and see if it’s low or normal or high.Honestly if you want to make a difference, I recommend you write a letter to the doctor explaining the confusion and expression your hurt and anger and requesting that in future he always make these things clear to the patient.
Lack of or sex after Hysterectomy Men perspective please?
I am curious at how many other men have found there marriage became either completely sexless or very little sex after wife had hysterectomy. Have been going through many old posts and most talk about how great sex is after they have had it done but very few from a male point of view about the drop off or complete lack of any form of sexual relationship with wife after surgery.I have to say that probably was for the best that wife got it because of fibroids and other issues but pretty much ended our sex life.
Plenty of woman who have hysterectomies go through this. Some woman deep down inside feel like they are not “woman” anymore because of the fact that they can’t have babies anymore. I am not saying this is your wife’s case.When I was going to school for medical interpreting my teacher explained it to me that it’s called hysterectomy from a latin word “histeria” which means that back in the day when woman would get this procedure done they would go bananas with their depression and would not want to have sex. (I hope I explained it well)
Depressed after hysterectomy?
I had a hysterectomy last month for fibroids and bleeding that couldn’t be controlled. I hadn’t even consider having kids before surgery but now that the option has been taken away I feel lost and angry. I can’t shake feeling depressed and I end up crying all the time. I’m hoping that I will feel better when I can return to work to take my mind off of it. I still have my ovaries, however maybe they’re in shock from surgery? Am I just hormonal?-
You should ask your surgeon for a referral to a therapist. Post-hysterectomy depression is fairly common; it’s completely psychological for all the reasons you’ve just mentioned.So DO get in to talk to someone….you’ll be fine, but you’ll be better sooner if you can see someone to help you through it.

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