Trans Fats are linked to Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibroids and Weight Gain
Dietary choices have a direct impact on your reproductive health and subsequently on your fertility. The type of fat you incorporate in your diet may be a risk factor for disorders such as Endometriosis, Fibroids, PCOS and Fibroids.
A diet rich in tuna, salmon and other foods rich in essential omega -3 oils might mean you will be less likely to develop female reproductive disorders. US researchers have reported there is a strong link between diets loaded with trans fats, and female reproductive disorders such as Endometriosis, Fibroids and PCOS.
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So what are Trans Fats?
Trans fats are formed when liquid fats are hardened to make something more resembling butter or lard and found in common everyday foods such as processed breakfast cereals and pre-packaged foods.
The type of fat in your diet, rather than the total amount, may be a risk factor for female reproductive disorders according to researchers in a study published online in the journal Human Reproduction.
Within this study of more than 70,000 nurses it was found that women who ate the most omega-3 fatty acids were 22 per cent less likely to be diagnosed with female reproductive disorders such as endometriosis than women who ate the least.
According to Dr. Stacey Missmer of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston who led the study, trans fats increase the body’s level of many inflammatory markers. These inflammatory markers have been shown to be associated with the establishment of endometriosis and its progression. Dr Missmer also found that there is a likely increase in risk because of a chronic inflammatory response to the trans fat.
The researchers looked at the diets of 70,709 women followed for 12 years in the US Nurses Health Study. Women who ate the most trans fats had a 48 per cent increased risk of the condition compared with those who ate the least, the study found. Similar studies have been linked to PCOS and Fibroids.
“Many women have been searching for something they can actually do for themselves, or their daughters to reduce the risk of developing the disease, and these findings suggest that dietary changes are something they can do,” says Missmer.
Find Out What You Dietary Changes You Can Make To Avoid Female Reproductive Disorders by Clicking Here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you have ovarian cysts, fibroids and endometriosis all at once?
I have Pcos (Polycstic Ovarian Syndrome) but I also have symptoms of Endometriosis and fibroids too. Is it possible to have all 3 at one time? If anyone knows please let me know! (I have a dr appointment coming up) but just curious now! Thanks!-
These conditions are linked to an underlying gluten intolerance. I have just discovered that I am gluten intolerant and suffered from endometriosis all my child bearing years. I also had a large fibroid. Nobody told me that I might be gluten intolerant, but I’ve been doing a lot of research since discovering this and I now know these conditions are linked to gluten intolerance. many people are GI but simply don’t know it as doctors are only familiar with celiac disease which is an allergy to gluten rather than just an intolerance. Gluten is found in wheat, oats, barley and rye. I’ve been gluten free for 4 months now and feeling better than I have done in years. If you go on a gluten free diet, you will probably heal your conditions.http://www.soulcysters.net/pcos-linked-gluten-allergy-284647/
Question about endometriosis and fibroids?
When I was younger 13-16 I had the most painful period cramps. I actually would pass out from the pain. My mom took me to a doctor a couple of times and I don’t remember them running any tests on me or being worried. They thought I could be anemic, but found that I wasn’t.It’s not nearly as painful now, but lately I have been hearing about endometriosis and fibroids which can cause very painful period cramps. So my question is why did doctors not check me for these things?
Because endometriosis tends to be something that grows in your body during your child-bearing years. It’s a lot less common in teenage girls.However, I’ve had it my whole life (unfortunately). Sometimes you just need to keep going back and seeing doctor after doctor until you find one who will listen to you.
Of course, if your period is less painful now than it used to be, then your chances of having endometriosis are very slim. It generally gets worse with age, not better.
Has anyone used the drug Lupron to control pain for endometriosis or fibroids? What has been your experience?-
I have not used Lupron itself but have used a drug similar to it called Zoladex for my endometriosis and had very good results with using it. I found that it was helpful to keeping my endometriosis pain under control.If you have other questions for me please feel free to e-mail me off site any time.
Is Endometriosis the same as Uterine fibroids?
Any and all information on either subject (if they are not the same thing) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
What causes the scaring in endometriosis?
Here’s the deal with endo: you have these little cells in your body called endometrial cells. they’re supposed to live in the wall of your uterus. Hormones in your body send signals to these little cells to fill up with blood. If you don’t get pregnant that month, hormones send signals to those cells to detach from the wall and start to move downward. Then they release that blood and your period starts. After your period is over, more hormones tell those little cells it’s time to go home. Sometimes those cells don’t listen and wind up attaching themselves to places they shouldn’t be. Lots of people get them on their ovaries, their bowel, etc. There are even documented cases of these little cells in the throat area. Talk about getting lost!
Well, those little cells, although they’re not where they’re supposed to be, still receive those signals from the hormones telling them to fill up with blood. Since they’re not where they belong, lots of times that means they’re pressing up against an organ as they fill with blood – and that hurts like crazy. Then again when they get the signal to release the blood, they do it, and THAT hurts even more. It’s sort of like you’re bleeding internally. Somehow instead of getting the signal to move around like the other cells do, they stick themselves to their new home. Idk how or why, it just happens.
The only way to get rid of it is through surgery. Most doctors remove it by burning the cells off, just because they’re in a delicate region of your body. However, this menthod isn’t quite effective because the burning doesn’t always get the entire cell. Little microscopic pieces can be left behind, and they grow back – sometimes in the very next month. If your doctor CUTS out the cells, studies have shown the cells don’t come back. However, sometimes it’s not possible to cut out all of the cells depending on where they are. It’s also not possible to see all of the endometriosis in your body – much of it is microscopic, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there & it also doesn’t mean it isn’t painful.
Birth control regulates your periods and many times helps with the pain. The biggest benefit is lighter periods because most people with endo tend to have heavy periods. Less flow means less pain. There is a drug called Meclomen, it’s an NSAID like Aleve or Advil but it actually helps people with endo by making your periods super light – I barely had one while taking it. You just start taking the pill at the first sign of pain and continue through your period and it does wonders. It’s also not habit forming unlike a lot of the narcotics most women with endo have to take.
I’ve had endo for probably 10 years now, but it took nearly 5 years to diagnose it because many doctors don’t really believe endometriosis really exists – don’t ask me why. Since then, I’ve had surgery twice, and will continue to need regular surgeries to deal with the pain. I keep in close contact with my doctor, letting him know everything I htink might be helpful because endo can cause problems getting pregnant and I want to avoid that as much as possible. Unfortunately, other than that, the only thing doctors can offer us is birth control. Well, they could try Lupron depot, but that basically puts you in a state of menopause for a year or two, but has been shown to cause remission of endo for as long as 5 years. I’ve opted against that route, because the shots are nearly 0 and need to be taken every 3 months, plus there are chances for unwanted side effects – and I’m not so sure I want that risk either.
This is pretty much what I know about endo, although I can’t really tell you much more about fibroids other than to say they’re not the same as endo. I hope this helps!
Am I likely to have trouble conceiving with a tilted uterus and a family history of fibroids & endometriosis?
I am 19 (almost 20) years old and engaged. I am still in school and do not want to try for a baby until I am done or in my last year of school (which could be anywhere from 3-5 years). I had very bad menstrual cramps from the age of 14 on and would routinely miss a day of school every time my period started. I now have a mirena and I don’t have to worry about that anymore because I don’t really get periods.BUT when my mirena was placed I was told that I had a tilted uterus. My mother says that she had a tilted uterus as well, and she had endometriosis and fibroids which led her to a hysterectomy at age 39. Both of her sisters, her mother, and her aunt have all suffered from either endometriosis, fibroids, or both. My mother and her sisters had no trouble at all while they were young (in fact the majority of their pregnancies were accidental!), but every woman in my family who has tried to conceive a child past her mid twenties has had a great deal of trouble (my aunt started trying for her 3rd child when she was 29 and didn’t get pregnant until she was 36). I am not sure at what age they developed endometriosis and if that was the cause of my mother’s tilted uterus or if it was tilted before her endometriosis developed. My nurse practitioner doesn’t seem to think I should worry about it. But with the combination of painful periods and a tilted uterus, should I be getting ‘tested’ for endometriosis? I’m worrying that it is possible that I am developing endometriosis faster than other women in my family have and that when I try for a baby around the age of 24 or 25 I will have a long road of trying ahead of me!
Also, does anyone know how mirena might effect endometriosis, if at all?
Any input or stories about dealing with tilted uterus/endometriosis/fibroids while trying to conceive would be appreciated!
I have a tilted uterus and have had painful and heavy periods since I was 12 (when I wasn’t on the pill), but they aren’t caused by fibroids or endometriosis. It’s just the way I am. There was a time when titled uteruses were believed to be linked to infertility, but that’s pretty well been rejected by the medical community.None of these conditions were particularly problematic for me. I quit the pill @ 25 and was pregnant 3 months later.
Most of the time, the uterus will “un-tilt” itself early in the pregnancy. (Mine did). If it doesn’t, your doctor might manually manipulate it so that it will be in the correct position for delivery. That’s really the only complication.

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