Which Vitamins Are Particularly Useful In The Treatment For Uterine Fibroids
You can easily bring fibroids under control with help of natural uterine fibroid treatment methods. Trust me nature has made us like that. Our bodies are equipped to remove harmful toxins and abnormal cells when it is out of balance.
Any type of treatment for uterine fibroids must specifically include certain vitamins and minerals. In this article I am going to share some of the vitamins which are absolutely a must if you desire to get rid of fibroids naturally. The best vitamins for fibroid cure are Vitamin A (Betacarotene), Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
Vitamin A, also known as Betacarotene, is essential for fibroid treatment. It is helpful in protecting the body cells against damage and also assists cells to reproduce normally. Secondly red blood cells production is dependent on adequate supplies of Vitamin A. This vitamin also controls heavy bleeding, a common symptom of fibroids.
Vitamin C is essential to absorb iron in the body. Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids helps in strengthening our body’s capillaries. This is again effective in reducing the heavy bleeding caused by fibroids.
Vitamin E is effective for painful periods (dysmenorrhea) caused by fibroids. Dysmenorrhea can be primary or secondary to endometriosis or fibroids. Vitamin E combats fibroid symptoms like bloated feeling, nausea, breast tenderness, diarrhea and headaches.
The refereed vitamins must be used in combination with other natural supplements in treatment for uterine fibroids. Needless to say, any uterine fibroid treatment method must be multifaceted with these vitamins being one of the important aspects.
Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks. This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of fibroids naturally, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine Finroid Treatment
Frequently Asked Questions
vitamins & herbs for uterine fibroids?
has anyone had any luck on reducing their uterine fibroids via herbs and vitamins-
Fibroids are estrogen driven.
Dr. John Lee had great success in treating them with bioidentical progesterone. It opposes the estrogen, and balances out the effects.You can read more at his website http://www.johnleemd.com
More recommendations for healing fibroids by Dr. John Lee:
* Use natural progesterone cream.
* Eat a plant-based, fiber rich diet (at least 20-30g fiber per day)
* Take a liver-supporting and detoxifying herbal formula that includes the following herbs: Bupleurum, milk thistle (silybum marianum), barberry or goldenseal, burdock root, yellow dock, dandelion root.
* Take a uterus-healing herbal formula that includes some or all of the following herbs: myrrh, red raspberry, cayenne, Bupleurum, yarrow, vitex and lady’s mantle (Alchemilla mollis)
* Use a castor oil pack 2-4 times a week (many books on herbal healing have instructions on how to make and use a castor oil pack.)WHAT TO AVOID:
* Unopposed estrogen
* Dairy products
* Feed-lot meats (eat only range-fed, organic meats free of drugs and pestiside residue)
* Coffee (heavily sprayed with DDT)
uterine fibroids?
vitamins & herbs for uterine fibroids?
has anyone had any luck on reducing their uterine fibroids via herbs and vitamins
hello there, yes i had them and dealt w/them for a few yrs. after awhile they just got bigger (1 cm per yr.) and one was pressing on my bladder and had to use the bathroom CONSTANTLY.
The year b4 I had my surgery (myomectomy) I got accupuncture 1-2 times a month and it really did help A LOT. He also gave me my own individually designed herbal concoction that I took–like one or two tab. daily. they would temporarity reduce after the accupuncture treatments and give me some relief b4 the next visit.
the smaller the better, and the sooner you treat them the better. If they are small you have the opportunity to have your doc remove them/out patient procedure.
but major surgery wasn’t as bad as i thought it would be. it was the fear that was the most difficult to deal with, but well worth the operation.
cut down on caffeine, it’s horrible for fibroids. however i actually noticed i had less pain back then if i drank organic coffee
cut down on sugars and fats, but MOST OF ALL, ANY MEATS you eat, esp. beef, or any meat, make SURE it’s organic. all that hormone junk they have in those store bought meats irritate fibroids terribly. eat a lot of fresh fruits, veggies, seafood, beans, soy milk.
oh and watch out for dairy, esp. cheese.
What are some natural treatements (diet, vitamins) I can take increase my progesterone?
I’m relatively healthy, married and 26. For the past 3 years, I’ve begun spotting about 1 day before my period. From what I’ve read, it can be caused by low progesterone, endometriosis or fibroids. I think that I’m having a difficult time getting pregnant because of low progesterone which can affect implantation into my uterus. What are some natural solutions I can do? I don’t want to take prescriptions or use the progesterone cream.-
If you have had your hormonal level checked and have low progesterone here is a few options. One you can buy a cream from the health food stores, made of plants. You can also do what is called Bio-Identical hormonal replacement. You would have a saliva test done. Pharmacies who sell bio identicals will give you the test. You have to spit a LOT in the morning. It will test all your female hormone levels. This test is more sensative and acurate than even blood. The Bio-Identical’s are all natural, and the pharmasist will mix them together right there to the exact level your body needs. You can get the test done for about 0.00. Then you get the results back, and your Dr. would have to prescribe the exact dosage of what you need. Many Dr’s who practice natural medicine are encouraging Bio-Identicals. They have seemed to help many women with a lot less side effects than the standard pills and creams. If you have not had the low progesterone verified by any testing and are just guessing. I would tell you to do the Lab, and get check at least. Have a Dr verify this is the problem. I tried natural low dose health food store progesterone once to help my cycle. OMG, that was not my problem I have never EVER had a headache so desperatly bad in my life. It was the MOMMA Migrain of them all. I’m including a link for more info on the Bio Identicals. It is a link for Women to Women, this site is awesome. The clinic was established by Dr. Christina Northrup. Her book womens bodies womens wisdom, helped me get rid of fibroids without medication, and without surgery. One was the size of a tennis ball. I would highly recomend the book to any women as a guide to your woman hood. She goes over all kinds of female problems and the most natural way to the most invasive way to treat them. I have had great luck with her natural methods. Good luck hon, email me if you want, we can talk more.Christal
One more question then Im off to bed. About prenatal vitamins!!!?
I was prescribed pain medication from an ER visit 3 days ago for abdominal pain due to my fibroids. The medication is called “Tylenol w/ Codeine” which is exactly what it is! I want to take one tonite as Im having discomfort, but I just took my prenatal vitamin and Im unsure if the two will mix? Has anyone asked their doc this question before and got an answer? Just curious.-
Shouldn’t be a prob. Doc’s who prescribe preg women medications take into account that they are likely on a prenatal vitamin regiment.
Besides, after women have their babies, they are given an Rx for painkillers. And those who are breastfeeding are STILL taking their prenatal vitamins at that point as well. I don’t see how it could interfere.
Sweet dreams!
how many women are at the 18months + mark ttc?
Hi Ladies,
Just wondering how many women have been TTC for 18+ months?
I am now at the 18 month mark 🙁
This month I have stopped charting, not using opks etc just pregnancy vitamin daily.
I have pcos, endo and 2 uterine fibroids. I am going to see GYN in June to book in for ANOTHER laparoscopy and d&c 🙁
How is everyone else going?
Baby dust to all!!!-
I’m with you on this one also with endo & pcos. Very frustrating month after month. Been trying off & on for the last 5 yrs & no luck but a miscarriage 3 yrs ago but also just found out i had endo & pcos this past year and had a laparoscopy in December 09′. Like i previously told you in a past email i also stopped charting, using monitor, etc. last month so good luck to the both of us maybe just trying to let it happen will bring us some luck. I know your pain & frustration & if you ever need to talk send me an email. Thanks for the baby dust

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Hi my name is Charmaine. I have fibrous I do wish to know what is the information to shrink it? Or what vitamins to take? Cavan you please help me?.. Thank you.
Hi my name is Charmaine . I have fibrois i do wish to know some information how to shrink fibrosis. Or if there are vitimins I can take to do so.. Can you please help me.. Thanking you in advance…