Menopause Symptoms – Natural Remedies And Treatment
Menopause is a normal phase in every woman’s life. It is caused by the fact that ovulation does not occur anymore and as a consequence, menstruation stops. This of course implies the fact that a bunch of hormonal changes take place. They begin long before the first menopause symptoms are being felt because the body prepares well in advance. Menopause symptoms are not the same in all women, but they can differ greatly from one woman to another depending on various factors and individual characteristics. The age at which menopause occurs also varies from woman to woman.
The first menopause symptoms are usually experienced at around 51 years, but there are women experiencing a much earlier or late menopause. Lower estrogen levels in the body lead to a bunch of symptoms and to changes in the way a woman looks. The skin and the hair condition might not be as good as they used to be. Besides this, there are also other menopause symptoms that a woman in menopause will experience. Some of them are easier to cope with, others are more difficult. Heres a list with the most common menopause symptoms, but it is not compulsory that all of them are experienced at once or by every women. Some women might not have at all certain symptoms.
1. Hot flashes – Some women feel extremely hot, while others extremely cold at normal temperature levels. Night sweats are also common.
2. Vaginal dryness that can cause pain during lovemaking.
3. Sleep problems.
4. Bladder problems – Frequent infections, urinary incontinence.
5. Irritability, depression, anxiety, loss of sexual appetite, mood swings, etc.
Menopause can be dealt with using natural remedies that usually don’t have any side effects. They provide relief and make the woman’s life easier. However, some herbs might interact with prescribed medication, so it might be best to ask for medical advice. The following are efficient natural remedies against menopause symptoms.
1. Foods with high content of estrogen: cabbage, corn, apples, cucumbers, peas, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, soy, sesame seeds, olives and olive oil.
2. Black cohosh – It ameliorates all the menopause symptoms.
3. St John’s Wort – It is recommended for irritability and mood swings.
4. Flaxseed oil – Reduces hot flashes and pain in the chest area.
5. Natural creams and lotions made out of essential oils in order to reduce dryness of the skin or vaginal dryness. For instance, one ounce of almond oil mixed with no more than two drops of geranium oil and with a capsule of vitamin E makes a perfect lotion against vaginal dryness.
6. Adequate diet that will provide plenty of vitamins and minerals.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids?
There are three people has been diagnosed by uterine fibroids in my family. I’m afraid if I will have it. So I want to know something about the disease and the symptoms of it. Thanks in advance.-
How do you know if you have uterine fibroids? Probably you do not know. Most fibroids do not cause any symptoms and do not require treatment other than regular observation by a physician. Fibroids may be discovered during routine gynecologic examination or during prenatal care. Some women who have uterine fibroids may experience symptoms such as excessive or painful bleeding during menstruation, bleeding between periods, a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, frequent urination resulting from a fibroid that compresses the bladder, pain during sexual intercourse, or low back pain. Although reproductive symptoms such as infertility, recurrent spontaneous abortion, and early onset of labor during pregnancy have been attributed to fibroids to any of these symptoms. In rare cases, a fibroid can compress and block the fallopian tube, preventing fertilization and migration of the ovum. After surgical removal of the fibroid, fertility is generally restored.
Why would a woman with fibroids with no symptoms have to have a hysterectomy?
I know a girl that was diagnosed with fibroids about 10 yrs ago. She has no symptoms except she says she can not have kids because her uterus is out of shape due to the fibroids. She also says that her doctor told her she needed a hystercetomy but she talked him out of it. She was in her mid-30s when diagnosed. I thought you could still have kids with fibroids unless you were having really bad symptoms.-
Obviously she was having really bad symptoms if her uterus is out of shape.The doctor probably wanted to do a hysterectomy as a preventative measure. Of course it is always the patient’s choice. But her fibroids might grow even more and she might have to have the hysterectomy in the future.
What are the symptoms of fibroids?
and if you had symptoms of fibroids how soon would you see a doctor?
Has any one had fibroids and had to point out to the doctor that they think they have them?
Thank you all for your answers in advance x-
The symptoms depend on the size, location, number, and the pathological findings. Fibroids, particularly when small, may be entirely asymptomatic. Generally, symptoms relate to the location of the lesion and its size. Important symptoms include abnormal gynecologic hemorrhage, heavy or painful periods, abdominal discomfort or bloating, back ache, urinary frequency or retention, and in some cases, infertility. There may also be pain during intercourse, depending on the location of the fibroidDiagnosis is usually accomplished by bimanual examination, better yet by gynecologic ultrasonography, commonly known as “ultrasound.” Sonography will depict the fibroids as focal masses with a heterogeneous texture, which usually cause shadowing of the ultrasound beam. In cases where a more precise assay of the fibroid burden of the uterus is needed, also magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to definite the depiction of the size and location of the fibroids within the uterus
The presence of fibroids does not mean that they need to be treated; it is expectantly depending on the symptomatology and presence of related conditions
I think if you believe you have these symptoms you should talk to your doctor he/she should do tests to determine if you have fibroids or not.If your uncomfortable talking to your doctor you should get a new one.Just tell your dr you were looking up your symptoms and fibroids seem to be a match and you would like to be tested.sometimes the patient knows better than the dr. we know our own bodies.
What are some of symptoms of uterine fibroids?
I had a late miscarriage in January. I lost the baby because some sort of tissue has wrapped around the umbilical cord and cut it off. Since the miscarriage I have had light periods, been constantly looking and feeling bloated, and I am very sensitive to touch around where my uterus is. I know I sound crazy but I have been ignoring how I feel for a long time and I just want to know if I have any cause for concern. Thanks!-
heavy or painful periods, abominal discomfort, bloating, painful defecation, backache, and frequent urination.
Women with fibroids what were your symptoms?
I have been having very heavy painful periods but short periods no more then 3 to 4 days. I am 37. Lots of small clots. Wondering if this is a sign of having a fibroid? My sister had fibroids recently and bled for like 3 months straight before she got it removed and that is NOt me so Im trying to figure out from those with them what their symptoms are.Thanks-
My periods were lasting 3-4 days and I felt soooo lucky.
Then while I was vacationing in the Dominican Republic this
past december, I thought I was okay because I had my period at the beginning of dec. BUT on December 26 I started my period again and it lasted for 15 days !!! I got it again on Feb 02 for 7 days!
So worried as I was (I’m in your age group by the way) I made an appointment to see my doctor, I didn’t know what it could be, I had always been regular. Was I going through premenopause ?
Sooo, my doc gave me an internal examination, did a pap smear,
gave me calcium and Vitamin D and sent me for blood tests and a pelvic ultrasound. I went for my blood tests last week and next Monday the 26th, I go for my pelvic ultrasound. I guess I should find out what is going on by the 2nd week of March. Keeping my fingers crossed !
Go see your doc ! Don’t take any chances.
Good Luck.
You can email me during the 2nd week of March and I’ll tell you what my results show.

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