Signs And Symptoms Of Uterine Fibroids – Do I Have Them?
If you have small fibroids, you may not ever be aware of them. However, if you have noticed a couple of unusual symptoms in and around your abdomen you may have that niggling feeling that something is not quite right and you may be wondering what the signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids are.
Firstly, although you may be able to get a good idea whether or not you have fibroids by checking your symptoms against the list below, you should always get a proper diagnosis from your doctor to confirm this as although fibroids are rarely dangerous, there is always the slight chance that it is not fibroids causing your problem, but something more serious.
1. Bleeding between periods and heavier periods
This can have various causes, including fibroids causing blockages which can cause a backup of blood flow which seems heavy when released. Sometimes fibroids can also cause congestion within the blood vessels of the uterus, which can cause erratic blood flow. Lastly, fibroid growth can cause an increase in the size and number of blood vessels in the uterus which results in a greater supply of blood generally.
2. Pain
Pain and discomfort are often the most worrying signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids. Around a third of women with fibroids will report this and it is varies from women to women depending on how many fibroids they have, their location and how large they are, along with their pain tolerance levels. Larger fibroids can put pressure on other internal organs which can cause problems or sometimes, if the blood supply becomes disrupted, this can cause the fibroid to die and the degeneration can cause painful symptoms.
3. Pressure
Many women report a feeling of pressure from their fibroids. This varies depending on how large the fibroids are. Many women will liken the feeling to being similar to a growing pregnancy.
4. Bloating and Fullness
As fibroids enlarge, this often becomes noticeable on the outside, as your abdomen might enlarge quite significantly. Although these signs and symptoms are not dangerous, they can often cause discomfort and a tightening waistband is often the trigger which makes many of us take action!
5. Painful Intercourse
Fibroids which are low down in the uterus can cause discomfort during intercourse
6. Urinary Problems
Fibroids which press down on the bladder can cause incomplete bladder emptying and and increase in urinary urgency. This can lead to incontinence.
7. Fertility Issues
There are several problems which can be linked with fibroids. Sometimes, the location can block the passage of sperm through the cervix or into the fallopian tubes. Implantation can sometimes be difficult, particularly if the fibroids are large or located under the womb lining, causing distortion. Fibroids can also be responsible for early miscarriages and pre-term labor.
8. Depression
For some women, some of the secondary signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids are depression and unhappiness which are often caused by the response to the other primary signs.
The good news is that these signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids can be completely eliminated by using natural treatments. If you are prepared to take charge of your own healing, a number of these issues can be solved within days, with actual shrinkage happening within weeks.
Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hmm, wondering if these are signs of conception?
Read a couple websites about symptoms, but just felt like asking for past experiences.
First day of last period was June 21, had sex every other day thru fertile days of July 1st thru the 5th, and hips elevated for 30 min. after.
I do also have 2 small uterine fibroids so I was told by my doctor that although those are common and not a huge deal, they make conceiving harder?
Breasts were super sensitive and kind of sore the 10th thru 12th. Got period-like cramps the 16th and 17th, but no period. Brown spotting the past 2 days with a mild cramp here or there (could just be the start of period?) but no bleeding yet, and for the past 5 days I have gotten up like 6 times in the night to have to pee (I thought maybe I had UTI)
Just gonna wait and see if I get my period, but just thought I’d ask you ladies who have had these symptoms before- ANSWER:
Your fertile days were probably the 5th and 6th of July. SO hopefully you ovulated on one of those days and there was sperm there to fertilize. Right now your are probably implanting that is what the spotting could be from since your next period is still a few days away. Your best time to test would be on the 28th which is one week past. Good Luck I hope you get the answer you were looking for.
Connection between ovarian cyst and fibroid?
an ultrasound i has found a ovarian cyst and a uterine fibroid. i am having another ultrasound next week to check the cyst again. if it ends up being something serious like cancer is the fibroid a sign that it could have spread to the uterus or are fibroids all together different? i have just been feeling so blah lately and have this bad feeling that something is really wrong, at the same time i think it these feelings might just be nerves and all be put on by anxiety. i initially went to the doctor for back pain and had a ct scan that led to a ultrasound led to this. I never really put all the symptoms together until now so i haven’t discussed them with the doctor. i looked up the symptoms for ovarian cancer and i have all of them. i am newly separated from m y husband and am now scared of what i will do if i do end up having cancer. i feel like if i go to the doctor now and say i have all these symptoms i will sound like i am just making them up from reading on it. what is the best thing to take for indigestion and bloating? i have tried tums and prilosec and midol but nothing is helping anymore- ANSWER:
No one can answer your specific question. You will need to go back to your doctor, be honest with him and tell him exactly what you are experiencing and how you feel. Let him examine you and come to his own conclusions.
connection between ovarian cyst and fibroid?
an ultrasound i has found a ovarian cyst and a uterine fibroid. i am having another ultrasound next week to check the cyst again. if it ends up being something serious like cancer is the fibroid a sign that it could have spread to the uterus or are fibroids all together different? i have just been feeling so blah lately and have this bad feeling that something is really wrong, at the same time i think it these feelings might just be nerves and all be put on by anxiety. i initially went to the doctor for back pain and had a ct scan that led to a ultrasound led to this. I never really put all the symptoms together until now so i haven’t discussed them with the doctor. i looked up the symptoms for ovarian cancer and i have all of them. i am newly separated from m y husband and am now scared of what i will do if i do end up having cancer. i feel like if i go to the doctor now and say i have all these symptoms i will sound like i am just making them up from reading on it. what is the best thing to take for indigestion and bloating? i have tried tums and prilosec and midol but nothing is helping anymore.- ANSWER:
An ovarian cyst is a fluid sack attached to your one of your ovaries and a fibroid is a solid. Most fibroids are small growths of knotty connective tissue that develop in different ways and are almost always benign. Fibroids are common with women and in some cases hereditary. They can be extremely painful even though benign and cause many problems. You will get tremendous relief once they are removed. They sometime come back thought

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