Is Bleeding After Menopause A Sign Of Something Serious?
Menopause is a unique experience for every woman that is characterized by dozens of symptoms that can often times seem unrelated. The large array of symptoms make it impossible to predict how an individual will respond to menopause. Women typically reach menopause by 51, however most women will begin to feel a change physically, mentally and emotionally before they even begin to meet the definition of menopause.
Peri-menopause is characterized by hot flashes, night sweats, irregular menstruation, and mood swings. To relieve symptoms, there are a variety of estrogen supplements and natural remedies available. Recent studies have found that natural supplements focused around isoflavones, such as Promensil, are highly effective. There are more than 1,000 types of isoflavones, however only four have been shown to benefit women going through menopause: genistein, daidzein, formononetin and biochanin A. Soy, the most commonly used ingredient in natural supplements, only contains daidzein and genistein. Promensil, which focuses around red clover, contains all four isoflavones as well as ten to twenty times the quantity found in soy- the next richest source.
Menopause is officially confirmed after missing 12 consecutive monthly periods. Symptoms should begin to lessen and eventually subside, however some women experience spotting or bleeding after menopause. Although it is important to mention this to your doctor, bleeding is often nothing to worry about as some women report having menstrual episodes years after menopause. A blood test, pelvic exam and a pap smear will help a doctor diagnosis the cause of the bleeding. Only twenty percent of women who experience post menopausal bleeding have symptoms of a more serious problem.
Women taking hormone replacement therapy are more likely to experience post menopausal bleeding. Estrogen stimulates the uterine lining to grow and when it sheds, bleeding occurs. This is a normal side effect that all hormone replacement therapy users should be informed of. For women not taking hormone replacement therapy, vaginal dryness is a common cause of post menopausal bleeding. Low estrogen levels cause a thinning of the vaginal walls, which are more likely to bleed during sexual activity or a pelvic examination. Personal lubrications or topical estrogen creams, that do not enter the blood stream, are proven solutions to help correct the problem.
A professional diagnosis of post menopausal bleeding is important because five to ten percent of cases are precursors of endometrial cancer. Always track episodes of spotting, staining or bleeding as well as frequency and duration to help your doctor make an informed diagnosis. If you notice any unusual vaginal discharge and pressure on the bowels, pelvic floor or bladder bring it up during your next appointment as well. Fortunately bleeding is a very early warning sign and with treatment the recovery rate is ninety-five percent.
Post menopausal bleeding can be startling, however with prompt treatment the outlook is very promising. Discomfort after menopause is not an inevitable progression of aging and women are no longer accepting to simply live with the symptoms. Promensil Vitality is specifically formulated for post menopausal women to help maintain bone density, cardiovascular health and relieve symptoms. Their extensive testing proves that treatment can be safe, effective and natural. Menopause is natural and your treatment should be the same.
Frequently Asked Questions
Going to the bathroom alot a sign of FIBROIDS?-
It can be one of the reasons. I had many fibroids inside my uterus and they pressured my bladder and I had to go to bathroom to pee a lot of times. There were other signs too like heavy bleeding during period and anemia.
But in your case your have to go through proper diagnosis to be confirmed about your problem. May be you have some other problem, there could be plenty of reasons.
Is it possible to have fibroids at 18?
Extremely painful mentstral cycles to the point of faint/dizziness, can be a sign of fibroids right? So is it possible to have one at 18?-
I developed fibroids after I had two dermoid cysts removed when I was 20. Fibroids aren’t fun, but they aren’t as dangerous as cysts. Make an appointment to get a sonogram to see what else might be happening in there.
Going on Seasonale, the Pill where you only get a period every few months, is a great way to deal with fibroids.
Frequent URination a sign of FIBROIDS?-
No, it isn’t. 50-65% of fibroids have no symptoms at all. The most common symptom is menstrual irregularities. Urinary compaints include incontinence, retention, and ureteral obstruction.
Go in and be evaluated by a doctor if you are concerned
Can fibroids stop your menstrual cycle?
My period is very late and I am not pregnant. The doctor says I have signs of fibroids: lower back pain, pelvic pain, fatigue, etc. Can fibroids stop a menstrual cycle?
I want to reiterate… I just got back from my doctor and I am NOT pregnant.-
Fibroids can alter your menstrual cycle as can any tumour. I know it’s the word tumour is scary but Uterine Fibroids are non cancerous.If your concern is over having a child, I would look at options sooner rather than later as to having one, as a histerectomy would probably be the most appropriate option.
This may not be what you want to hear but unfortunately it is for the best. Rather it take your ability to have children than your life.
However, don’t take this as a definitive comment as obviously it differs with each individual as to how the fibroids affect them.
what are some signs of having fibroids?-
Lower abdominal pressure, pain, and increased vaginal bleeding are the most common – most women don’t have any symptoms.

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