Shrinking Fibroids Naturally

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7 Foods For Shrinking Fibroids Naturally

What we eat has a huge impact on our overall wellbeing and our diet is heavily implicated in the formation and subsequent growth of fibroids. Below I will share with you 7 foods for shrinking fibroids naturally.

What you must understand is that although important, our diet is not the only factor in fibroid formation. Indeed, it is the subtle interaction of a number of other situations and conditions such as our lifestyles, levels of exercise, the amount of estrogen in our bodies, toxicity levels, exercise levels and hereditary factors which all have an influence.

Certain foods will make the condition much worse, whereas others can help to calm down the inflammation and help stem heavy bleeding. Others can help ease cramping pains and contribute to cleansing the body.

<b>7 Foods For Shrinking Fibroids Naturally</b>

1. Fruits

In general, fruits are excellent cleansers and are packed with vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They are easily digestible and contain sterols, which are anti-inflammatory. You should not eat too many though due to the natural sugars in fruits and particularly if you are prone to yeast infections.

2. Sprouts (Sprouting beans, not the green leafy variety!)

Sprouts are a true Superfood. They are excellent cleansers and loaded with vitamins. Try sprouting your own to maintain tip-top freshness. Good beans to sprout include Alfafa, Barely, Buckwheat and Watercress

3. Non-Starchy Vegetables

There is no limit to the amount you can safely eat and non-starchy vegetables contain high levels of sterols and phytoestrogens. They are naturally loaded with vitamins. Green pepper, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower are all good examples.

4. Whole Rice

To get the benefit, you should ensure that you only eat wholegrain rice. You can make it easier to digest by soaking in cold water overnight and cooking slowly for a long period.

5. Raw Nuts and Seeds

Almonds, pine, sunflower, Brazil nuts are all excellent sources of fatty acids, valuable nutrients and minerals. They are also a great source of easily digestible protein.

6. Garlic

Garlic is a good blood cleanser and a great natural antibiotic, antimicrobial and antiseptic. It needs to be eaten chopped or crushed for your body to get the full benefit.

7. Water

Plain old water is a great addition to the “7 foods for shrinking fibroids naturally” list Even though it’s not strictly a “food” it would be wrong to leave it out. Water will generally speed up the healing process and you can add certain herbs and other ingredients to intensify the cleansing effect. In terms of fibroids, water helps to detox, hydrate, cleanse and eliminate waste.

In addition to these 7 foods for shrinking fibroids, there are other foods which have great healing, cleansing and soothing properties for fibroids.

If you would like to see details of a completely natural fibroid treatment which incorporates dietary modification as a fibroid shrinking aid, please visit Shrinking Fibroids. Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.

In addition to the 7 foods for shrinking fibroids (above), there are numerous pages of detailed dietary advice and the outstanding feature of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author.

About the author: Gail advocates using natural treatments for fibroids rather than using conventional medication or surgery as this is a workable long term solution. Conventional medication only treats the symptoms and fibroids are likely to regrow, whereas natural treatments, when used properly can eliminate the root cause by rebalancing the body and restoring overall health.


Frequently Asked Questions

    Shrinking Fibroids Naturally??? Can it be done?
    I was just diagnosed with having 3 fibroids. One of which is 6cm and is causing some pain on my right side. I have known about these fibroids, but have approached the “wait and see” attitude until now. Because of the pain, and heavy bleeding each month, I am faced with a decision to make in terms of getting them taken out. I have however decided AGAINST an hysterectomy. I know of too many side effects resulting in having one. Ablation is not a choice either, as my fibroid is too big. I don’t want Lupron either. I am 47 years old, and Lupron is temporary. I won’t make it too menopause with this approach. I am thinking about three options. Mynectomy, Embolization, and natural alternative methods. The later is much more appealing to me, as I live a holistic lifestyle, and I’m scared to death of surgery and meds. Has anyone had any success in shrinking fibroids naturally?? I would be very much interested in reading about your experience and how you achieved results if any. Chinese medicine? Herbs? Acupuncture? I’m all for it if it keeps me off the operating table. Thanks for the advice…

    • ANSWER:
      Hi! I might I have some useful info for you. You want to try and reduce the amount of estrogen in your system since that’s what they need to grow. Here’s a list of some things you could try:

      Serrapeptase: This is an enzyme that eats cysts for food. I think it is amazing for inflammatory conditions and it should shrink your fibroids with continued use. Sold widely online and in health food stores.

      Myomin: A blend of Chinese herbs was developed by an Oriental naturopath, Dr. Chi. The supplement limits estrogen production, acting sort of like an “aromatase inhibitor” similarly to stronger prescription drugs (Aromasin, Evista and Tamoxifen).
      Sold online at or

      This supplement will you reduce estrogen load and when fibroids don’t get the estrogen they need, bloating might occur, especially right before your period and for a few days into your cycle. So it appears that your fibroid condition is worsening. Bloating should subside midway through your cycle. A colored discharge may also occur for a few months as the fibroids slowly dissolve and exit the body.

      I3C or DIM: This supplement is extracted from broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous veggies. It helps reduce estrogen in the body so the same warnings exist for this supplement as for Myomin.

      Evening Primrose Oil: It’s extracted from the seeds of a wildflower and provides you with gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This can help relieve painful menstrual cycles, endometriosis and fibroid tumors too!

      Diet: No more fried food, dairy or meat because these may fuel the growth of fibroids. Eat more salads and fruits. Drink juices that are red and fresh, like pure pomegranate, grape or cranberry juice.

      Medicine: Wean off your birth control or hormone replacement drugs (with your doctor’s blessings) because these forms of estrogen fuel fibroid growth.

      If you’re interested in a natural progesterone, let me know. Hope this helps you! Sonja BalancedVictory@yahoogroups

    shrinking fibroids naturally?
    How much extra weight would a fibroid add to my overall weight?

    I’m 12st 6 at moment (evening time dressed) I usually fluctuate between 11st 7 and just over 12, depending on time of month.

    I was told the fibroid was about the size of an apple. Is there anyway to shrink them naturally?

    I heard it was something to do with eostrogen levels, but cant remember if I need to find something to increase oestrogen or block it for them to shrink?

    • ANSWER:
      Fibroids may not acutally add significantly to your body weight. It will cause certain symptoms like bloating, excessive bleeding and pain which will become unbearable over a period of time as the size of your fibroid tumor increases. You have done a wise thing to consider natural fibroids treatment. Although the exact cause of fibroids is not known- estrogen dominance or excessive estrogen in your body is known to be one of the most common cause of fibroids in women. Natural treatment for fibroids concentrates on this aspect alongwith other factors like diet, body weight, physical excercise, accupunture and herbal medicines to provide fibroid cure and shrink them naturally.

    how to shrink fibroids naturally?

    • ANSWER:
      A Natural Approach to Treating Uterine Fibroids
      By Dr. Ben Kim on August 31, 2005

      * Natural Health Solutions

      We recently had a guest at our fasting clinic who was startled to find that on day 7 of her water-only fast, she could no longer feel a uterine fibroid in her lower abdomen that she had been carrying around for years.

      I can confirm from the evaluation that I did on her first day with us that she had a mass that was about the size of a medium-sized adult fist in her lower abdomen, diagnosed by ultrasound as a uterine fibroid before she arrived. I couldn’t find even a trace of a mass when I did a thorough re-check of her abdomen.

      I was, of course, extremely happy for her healing experience. Although some of the guests who visit our clinic experience obvious symptoms of cleansing and detoxification like diarrhea and vomiting, it never gets old to see a dramatic change like the melting away of a benign tumour.

      Getting back to uterine fibroids, our recent guest’s positive experience prompted me to outline some thoughts on their origin and some steps that all women can take to help prevent their growth and formation and even help to reduce or eliminate existing fibroids.

    can fibroids shrink naturally? if so, what can i do to help this process?

    • ANSWER:
      uterine fibroids cannot shrink in any natural way. Luprone injection can shrink them.

    Has anyone out their shrunk their fibroids naturally? If so, HOW?

    • ANSWER:
      I haven’t sorry

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