Suffering From Uterine Fibroid Pain? Follow 4 Natural Cures for Relief
Although the occurrence of fibroids is very common these days, it is a matter of concern that there is no single guaranteed fibroid cure. Modern medicine with the exception of hysterectomy does not provide any permanent treatment for uterine fibroids. Fibroids can at times get very painful and the only way to get uterine fibroid pain relief is by shrinking the tumors in size as far as possible.
Medical uterine fibroid treatment methods range from drug therapy to surgery. With the help of drug therapy hormonal levels in the body is altered to discourage the growth of fibroids. However there are a number of side effects associated with this method of uterine fibroid treatment. For example, Lupron suppresses the production of estrogen in the body. However its side effects like hot flushes, vaginal dryness and loss of libido are similar to those of menopause. Research has also indicated connection between osteoporosis and prolonged use of hormonal therapies.
In all surgical procedures with the exception of hysterectomy fibroids normally reappear after some time. Hysterectomy or removal of the womb is a major surgical procedure which most women are apprehensive of and resort to as the last recourse.
That leaves us with very little to resort to in treatment for uterine fibroids. So what does one do for uterine fibroid pain relief?
1.Stop hormonal contraceptives in case you are having them. These contraceptives boost the growth of estrogen and hence the fibroid tumors also.
2.Pay attention to what you eat. Avoid foods which contain natural estrogen like flax seeds, soy beans and tofu. Avoid processed meat and consume at least 5 helpings of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables.
3.Stay away from estrogen mimicking substances which are commonly found in pesticides and environmental pollutants. In case you want to get rid of toxins already present in your system it is best to go in for liver detox.
4.Using heat pads on the abdomen and gently massaging the affected area can also provide you uterine fibroid pain relief.
The absence of reliable uterine fibroid pain relief methods and other forms of treatment for uterine fibroids led an alternative practitioner to provide an online solution to women suffering from fibroids. Due to geographical distance it was virtually impossible for her to reach and provide natural uterine fibroid treatment options to women the world over. Hence she opted for serving customers online and teaching them to shrink fibroids naturally by using a simple 7 step plan devised by her.
Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks. This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of fibroids naturally, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine Finroid Treatment
Frequently Asked Questions
Has anyone tried any natural cures for Uterine Fibroids? & Did it really work?
I am concerned that I may have uterine fibroids. My period has changed signifcantly from my norm of 3 days of light bleeding to 1 day of spotting, 2 days of very heavy bleeding (leaking through super plus tampon ever 2 hours), 2 days of regular bleeding and another 2 days of spotting for a total of 7 days now. My period has also changed from every 28 days to every 26 days. Each month my period has gotten longer and heavier. My mother had fibroid tumors and had to have a hysterectomy. It is my understanding fibroids are hereditary. I would like to know about natural obtainable cures that actually work.-
i suffer from uterine fibroids, as did my mother, older sister, and 4 of my 1st cousins. one natural cure that i saw and only used once was Cheyenne pepper. one teaspoon at nite in a full glass of water. it is a very hot nasty taste. i battled fibroids for maybe 10 yrs. before i ended up in the er with hemorrhage. i didn’t have a hysterectomy. i had a myomectomy. they cut the fibroid off the outside of my uterus. i have a cut from my naval down, i was in the hospital for 3 days and out of work for 6 wks. the 1st 2 periods were bad and then the were great, but that only can last 6 yrs, its been 8 for me, I’m now starting to have problems again. I’m 48 now and if i have to be cut again i will just have the hysterectomy. a co-worker had a myomectomy, and she went on to have 2 full-term healthy babies. i considered my age at the time. you can get a book of home remedies at a major book store, try some of what you may find in them. good luck! in short do what’s best for you and your lifestyle. you have to live with the results.
what is a natural cure for uterine fibroids?-
http://www.fibroid101.com/Read this and maybe it will assist you!!!
Abnormal menstrual cycle? I NEED HELP!!!?
OK, this may end up being a little long, but I need to know. And before I start, let me just say, I have NOT been to the doctor yet, mainly because I’m too scared to find out what is wrong.I have been having really weird, abnormal periods for a little over a year now. I track how long my period is every month on a small calendar that I carry in my purse. The troubles really began in July-August of ’08, I had my period starting July 18th, but it didn’t END until August 28th!!! I went for 6 weeks! And then September came and I started on the 12th, ended on the 19th. One week. October I started on the 26th and ended on November 1st. Then for the rest of November and all of December, I didn’t have a period, at all! Then in January of this year, I started on the 12th, ended on the 22nd. This period was VERY light and instead of being a bright red color, it was brown and pink with very little red mixed in. And then in February, I started on the 9th, it’s now the 6th of March and I’m still going strong. I’m not bleeding heavily, but it IS steady. A couple of times in the last week it seemed like I was going to stop bleeding, but then an hour or two later, I would start bleeding more steadily again.
I’m not on birth control, in fact it’s the opposite, my husband and I have been trying to conceive since October, but haven’t been successful yet. My question is, does this sound like just a regular cyst on one or both of my ovaries, or is something more serious? I’ve researched all over the internet about abnormal periods and haven’t been able to find anything. I don’t have the symptoms for uterine fibroids, I don’t really have any symptoms at all, other than regular “period symptoms” like mild cramping, lower backache and headaches and bloating. Which if I take Pamprin or Midol, those go away for a few hours, so they’re not bothersome at all, other than they’re a constant to go along with all of my bleeding.
If this is just cysts, what will the doctor do? What can I expect as far as an exam and treatment? Should I be as worried and scared of this as I am? Is there a “natural cure” for this, something I can do on my own? Please don’t be rude, I’m seriously worried sick about this and would really like to know what’s going on, but at the same time I don’t. Does that make sense? If it’s nothing serious, then I want to know, but if it’s major, I’m scared to find out!
ok, your symptoms are somewhat similat to mine! I had a transvaginal ultrsound and they found fibroids in my uterus! You really need to see a doctor because if you are having trouble with your period as i am & you have not been successful with pregnancy you may have fibroids, cysts, endometriosis etc… It may be nothing which i hope! but the only way to really know is by having the correct tests done! good luck. also, if it’s cysts or fibroids or something else, the doctor can do procedures that will not affect your fertility!

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