Natural Cures Fibroids

Is It Really Possible Shrink Fibroids With Natural Remedies?

Is it actually possible to shrink fibroids naturally and get rid of it completely over a period of time? Are surgical options the only way of treating uterine tumors or are there other non invasive methods that can restrict the growth of fibroid tumors and prevent the growth of new ones? Do natural remedies provide permanent cure for fibroids with zero chances of the uterine tumors growing back?
These were some of the concerns I had when I realized that I was suffering from fibroids. I was in my mid thirties so hysterectomy was completely ruled out. I was not prepared to lose my womb at such an early stage in my life. I did a lot of research on my own. I participated in online health forums and exchanged notes with other women suffering from fibroids. Here in this article I am going to share my findings.
I learnt that it is indeed possible to stop the growth of fibroids naturally without resorting to medication and other typical conventional procedures. Most natural cures aim to reduce the levels of estrogen in the body since excess estrogen is known to be the most common cause of uterine tumors. Natural remedies work to eliminate each and every possible cause of fibroids in a systematic manner thereby ensuring that the tumors do not grow back
Here are some of the most common natural remedies used to help shrink fibroids.
Healthy diet
We are what we eat. Especially while undergoing fibroid treatment this aspect must not be overlooked. This is because some foods actually trigger the growth of fibroids and hence must be avoided at all cost. To begin with you must immediately switch over to organically grown fruits and vegetables. Organic food is grown without the use of pesticides and chemicals. Pesticides, chemicals, and added hormones trigger the growth of fibroids. By consuming organic foods, it is possible to slow down the growth of fibroids. It is also important to completely stay away from or reduce your intake of red meats, diary products, and foods high in saturated fat and sugar.
Ensure that you drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day to flush out toxins from the body.
Liver detox
To ensure that the liver is functioning effectively and in a position to metabolize excess estrogen it would be worthwhile for you to undergo a liver detox.
When I started looking out for a qualified alternate medicine practitioner to treat my fibroids naturally, I was not able to find one easily. Thanks to internet I came across a number of real life stories of women who had managed to treat their uterine tumors with the help of natural cures. On the internet I came across a seven step plan developed by an alternate medicine practitioner that had already helped thousands of women the world over shrink fibroids naturally. This plan comes with a money back guarantee and is available for immediate download anywhere in the world. It provides step by step instruction on how to shrink fibroids naturally with the help of non-surgical cures.

Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? Do you know of a proven fibroids treatment that will start giving you relief within a few weeks of use? Although this may seem impossible it is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of fibroids naturally, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine Finroid Treatment

About the author: I am an ex banker turned home maker. As soon as I reached the age of 40 I started experiencing a number of typical “women’s problems”. Like most others I too always resorted to modern medicines as my first line of treatment. Needless to say it was always accompanied by a number of side effects. Sick and tired of bearing up with the side effects I decided to do some research of my own. Thanks to internet I came across ideas and methods of natural cure for most of these typical women’s issues. I have tried these out personally and now am a strong believer in nature cure. Nature Cure is absolutely safe, has no side effects and offers permanent solution for most of our problems.


Frequently Asked Questions

    Has anyone tried any natural cures for Uterine Fibroids? & Did it really work?
    I am concerned that I may have uterine fibroids. My period has changed signifcantly from my norm of 3 days of light bleeding to 1 day of spotting, 2 days of very heavy bleeding (leaking through super plus tampon ever 2 hours), 2 days of regular bleeding and another 2 days of spotting for a total of 7 days now. My period has also changed from every 28 days to every 26 days. Each month my period has gotten longer and heavier. My mother had fibroid tumors and had to have a hysterectomy. It is my understanding fibroids are hereditary. I would like to know about natural obtainable cures that actually work.

    • ANSWER:
      i suffer from uterine fibroids, as did my mother, older sister, and 4 of my 1st cousins. one natural cure that i saw and only used once was Cheyenne pepper. one teaspoon at nite in a full glass of water. it is a very hot nasty taste. i battled fibroids for maybe 10 yrs. before i ended up in the er with hemorrhage. i didn’t have a hysterectomy. i had a myomectomy. they cut the fibroid off the outside of my uterus. i have a cut from my naval down, i was in the hospital for 3 days and out of work for 6 wks. the 1st 2 periods were bad and then the were great, but that only can last 6 yrs, its been 8 for me, I’m now starting to have problems again. I’m 48 now and if i have to be cut again i will just have the hysterectomy. a co-worker had a myomectomy, and she went on to have 2 full-term healthy babies. i considered my age at the time. you can get a book of home remedies at a major book store, try some of what you may find in them. good luck! in short do what’s best for you and your lifestyle. you have to live with the results.

    Natural cures for fibroids.?
    Has anyone tried a natural cure for fibroids without having surgery?And if so what was it,and did it work.

    • ANSWER:
      When I owned an herb store, several customers got good results from using products with Red Root in them. Works pretty quickly to shrink the uterine fibroids and breast cysts, alleviate symptoms. It doesn’t cure them, I don’t think, and the treatment must be repeated when they flare up.

      Here is one product: or you can just take the red root extract by itself.

      Fibroids are made worse by oral contraceptives and high estrogen levels.Some other herbs known to help shrink them are: Violet leaves, Black Cohosh and Thuja. For pain, use Cramp Bark. For bleeding, use Shepherd’s Purse. Many women find the fibroids go away after menopause.

    Does anybody knows a natural cure for fibroids, only serious answers please?
    I have fibroids and they are very big, my GYN doctors prescribed 6 months of Lupron they help a little bit but the fibroids are growing back, does any body know any natural cure for fibroids, I will appreciate it

    • ANSWER:
      There are a few things that you can try.

      Vitex is one of the most widely known women’s herbs.
      researchers believe that vitex works by regulating the pituitary gland,the one that tells other glands how much of each hormone to make.
      The hormone in question here is estrogen,on which vitex has a regulating effect.
      Vitex needs to be taken for 6 months for it’s full benefits to be felt.
      An alternative practitioner typical dosage prescription would be any where from 2,000 to 5,000 milligrammes in capsules per day,or one to two dropperfuls of tincture 2 times per day.
      Caution-to not take during pregnancy,and Vitex can also lesson the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

      Dietary supplements
      To help shrink fibroids,try taking the following supplements once daily for 3 to 4 months.
      Vitamin C: 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams
      Selenium: 400 micrograms and Zinc: 30 milligrams.

      Uterine fibroid tea.
      This tea combines hormone balancing herbs with those that ease cramps.
      2 teaspoons vitex
      1 teaspoon black cohosh root
      half teaspoon dandelion root
      half teaspoon prickly ash bark
      quarter teaspoon cramp bark
      quarter teaspoon cinnamon bark
      4 cups of water.
      Combine the herbs and water and bring to the boil.
      lower heat and allow tea to simmer for a few minutes.
      Remove from the heat and steep for 20 minutes.
      Strain and drink at least 2 cups a day for 3 to 4 months.

      When you have a bath,you can add several drops of rosemary,lavender,or juniper essential oils to stimulate pelvic circulation.

      You could also try a castor oil pack
      The skin absorbs warm castor oil’s active constituents,lectins,which stimualate the immune response to help shrink fibroids.
      Five drops of essential can also be added to a castor oil pack to encourage relaxation.
      to make a pack,soak a clean cloth in castor oil,then place it on the abdomen or on any painful areas.
      Cover the cloth with plastic wrap,then another clean cloth.
      Then apply a heat sorce-A hot water bottle,a heating pad,a cloth bag of lentils,corn,or rice that has been microwaved for a few minutes.
      Leave on for about an hour.

      red raspberry
      This herb is useful if your fibroids cause excessive bleeding during menstruation.
      herbalists believe that it gradually improves the tone of the uterus.
      A typical dosage would be 1 to 2 cup of tea 2 or 3 times a day.
      (steep 1 teaspoon of dried leaves in a cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes).
      Caution- If you are or think you might be pregnant,use only under the supervision of an experienced practioner.

      Also in traditional chinese medicine,it is believed that taking milk thistle can also help.
      I hope I was of some help and I hope that you are feeling alot better real soon.
      Take care.

    what natural way can I get rid of my fibroids?
    Natural cures for uterus fibroids

    • ANSWER:

    what is a natural cure for uterine fibroids?

    • ANSWER:

      Read this and maybe it will assist you!!!

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