Menorrhagia Uterine Fibroids

     Menorrhagia due to uterine fibroids

Fibroids are non-cancerous extensions of the uterus. For the most part, they are undisruptive. They are very common among females and are not a subject of concern. Caucasian women have less chances of developing fibroids as compared to non-Caucasians. Also, these are much prevalent in women who are older than 25 years.

Mostly, they occur singly but they are also found in groups. They vary significantly in size. They can be as small as bean and can be as large as pumpkin. Sometimes, fibroids become so big that they weigh up to 50 pounds. These large size fibroids become a source of utter discomfort and should be treated properly.

Although the accurate causes of fibroids are still anonymous, yet birth control pills, improper diet, mental fatigue etc are alleged to be the ground of fibroids. Their growth is attributed to estrogen as it plays an imperative role in the development of fibroids. Higher the level of estrogen, higher would be the size of fibroids. Estrogen is produced by the ladies during their menstrual cycle. From the initial menstrual cycle to the last menstrual cycle, women keep on producing estrogen. It indicates that until and unless women reach menopause, the size of fibroids, if any, will keep on increasing. It is because of this reason that fibroids don’t develop in women who have reach menopause.

Fibroids can be treated through different manners like hormonal therapy, surgery and herbal medicines. Hormonal therapy doesn’t provide permanent solutions and has various side-effects. It is used n combination with surgical methods. Surgical methods include myomectomy (removal of fibroids) and hysterectomy (removal of uterus). Herbal medicines like fibroclear, vitex are very effective in shrinking fibroids.

Fibroids are not associated with any particular set of symptoms. Each patient shows different signs. However, some of the common symptoms include heavy periods, delays in menstrual cycle, abdominal pain, pain in rectum etc. Large-size fibroids exert sufficient pressure on the internal organ causing a pain in the pelvic area. They may also press some nerve causing back pain.

The condition of having intense and extended periods at regular intervals is called as menorrhagia. It causes blood loss and cramps. Sometimes, the condition becomes so severe that the routine life of patient gets badly hurt. The patient tries to avoid people and gets a bit irritated. She gets distressed and doesn’t leave home from the fear of getting away from bathroom. Menorrhagia due to uterine fibroids becomes a very serious situation in some circumstances.

At times, menorrhagia due to uterine fibroma becomes so critical that there is an excessive loss of blood. This particular condition is known as anemia. It is characterized by fatigue, dizziness, weakness etc. It should be treated timely because if left untreated or treatment is delayed, it can result badly. The condition becomes more severe if the woman is pregnant for the reason that now two lives are suffering from iron deficiency. The patient should be given iron rich-stuff such as iron supplements, fibrous food so that she no longer remains deficient in iron.


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