How to Stop Fibroid Bleeding Naturally
One of the most unpleasant aspects of fibroids can be heavy bleeding. If you would like to know how to stop fibroid bleeding naturally, there are a number of steps you can take. Of course, it is better if you can eliminate your fibroids completely, as this will permanently stop the associated symptoms.
Surgery and conventional drug treatment can do much to help to minimize or even stop the bleeding. However, it is important that you understand that these are only ever temporary measures, as fibroids can regrow. This is because unless you eliminate the root cases of fibroids, the factors which caused them in the first place are still there within your body and will fuel further growth.
Indeed, the only effective way to eliminate your fibroids altogether is by using a multifaceted approach which systematically deals with all the possible primary and secondary causes. To do this, you will need to combine dietary and lifestyle modifications together with detox and stress relief strategies.
To temporarily stop fibroid bleeding naturally, try taking supplements. Vitamins A, C and E, together with Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 will help, but will take time to be effective. A heat pad on the pelvic area can help to ease blood congestion and cramping. Certain foods can help to minimize bleeding, and you can try lean meats and poultry, green leafy vegetables, beans, peas and wholegrain. Although not a natural way to stop fibroid bleeding, an anti-inflammatory such as Ibuprofin can be useful.
If you suffer from heavy bleeding, the associated symptoms of pain and anemia can be debilitating. It is really worth considering dealing with your fibroids once and for all.
If you would like to see further information on how to stop fibroid bleeding naturally and please visit How To Get Rid Of Fibroids.
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Frequently Asked Questions
irregular,non-stop menstrual bleeding with spotting.I have subserosal fibroid in my uterus pls help me?
i had irregular periods contacted gyn & had scan subserosal fibroid was there.She told me since i ws willing to have child not to have it removed but now i am in mexico not in india .Now heavy bleeding with spotting has occured since 1 month.I dont know what to do here language is a problem pls suggest me any home remedy to stop menstural bleeding .I am very depressed.I am doing ramdev yoga so that the fibroid will dissolve.Pls help i dont know why these fibroids come as it is ruining my life like anything.Pls suggest me how to have regular periods & stop this non – stop bleeding- ANSWER:
does the birth control pill ortho tryclyclen lo cause a vaginal discharge that lasts a while but doesnt smell?
bad or cause irritation? if so how can i stop this? i take it to stop my fibroid bleeding and it works so far for this but i get this discharge after my period is over and i think the pill is causing it. I go to the free clinic and if i tell them about it they will just change me to another pill which i really dont want anymore,ive already tried others and they didnt control the bleeding like this one does.- ANSWER:
yes it is possible that the birth control pill that you are taking is causing the discharge . some of the known causes for excessive discharge include
Some of the known causes of vaginosis include* Cigarette smoking
* A change in sexual partner
* Having unprotected sex
* Excessive washing or douching
* Any vaginal infections like pelvic infections which tend to make the vaginal environment alkaline
* Hormonal changes occurring during and after pregnancy
* Drugs – oral contraceptives and antibiotics
* Reduced levels of Lactobacilli in the body
there are a number of natural cures which you can take to treat the condition. Normally the kind of discharge you are experiencing without odor is a symptom of bacterial vaginosis which can be treated at home with bacterial vaginosis natural cure. This infection can at times cause a fishy smelling vaginal odor also—Are-There-Any-Simple-Remedies-to-Get-Rid-of-it-For-Good?&id=4498211
Abnormal Bleeding?
I’ve been spotting on and off for over a month. I took herbal tea and the bleeding stop (still some brown spotting occasionally) The problem is whenever I stand up or start walking I feel like blood would be coming out (sorry I don’t know how else to describe that feeling) I just have that heavy feeling down there and makes me very uncomfortable. I am 33 years old and not on any BC pills. I had pap smears, ultrasound, blood test and pelvic exam and all came back normal. I wonder if anyone had this problem before? Do you think cysts or fibroid can cause this kinda problem? Or it’s just hormone imbalance?
Polyps or fibroids will cause it! You need to have a transvaginal ultrasound. It will let them see if something is in your uterus. I had surgery for a large polyp in my uterus and I was spotting for 6 months before surgery. Also had fluid gush out at times. Sorry if that was “too much information” but I am trying to be helpful and honest. You said you had an ultrasound but was it a regular one (where they run something over your tummy) ? If so you need the transvaginal kind. They found my polyp right away with one. What ever you decide you need to return to your gynocologist and tell him/her you are still having problems. It may not be anything serious but it’s not normal.
pregnancy-unexplained bleeding?
I am 17 weeks pregnant , last LMP was 08-03-10. I have had spottingon april 29 which lasted for few hrs. Since then I have been inserting crinone 8% once at night.At week 13 I had extreme shooting contraction like pains in the left groin for a day after which i bled the next morning with dark colored clots.I was hospitalized and was given intravenous duvadilan drips for 48 hrs. The bleeding stopped in few hrs of hospitalization & pain after few days. The sonography showed a healthy baby and os closed.All blood tests were carried and reports were normal.I m continuing with duvadilan twice a day, crinone gel once at night gasex in case of gastric, prenatal & shell cal (both given from 24 june),also i was on moderate bed rest, cervix birth canal mesured 3.1 cms. on 16 weeks scan as against 3.7 on week 13.Again on 28 I got cramps this time milder and the doctor adviced duvadilan at intervals of 8 hrs and rest and it has helped so far.As per doc there is no evident reason for bleeding as everything is normal. The pain i get is over an inch place from left side of mid genital to the thigh join making left leg heavy and painful.NOtes:-I have undergone a disc prolapse surgery in 2005 for S1-L5 where i felt numbness in left leg.-i have gone for appendix operation at 5 yrs age-i had itp for few months at the age of 9 yrs and its completely cured.-i conceived normally within 1 month of plannning-my anomaly scan and triple test results are also normal.-I HAVE A FIBROID of 45*42 mm in anterior wall on lower part.-placenta is anterior-tlc was 13.8, rest thyroids,sugar everything is normal-I had intercourse 4 days before the bleeding, can it be the cause-i bled when i switched to susten instead of crinone.questions:-what could be possible reason for bleeding and pains-how much is the chance to carry to term,-should i be on bed rest, is my cervix length within range, i am only 5 ft in height-in which organ am i witnessing pain?-can i go for normal delivery-is there chance of preterm labor, how to avoid it.i am highly stressed as i want to have this child.
plz help“- ANSWER:
stress is a big factor for conceiving woman to have regularly visit your OB so there’s nothing so much to worry about. just be sure to follow all the orders given..GOing for a check up is the best way to answer your questions..
Just had a miscarriage–>PCOS girl?
Its so hard to sit here and write about this. I cant even begin to explain the pain that I feel. I dont know how to go on. I waited 5 long years to get pregnant. When I decided to give us a break, it happened. We finally got pregnant. Didn’t even need clomid. The baby stuck and didnt want to leave. My husband and I couldnt have been happier. It was 12 weeks of bliss as I imagined myself as a mommy and finally holding my baby. I loved to see my tummy grow. My husband would talk to my belly and kiss it goodbye every morning. We were so attached and so in love with our baby. Little did I know that it was all comming to an end. I dont understand how God could give me the most beautiful gift and then take it away. I’m trying not to loose faith but I feel so empty and raw inside. Why my baby?…why me? How am I going to go on watching all these pregnant women around me? How will I go on? And how can I continue to have faith in God when he’s done this to me? Why?
I’m trying to hold it together as best as I can for my husband. I find him crying around the house when he thinks that I’m not paying attention. We’re heartbroken. I just want to make him a daddy. I want it so bad…more than I want to breathe.
To make things worse I made the mistake of checking my clots…I saw the little body. I touched it…it broke me inside. And to make things worse the rest wont leave my insides. Its still there. I’m supposed to go back to my doctor on Thursday to discuss the next procedure but the doc doesnt think that I need a d&c. I’m thinking that he wants to do another lap surgery and take out my fibroid while he’s in there.Can anyone tell me how you went on after this?
How long after did you restart metformin?
Did you concieve again? How long after?
When did you get af after m/c?
Did it stick?
Did you go to term?
my info:
32 years old
married for 5 years & together 13 yrs
New large fibroid
Crohn’s DiseaseTaking:
Methyldopa (htn)
Toprol xl (htn)
Nifedipine (htn)
Pentasa (Crohn’s)
Nexium (just resumed- Crohns)
Mercaptopurine (Crohn’s)
Prenatals (still)
Vit B
Folic acid
Iron (until I stop bleeding so much)
Acidophillus (to help w/stomach issues)I’ve had lap surgery to correct endometriosis up into my fallopian tube. Ovarian drilling to help me ovulate easier. D&C to clean things up.
for those who think that i’m on TOO MANY MEDS
the meds that i’m on are to control my hypertension and Crohn’s disease which would both impede my chances of getting pregnant and delivering a healthy baby if they got out of control
pls dont answer questions that you know nothing about.
I’m a clinical assistant and a student nurse…I know my meds and I know how they are helping me.- ANSWER:
I am so sorry to hear that. That breaks my heart just reading it. I know that it doesn’t help now, but God does have plans for us. We just don’t always know what they are for awhile.

Fibroid Bleeding After Menopause
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What Causes Fibroids To Bleed
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Fibroids Heavy Periods
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Uterine Fibroids And Bleeding
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I have fibroids have been bleeding for a month .can anything be done
Wot can someone use for fibroid without surgery