Homeopathic Treatment for Fibroids- An Alternative Method for Getting Rid of Uterine Tumors
Homeopathic treatment for uterine fibroids is based on the principle that our own body’s immune system is equipped to treat any ailment that we suffer from. Homeopaths make use of diluted substances in the form of pills or tablets to treat fibroid tumors in uterus. This form of treatment takes a little time to produce results. However the relief which you will get will be a permanent one with zero side effects.
In case you are serious about going in for homeopathy for fibroid cure the sooner you start the better it is. With this type of treatment you will be able to avoid invasive surgical procedures. Unlike conventional treatment, there is no need for you to take any hormonal drugs while undergoing this type of treatment. Homeopathy is particularly effective to treat small sized fibroids. The homeopathy medicines control the growth of new fibroids and gradually reduce the size of existing ones. It also provides relief from fibroid symptoms like anemia and urinary bladder issues.
There are almost 100 homeopathy medicines that provide relief from fibroid tumors in uterus. The choice of medicines and relief largely depends upon the correctness of the judgement on part of the homeopathic doctor. Before beginning the treatment the doctor will perform certain basic health checks and understand the complete medical history of the patient. Thereafter the course of medicine is decided upon which may vary from person to person. Unlike conventional treatment here there is no single medicine which is prescribed for all for relief from fibroid symptoms.
Some of the common homeopathic medicines prescribed by doctors to treat uterine fibroids include Conium maculatum, Hydrastis, Hydrocotyle, Acid nitricum, Thuja occidantalis, Trillium pendulum, Thlaspi bursa, Aurum metallicum, Caulophyllum and Lachesis.
For homeopathic treatment of fibroids it is best to consult a qualified practitioner. Homeopathy is a special branch of medicine. For safe and sure treatment it is of utmost importance that your doctor is knowledgeable and in a position to guide you properly with your treatment.
Homeopathy is a safe, effective and a natural alternative to drugs, hormonal treatment and invasive surgeries. Fibroids are one of conditions where homoeopathy has been very effectively used to treat patients and avoid surgery.
While making use of homeopathic treatment for uterine fibroids you must be prepared to be patient. Please do not expect instant results overnight. Homeopathic medicines do not provide quick fix solutions. These medicines aim to eliminate the root cause of the uterine tumors and equip the body to fight ailments on its own. For total fibroid cure the homeopathic treatment must be sought for at least 2 to 18 months depending upon the number and size of fibroid tumors in uterus.
Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? Do you know of a proven fibroids treatment that will start giving you relief within a few weeks of use? Although this may seem impossible it is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of fibroids naturally, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine Fibroid Treatment
Frequently Asked Questions
How does one get rid of fibroids naturally? I was told there are certain types of food that increase growth.?-
check out my article http://ezinearticles.com/?Foods-Which-Make-Fibroid-Tumors-Grow-and-Worsen-the-Uterine-Fibroid-Symptoms&id=2970406
can you get rid of fibroids naturally?-
about it you can find information from the following website
how to get rid of fibroids naturally?-
There is no natural way to get rid of fibroids. Fibroids grow because of Istragen hormone.
Is there a natural remedy for uterine fibroids?
I don’t have bothersome symptoms, but I have 6 large fibroids. I want to get pregnant in the future. My doctor said I’ll have no trouble getting pregnant, but I’m likely to have trouble during pregnancy. I keep myomectomy as a last resourt. Cause there are so many possible complications like adhesions and having to have a C-section. I want my body to get rid of them naturally. Any advise? Like exercise or fasting? I know that fibroids a hormone-dependent. I also know that girls lose their period if they fast long enough. Will that do anything?-
I answered your other question and seeing this makes me feel for you as it must be awful fearing you may not be able to have kids.I couldn’t find too much but I did search and found this
The great Dr John R Christopher said burdock helps fibroids..if taking use an organic tincture..the usual dose is two dropperfuls (60 drops)..3-5 times a day..I would use 5 times a day. a dropperful is what remains in the eyedropper of a tincture bottle when you squeeze the bulb, inset into the herbal tincture formula, release eyedropper top..what remains in the drop is called a dropperful and looks about half full..this eliminates the need to count drops. a few off will not hurt on herbs.
A good brand is herbpharm..they have a good burdock blend. Burdock is not harmful..it is a blood cleanser and sold in some places as a food,.
http://www.herballegacy.com/Light_Chemical.htmlI once read his woman’s herbal years ago but can’t remember if he addressed fibroids there but it may be worth a shot..I got it from interlibrary loan.
it is also sold here–
Also curezone has a lot of excellent health info..here is some of the things on fibroid there.
so I would revcommend this book and the ons by linda page and balche in the other questions for hormone balancing and the burdock and further research on curezone and elsewhere to trying to dissolve the fibroids.
Also maybe Dr Richard schulze’s incurables formula may help..(push enter and go to the incurables program..he is the one with the female herbal formula and said he never failed to help infertile woman or women with female problems who wanted to have a child fail..I bet he used his incurables formula with his female herbs..also see his index in the catalog found at herbdoc.com
Is surgery my only option for Fibroid tumors?
Hi I’m a 27 year old female from Los Angeles, CA and was detected that I have 3 Fibroid tumors. This year in May 2010 I got my period and was having excruciating pain that I didn’t know why was it that bad. So thinkig it didn’t seem normal to me I went to go see a doctor and the doctor told me I had a bladder infection and gave me meds. So from that I thought okay that was the problem then No more worries. Well surely after I didn’t get my period in June but I was having early bad cramps since I didn’t get my period on time I decided to go see a Gyno she had said I have Yeast infection but she seemed like it’s no biggie that it’s treatable but had said she wanted me to get a pelvic ultra sound with a radiologist. So since she didn’t seemed worried I went to go get the test and got an unexpected suprise that I have 3 Fibroid tumors but away from my uteros. As some of you who have been in my situation know how I felt and was really dumbfounded. I even know a couple of friends who have had it and have been through really bad situations which I would want to go through. I’ve never had kids but would like to have some one day. I am not sure on the sizes of tumors but from what I saw in the ultrasound two might look like the size of a golf ball around there and one is a little bigger Im just guessing. I’m supposed to go see my gyno in a week. I was away in Australia for a year 2009 and had bad cramp pain but not as much as i’ve been having it here back home so makes me wonder I may have had it that long. I have faith that I’m hoping that all will go well. I’ve been told by several people that I can naturally get rid of them but I would have to be in a strict diet and that the fibroids may come back. So would this be an option if I really take care of myself?Ladies only who have had it a couple of questions; What was your experience when you had it? Are there certain foods that I should watch out for? What would be my best decision to get rid of these tumors and still have a chance in the future of having a baby with my current partner? How long does it take to recover? I was told there’s laser surgery to get them removed. Would that be safe? I dont have insurance but might be getting medical so pray for me and wish me luck. Please share some of your similar experiences with me and maybe some way to aleviate my pain that im having right now. . . I DO NOT WANT MY UTERUS TO GET REMOVED so please any advice you can give me I would truly appreciate it. 🙂
There is a minimally invasive procedure called uterine fibroid embolization (you can Google this for more info). It is done by an interventional radiologist. A small incision is made in your groin and catheters are inserted until they reach the blood vessels supplying the fibroids. Small particles are injected into these vessels to block them. This causes the fibroids to shrink as they no longer have any blood supply. Over several weeks to months the fibroids shrivel up and you will not have any more symptoms. This is a quick procedure, about an hour and does not require a hospital stay. Ask your gynecologist if you are a candidate for this procedure and if he/she can refer you to a doctor that does this. This procedure is good for young women who want to preserve their uterus for future pregnancny.
Hope this was helpful.

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