Uterine Fibroids And Stress
Uterine fibroids and stress do not sit well together. Indeed, controlling stress is one of the most crucial components for controlling fibroid symptoms and eliminating them altogether. Recent studies have shown a link between stress and the aggravation of the symptoms of fibroids and although stress does not directly cause fibroids to grow, it is believed that when combined with other factors, such as a poor diet or build up of liver toxins, it is a contributory factor.
Stress production can stimulate the body to produce a variety of biological responses, including the release of stress hormones, an increase in blood pressure, the contracting of muscles and an increase in blood sugar. Stress can slow down the healing ability of the immune system, which, in turn, slows down general healing.
The elevation of blood sugar can change the bacterial environment in the gut which can decrease the number of beneficial bacteria, causing yeast conditions to proliferate.
One of the problems with uterine fibroids and stress is not only that stress is believed to play a part in helping cause fibroids, but it is thought that if you are stressed, existing fibroid symptoms, such as cramping and pains can seem much worse. Also, stress can disrupt hormone levels, causing issues with the menstrual cycle meaning that periods can become irregular and heavier, causing estrogen levels to rise which can cause cells to multiply and cause fibroids.
Although stress in itself is not a direct and primary cause of fibroids, it may certainly be contributing to them and your symptoms. The link between uterine fibroids and stress is strong enough that it is recognised by many experts and it is therefore wise to take steps to control stress levels wherever possible using relaxation techniques-some of which can be very effective.
Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you. In addition, it also contains a section on uterine fibroids and stress to help you with managing your own stress levels.
Frequently Asked Questions
Perimenopause or something wrong?
I have an appt with a gyno next month.. I’m 33 and have had a few operations that females have, it’s always felt wrong inside and there are forever cysts growing and rupturing , but this year, I’ve had 2 cycles since Jan .. One in march, I believe, another in June and here it is almost September and nothing yes my stress is high, seems to always have been, anyone had experience with their monthly gift stopping for months.. In the past, the surg was because things wouldn’t stop, now, I don’t know what’s going in with my body, no chance of being pg. It’s impossible b/c no physical contact all year. I’ve wondered about fibroids, but now wondering about perimenopause. Any woman out there ever experience this?
To add to this. I’ve spent yesterday going from freezing to burning up and have been clammy.. And lately, have the urge to eat a lot many times a day. Not petite like I have been since 18. It’s a monster gorging with food between the flashes
Ty. I think they check my thyroid every blood test. My last dr always kept checking. It’s norm-
There are a large number of reasons why your period could have stopped and so it’s difficult for the doc to initially tell why so he’ll have to perform a lot of tests. Howevrer, I recommend that when you see your doctor, ask him to do an FSH blood test. This value will always be elevated if you are in menopause or getting near, but always be low if you are a normal 33 year old fertile woman. It’s a test docs will rarely think to perform in your situation, but which will give an immediate answer to your question. If it’s high, then you have “premature ovarian failure”–your ovaries are stopping. I don’t know what operations you’ve had, but some can increase risk for ovaries failing. other possibilities are problems with your thyroid gland–make sure your doc orders a blood test for that too.Good luck.
Anyone else in early-mid thirties and think they’re starting perimenopause?
I’m 33. I’ve always had very regular periods up until I got pregnant with our daughter (born last April). Since then I’ve been a hormonal mess. I got back on the pill to help even things out again, and have been having very irregular periods since giving birth. I have 2 periods a month – and this has been getting gradually worse (not better) over the past 4 months or so. I had an ultrasound to check for fibroids or polyps – none found. I just went today to get blood drawn to test for thyroid issues…
In talking with my Mom today, she told me that she started perimenopause in her early-mid thirties, and was completely done with no periods by the age of 42. The things that I described to her (night wakes with sweats; irregular periods after many years of regular ones; mood swings; etc) sounded very familiar.
I can’t help but think that I am much too young for this to be happening. I guess I was just looking for a little support from others in similar places in their lives.-
I have not gone thru perimenopause yet but I have met some other women who have. I have the link to a site that may help you find even more information. If interested in checking it out please e-mail or IM me off site. Please put in the subject line “women’s health site”.
asked earlier, but maybe it didn’t compute?… any input here…?
I’m on Yaz strictly for PMDD, began taking it last October. Normally my period comes around Fri/Sat/Sun, when I begin a new pill pack on Sundays.
My period never came when it was due. I’m technically 8 days late. No, there is no chance of pregnancy, since I had the Essure procedure done back in 12/04.
I’ve been having menstrual type cramping for a few days now, sometimes rather severely. However, there hasn’t been any bleeding at all. I do have a hx of fibroids and polyps, and I do know that there is a small fibroid currently. I also have ovarian cysts, and have been feeling pains in my left ovary almost consistently.
I had an ablation done in 12/04, it lightened up my periods. Taking Yaz made the periods even lighter. I’ll be 40 in Jan. Should I just chalk this up to possibly a perimenopause thing? I had symptoms of peri when I was 36, nothing too severe, mainly hot flashes.
Is this a reason to call my gyn, or do I just wait it out, see what happens next month?
Thanks. 🙂 I wasn’t going to repost it, but I figured, what the heck.
I had left a msg for a nurse to call about this last Wed, nobody ever returned my call. I’m considering making a gyn change, have made a couple of calls today to gyn offices in the area. This isn’t the first time this has happened, with phone calls not being returned. I went through it in May, had to call 5 times in 3 weeks before getting a response.
The joys of being a woman… LOL…
Thank you.-
I would definitely contact the gyn to be sure in case it is not that and something else you can catch it early…it sounds like peri to me but I am not an gyn I would at least call a nurse helpline to go over symptoms just to be sure of the possibilities…
Can anyone give me some input?…?
I’m on Yaz strictly for PMDD, began taking it last October. Normally my period comes around Fri/Sat/Sun, when I begin a new pill pack on Sundays.
My period never came when it was due. I’m technically 8 days late. No, there is no chance of pregnancy, since I had the Essure procedure done back in 12/04.
I’ve been having menstrual type cramping for a few days now, sometimes rather severely. However, there hasn’t been any bleeding at all. I do have a hx of fibroids and polyps, and I do know that there is a small fibroid currently. I also have ovarian cysts, and have been feeling pains in my left ovary almost consistently.
I had an ablation done in 12/04, it lightened up my periods. Taking Yaz made the periods even lighter. I’ll be 40 in Jan. Should I just chalk this up to possibly a perimenopause thing? I had symptoms of peri when I was 36, nothing too severe, mainly hot flashes.
Is this a reason to call my gyn, or do I just wait it out, see what happens next month?
Thanks. 🙂 Oh… remember, I did say Yaz, not Yasmine. They are two different pills. However, your advice was good. I had actually left a message about this with my doc’s office last Wed, but nobody ever returned my call, and I’m considering switching to a new gyn, due to the fact that, back in May, I made a visit to the ER due to a ruptured ovarian cyst. I was told to follow up with the gyn, but was only seen by her after 5-6 phone calls to the office, leaving endless messages, in a period of 3 weeks. FRUSTRATION.
Yes, I’m rambling, sorry about that. I do that when I didn’t get enough coffee. 😉-
Among Yaz’s side effects I have not seen any problems with ones period:
Therefore if you haven’t seen your gynecologist for a few month maybe its time to have a general check up, see how your cysts and fibroid are doing and have a blood test that checks your hormone level, this will indicate whether you are peri-menopausal or not yet.
I am thinking of starting on Clomid…What tests will need to be performed first?
I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago in part to ask about fertility. I am 38 years old and am not wanting to take any drastic measures to get pregnant. I always had a very regular period (every 28 days, could set my watch). Although they were VERY heavy and horrible. The last few years it is all over the place. Some are 21 days, others are 35+. The Dr. said this is probably because I am not ovulating every month now. Since I am 38 and have a family history of early menopause, he did a test to see if maybe I had started perimenopause, but it came back negative. About a year ago they checked for fibroids and found one small one that was so deep in the lining of the uterus that they said it shouldn’t cause any problems. This recent visit the Dr. recommened starting me on Clomid to regulate my ovulation. Will they need to run any additional tests before prescribing Clomid?I have never been pregnant. My husband and I haven’t used any form of conctreception for about 7 years, but I did check for fertility for a couple of years and we generally used back up or abstained during this time. We were NOT very careful and I never got pregnant.
What else should I ask the Dr. when I call? Thanks for your anwers!!
Before starting you on Clomid they need to do an HSG test or an ultrasound first. There is no point in wasting time and money on Clomid if your tubes are blocked or unable to carry the egg to the uterus.I wasted two whole months on my stupid OB’s suggestion to use Clomid. I finally got her to recommend a specialist (reproductive endocrinologist) and went to see him (after waiting another 3 months to get an appointment). Turns out I am slightly hypothyroid (standard blood test for TS3, TSH and TS4) and allergic to sperm (post coital test). Yes, some people say the post coital test is a waste of time, but it’s the only one that shows I have a problem. It’s simply just like a Pap smear the morning after you have sex.
What should you do? Run far away from the OB and see a reproductive endocrinologist who knows what they are doing.

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