Embolization Uterine

A Serious Look into Uterine Artery Embolization

A uterine artery embolization or UAE is known to be an alternative to surgical procedures that could correct uterine fibroids. There are three main kinds of uterine fibroids and these are the subserosal, intramural, and submucous. If you have any of these three kinds of fibroids, the options for treatment might be limited. However, these are also dependent on whether there are organs affected by the fibroids and the symptoms you are experiencing.

Uterine Artery Embolization is Less Invasive

Although a myomectomy, which is a surgical operation that entails tumor removal from the uterus, could be done to address uterine fibroids, UAE is often considered as an alternative treatment for this. This is because it is a non-surgical operation that only calls for minimal invasiveness as a procedure.

Because uterine fibroids require blood supply in order to develop and flourish, uterine artery embolization is done with a focus on the arterial system. The doctor will determine the uterine arteries before he will proceed with the treatment. This is usually done through an x-ray followed by tiny particles injected into the arteries that supply blood to the fibroids.

The particles injected will impede the blood flow to the fibroids thus stopping excessive bleeding. This will also cause the shrinking of the fibroids over a period of time.

Disadvantages of Uterine Artery Embolization

In studies performed to determine the effects of uterine artery embolization, researchers found that while this procedure might be safe for some patients, it required additional surgery for others. There are also women whose symptoms returned five years after the procedure was done.

Another complication that was noted with having a uterine artery embolization is that it can bring on heavy vaginal bleeding. There was a study that showed women who had abnormal bleeding after going through the operation to have their intramural fibroids treated. When an endometrial biopsy was done, it was discovered that these women had necrotic fibroids, which happens when the tissues died because of a lack of blood supplied to the arteries.

After a while, the women were diagnosed of having a septic uterus, thus requiring hysterectomy. Because of this study, it was concluded by doctors that while uterine artery embolization might be safe, it still carries a high risk for infection, especially when done to correct intramural fibroids that are found near the uterine lining. This is because dead tissue is usually what attracts the development of bacteria.

If you are considering a uterine artery embolization for treating fibroid tumors, it is best to first have consultations with your doctor about other options and the possible complications that might arise from the procedure. It is important that you understand the risks involved, so you are making an informed decision.

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Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/womens-health-articles/a-serious-look-into-uterine-artery-embolization-1147097.html

Frequently Asked Questions

    Would having an embolization (Uterine artery, I guess) work on/help with Endometriosis-related pain?
    I have chronic severe pain from Endometriosis and have had 3 Laparoscopic procedures, taken the Lupron shot and exhausted pretty much all of the other pain management options. The only option left is having a hysterectomy, which I don’t want to have unless absolutely necessary. I’ve been researching it a little and wanted to know if having an embolization might help with the Endo pain since it cuts off some of the blood flow that causes Endo.

    Thanks for any helpful info.

    • ANSWER:
      No. Embolization is designed to starve out specific fibroids, which are things inside and/or attached to the uterus. But the endo pain comes from endometrial tissue that is located throughout the abdominal cavity, and embolization does not affect that at all. And while the uterus is there, it will keep making more endometrial tissue which will get into your abdominal cavity and make new places hurt and make the endometriosis worse. But even so, ask your doc and see what he says.

    what are the long term side effects of uterine fibroid embolization?
    I had a uterine fibroid embolization a year and 3 mths ago and i have been fine all this time, but now i am having pain at the site where they did the precedure…. is this a cause for concern had this happened to anyone else, just need to know if i should seek help…

    • ANSWER:
      Um … .

    Successful pregnancy after uterine artery embolization ?
    I a 29 year wanting to conceive a child in a few years. I have a large fibroid in my uterus that will have be removed before conceiving and carrying full term is possible. I DONT want to have any type of surgery for fibroid removal. Another opt. is uterine artery embolization. Not enough research yet to determine if this would cause infertility. Does anyone know of possible pregnancy results after this procedure?

    • ANSWER:
      I don’t think anyone (anyone HERE especially) can tell you what your chances will be of maintaining your fertility after having this procedure. While uterine artery embolization is an effective treatment for uterine fibroids, the effects that it has on the ability to become pregnant, on the development of the fetus, and the ability to carry the fetus to term have not been determined. There are some reports of women becoming pregnant after the uterine artery embolization process and having successful pregnancies. However, there is no conclusive data or scientific results that establish the safety of uterine fibroid embolization on fertility and pregnancy. You already know this.

      MY advice to you would be to have a second opinion about this BEFORE the procedure. Another doctor may not agree with 1) the fibroid needing to be removed/treated before starting your family and 2) A UAE being the best course of treatment for you. Please get another opinion (or two) before deciding to do something that *may* permanently affect your ability to have children.

      Good luck.

    Is the Uterine Fibroid Embolization treatment available for the uninsured and the low income?
    I’m very interested in knowing where I could go to get this treatment in the CA area.

    • ANSWER:
      I would talk to you doctor about that and do some research about it.

    Hysterectomy side effects- what about Uterine Fibroid Embolization?
    I have a bleeding over 3 weeks, my uterine is large and I have Fibroid. My OBGY wants me to have Hysterectomy, I am getting Provera 10mg since last Sunday, and I had increased the doze to 20 mg.
    I am afraid of the surgery, I have heard about Uterine Fibroid Embolization which is non surgical treatment.

    My OBGY does not believe in that and refused to help me. I went to my primary care and got refer to see another OBGY for a second opinion.

    Ladies please tell me about your own experience which procedure did you have.
    What are the side effects of Hysterectomy, mood swing gaining extra weight? How long it takes to heal and be away from work? Thanks,

    • ANSWER:
      A complete hyst would have more side effects than a UFE because of the fact that if they take your ovaries out, you will need to be placed on hormone replacement therapy. The moods swings, hot flashes, etc. are awful from what I’ve been told.

      Here’s a website that might shed some more light on your situation. Good luck to you!


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    • John Lipman MD
    • 26/10/2014

    Hysterectomy is unnecessary for treating symptomatic fibroids. Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is very successful in relieving the patient’s symptoms. Compared to hysterectomy, UAE is safer, less invasive (my patients go home the same day as the procedure with just a bandaid), shorter recovery (5-7 days), and allows women to keep their uterus ! The importance of the uterus even for women that are not interested in future fertility is under appreciated by many physicians. Losing your uterus can have significant consequences for women (psychologically, sexually, increased bone loss) and hysterectomy should be a last resort and not a first line therapy. Women with symptomatic fibroids who aren’t interested in hysterectomy need to get a second opinion from an experienced Interventional Radiologist (physicians that perform UAE). For more information go to http://www.atlii.com or http://www.gotfibroids.com.

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