Cause Of Fibroids

Genital Herpes- Does Hsv1 Cause Genital Herpes?

HSV1 type herpes virus is mainly responsible for causing Cold sores. If you think that HSV1 does not cause genital herpes please revise your opinion. This virus can cause genital herpes. Let us read some salient points about this.

1. Genital herpes is caused by herpes viruses- HSV1 and HSV2. HSV2 rarely causes cold sores but HSV1 that causes cold sores can easily infect the genitals.

2. Anybody with cold sores can infect your genitals with herpes if they have active outbreak of cold sores.

3. A person showing no signs of active sores may also cause genital herpes. Such people shed the virus through their saliva and mucous membranes. This type of virus shedding is called asymptomatic shedding.

4. Before active break out of cold sores a person may begin shedding virus. This is called the prodrome phase.

5. Please find out more about your partner. You may wish to know if they have cold sores. If they show no signs blood screening will tell about the status of their health.

6. If your partner has the problem of cold sores, please keep away from sexual activity during the prodrome phase and active break out.

7. Tingling sensations on the skin will give indication of the prodrome phase.

Please note that once herpes virus enters your body you cannot remove it. Most of us get cold sores during our childhood and then may infect others with genital herpes innocently. Please protect yourself.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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Get more information on skin care and health. The author also writes text and designs creative ideas for myspace comments and myspace layouts.


Frequently Asked Questions

    Can uterine fibroids cause weight gain?
    I have a follow up appt with my doctor on Friday to determine if he found uterine fibroids. I just wanted to know if weight gain is a side effect. I’ve noticed in the past year I have had some weight gain but I have not changed any part of my lifestyle including my diet. If anything I eat a little less and healthier. Does anyone know about this?

    • ANSWER:
      I think the fibroids in themselves can sometimes get quite large and heavy. It might also pay to get your ovaries investigated for Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome, which can cause weight gain.

    Can uterine fibroids cause miscarriages?
    I have had 2 miscarriages in the past year. 🙁 One in October of 2006 and just been treated for another. I have had 2 pregnancies resulting with no complications and healthy babies. During my pregnancy with my son who was born in July 2004, I found out I had uterine fibroids which caused lots of pain during the pregnancy, especially as my tummy expanded! I have had no symptoms ever since but am wondering if this could be related to the previous miscarriages? The doctor wants to remove them surgically but I want more children. I have 4 fibroids on the outter part of the utereus about the size of key limes as he described. Any one ever had this problem who went ahead with the surgery and then had successful births? And is it possible that they are causing the miscarriages? Thanks in advance for you help!

    • ANSWER:
      Fibroids are normally benign in nature. However they usually tend to increase in size during your period and during pregnancies because of hormones. It is possible that if your fibroid get large enough for the fetus not to be able to grown and breathe leading to miscarriages. I am pretty sure that the whole uterus doesnt have to be removed with the fibroid surgery, they can just remove the fibroids, so in theory you should still be able to have more children.

    Is there a way to prevent or reduce the growth of fibroids?
    I understand that fibroids are common and once developed, it really doesn’t go away. But is there a way to prevent getting any more of them or having them grow larger? Is there a certain diet or lifestyle that can be contributed to them?

    I thought I read somewhere that although it is not a certain cause, fibroids seem to occur often in women who experience weight gain.

    • ANSWER:
      Fibroids develop from abnormal cell growth in the uterus (womb). The exact cause of these benign tumors is not known. However, both genetic and environmental conditions have been identified as contributing risk factors for fibroids. A number of factors may increase a woman’s likelihood of developing uterine fibroids. These include:

      Age. Although they can occur at any age after puberty, fibroids most frequently appear in women aged 30 to 40 years old. In addition, early age at menarche, especially before age 10, is considered a risk factor for the condition later in life.

      Genetics and heredity. Research indicates that many fibroids contain alterations in genes that code for uterine muscle cells. Women who have a mother or sister with fibroids appear to be at increased risk of developing them.

      Ethnicity. Fibroids tend to appear more frequently among black women than Caucasians. Also, black women tend to develop fibroids at younger ages, and also typically experience numerous and/or larger fibroids.

      Hormonal changes. Research indicates that the hormones estrogen and progesterone appear to influence the growth of uterine fibroids. When a woman with uterine fibroids experiences hormonal changes during pregnancy, the fibroids typically enlarge. However, after childbirth the fibroids tend to shrink back to the original size. In addition, when women stop menstruating (menopause), uterine fibroids usually shrink or disappear altogether. Other studies indicate that hormones that help the body maintain tissues, such as the insulin-like growth factor, may also affect fibroid growth.

      High-fat diet and alcohol consumption. Significant consumption of red meats (e.g., beef, ham) and alcoholic beverages, especially beer, is associated with an increased risk of developing fibroids in the uterus.

      Obesity. Having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater appears to increase a woman’s risk of developing these benign tumors of the uterus.

      There’s really a lot of great information on fibroids – their prevention, treatment, signs and symptoms at the women’s site below. Take a look – I’m sure you’ll find it helpful!

    what cause fibroids?
    Are fibroids cureabled?what are some of the sighs of it?

    • ANSWER:
      All you ever wanted to know about fibroids:

    can lack of sex cause fibroids?
    can a woman develop fibroids and painful menstruation from lack of sexual intercourse

    • ANSWER:

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