Fibroid Surgery Complications
Do you know about your own body ? And how many do you know? Following me please, women friends. There are uterine fibriods whose growth are affected by the hormones and estrogen on our uterine walls. Most women suffer from them, but they are unware of that. Unfortunately, they are more common as thay age. Though they are benign tumors, they can trigger many discomfort.Stop Fibroid Method Click here
Pain and heavy menstruation is one of the apparent results. About 33% women are affected to blood loss as well as anemia. Freguent need to urinate is another symptom. Large fibriods which give a press on the bladder to reduce its capacity make you have a feeling to urinate more and more often. And with the utrine fibriods are bloating, they can make women looks pregnant. What a horrible thing for the women who want to be slim! If you have a fibroid near the cervix, you will suffer pain while having sex. Most severely, there are many difficulties for you to have children if you have the fibriods within the wall of the uterus. Certainly, there are many other discomfort such as bleeding in between periods, digestive complaints, pelvic pain and so on.
Of course, there are many corresponding ways to deal with the fibriods problem. If you want to none of your own children any more, you will choose the surgery to have a hysterectomy and the fibriods can’t affect you for ever. Another surgery is to have a fibriod embolization and this kind of ways can also make you conceive difficultly. Well, you had better think about some natural cures. Most importantly, you should avoid taking birth control pills and choose a proper weight loss plan. Otherwise, there are many diet changes to help you to control the fibriods. Keep yourself from eating red meat , white bread, flour and so on. Keep yourself from agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, soft plastics and so on. If possible, you had better quit milk. And the organic or goat milk maybe the best choice for you. Besides above ways, a unique, 7 steps plan which are developed by an alternative practitioner is a useful tactic. It has been proved by many thousands of women worldwide and play an important role in the healing. Are you interested in having a try now? Stop Fibroid Secrets Click here
Make effort to stop fibriods. Please pay more attention to your health and treat yourself well. Grab A Copy Click here
Frequently Asked Questions
Fibroid in your twenties and pregnancy?
I know that having fibroids can cause complications with pregnancy, however if you have a small fibroid and you want to have children and you are in your twenties, but will prefer to wait a few years to do so. However you are not sure if the small fibroid will grow in those years.
Would you consider having the children now the fibroid is small so that you can guarantee that you can have children before complications of the fibroid steps in later.
Can taking birth control increased the chance of the fibroid growing bigger faster?-
I have a small fibroid and am currently pregnant. A small fibroid should not cause problems with pregnancy. However, if you are planning to wait a couple of years, there is always the chance it can grow. Removing a fibroid really only usually requires a laparoscopy. Women are also often more fertile after one. So, if you wanted to wait and felt your fibroid had gotten larger, you could always opt for the laparoscopy before getting pregnant.
How to get rid of uterine fibroid without surgery?
I want to kow if there is any natural method of getting rid of a fibroid. I have a very huge fundal fibroid outside my uterus, though it is not creating any discomfort, I am only 28 and this may cause complications in my pregnancy.Can anyone suggest any natural methods for treating this
It is perfectly possible to learn how to get rid of uterine fibroids naturally but first and foremost you must understand that this is not a quick fix approach and will require a committed and systematic approach from yourself.Your fibroids did not grow overnight and although common, not every woman will have fibroids. There are various causes of uterine fibroids and most of these are caused by lifestyle and dietary issues. Certain conditions need to exist for uterine fibroids to grow-there is never any single cause of this condition, but it happens due to the subtle interaction of various factors which cause an environment which triggers off growth.
By neutralising the conditions which caused fibroid growth in the first place, this will cause the fibroids to shrink naturally and once the conditions cease to exist, fibroids cannot grow any more. There is certainly a strong connection between the Western lifestyle fibroid growth. This does not just apply to our Western diet, but also factors such as stress, lack of exercise and poor sleep patterns all come into play.
To get rid of uterine fibroids naturally, you will need to use a tried and tested plan. Implementing ad-hoc treatments may help give symptomatic relief, but will not provide a proper solution.
The components of a successful plan will include:-
* A robust detox to help eliminate toxins
* Systems to rebalance hormone levels
* The correct diet for fibroid sufferers
* How to control stress levels
* The role of herbs
* The link between yeast and fibroids
Combining these elements makes for an extremely powerful method to rid you of your uterine fibroids.
How can a fibroid tumor affect my pregnancy?
I am 22 years old and about 8 weeks pregnant. My doctor told me I have a fibroid tumor and immediately i was worried about my baby. I asked him how it could affect my pregnancy and he said it could cause miscarriages or pre-term labor. He would’nt give me any other answers. I’m wondering how else could it affect my baby, how common are complications, and anything else anyone could tell me about this. I’m so worried please help!!
I was told the same thing before I got pregnant and when I did get pregnant I was in a constant stress worrying about having a miscarriage. Thankfully my baby is fine. As long as you are in or past your 2nd trimester your baby is fine. Fibroids tend to shrink or expand but more often they shrink due to pregnancy hormones.
But if you are still worried, consult another ob or specialist to ease your mind. All that worrying can affect your baby.
Has anyone been pregnant with a fibroid the size of an orange?
I am about 3 months pregnant and the doctor believes I have a fibroid. He told me that it is at the top. I am scared that it will cause complications. Has anyone else gone through similar circumstances? Also, is a ct scan safe during pregnancy?-
I was pregnant with my first child with a fibroid the size of a grapefruit. I had to go through my entire pregnancy with that fibroid there. The first trimester was the worst. I would constantly double over in pain…it was like a knife stabbing into my abdomen. It lasted a few minutes. I had to quit work earlier than planned. I had to have an emergency c-section and the doctor removed the fibroid.
What is the best way to get rid of a fibroid tumor??
I was diagnosed with a fibroid tumor over two years ago. The thing has gotten bigger over time and is now starting to look like the early stages of a pregnancy,. I cannot wear any of my cute little dresses anymore because the stomach bulge from the tumor is embarassing.
I haven’t been to the obgyn in two years because I do not have very good health insurance and it is very expensive. The last time I did go she just told me that as long as I am not having any complications from it, than there is nothing I should do about it. I am starting to become embarassed with the way that I look and I want to get rid of it. I have done some online research about it but it talks about having surgery or getting pills to shrink it. Surgery is too expensive and I can’t afford it and the pills seem like a gimmick.
Is there anything that I can do to rid mysel of this ugly tumor?? Help
I am only 30 and I do not want to have to dress like an old lady.-
Que paso Stacy,Im drorganico, natural health practitioner for 12 years and have dealt with several dozens cases like yours and every single one of them, when they client followed every step of the protocol that is, has been cleared up with 6 to 8 weeks of detoxing and making the right adjustments in their lifestyles.
As you said, your 30 and lots of carefree living in front of you so please get a hold of your emotions and forget the old lady analogies, lets get you back to the secure and sexy image that you know you have of yourself. This can be dealt with faster than you can imagine. However I do need to mention that lack of action on your part will make not being able to wear cute little things a very minor issue compared to other complications that will certainly come about.
Forget surgery and forget additional costly “toxic legal poison” known as pharmaceuticals prescribed by docs that realy dont know that there are legit, effective and economic solutions that work in harmony with your body, not against it, Ill give you some basic info and if you cant find a decent natural practitioner in your city, and you want some detailed help, contact me through yahoo, my email is listed.
Stacey, my business slogan is EDUCATE SO AS NOT TO MEDICATE, so bear with me while I give you some basic information so your informed and at least make informed decisions not just heresay, trendy and gossip decisions.
The fibroid tumor is a hard, benign (noncancerous) tumor that generally occurs in the uterine wall. It usually has no toxic effects on the body and causes problems only if it grows large enough to physically encroach on vital structures. If such tumors are present in the uterus as a woman approaches menopause, they may produce abnormal menstrual bleeding.
At times this bleeding can be controlled only by removing the uterus. In many cases, much less extreme and natural measures are more than satisfactory. The cause of fibroid tumors remains medicaly unproven though there are many solid theories. Researchers in my natural health field believe its due to certain trace mineral deficiencies via an imbalance of the body PH, more on that in bit.
The balance of ovarian hormones must play some part in their formation because as a woman goes through menopause, the fibroids present frequently retrogress and atrophy along with the normal shrinking of the uterus.
Many tumors are in the early stages respond well to the use of certain detox protocols and trace mineral supplementation, this in combination of consuming less acid forming foods and more alkaline forming foods and the all important stress management aspect which also plays a factor in why these tumors formed in the fist place since its a know scientifica fact that un managed stress releases a large amount of unnecessary acid in your system.
To accomplish this, I recommedn certain detox herbs, supplements with natural detox agents; essential vitamins that reinforce the immune system, vegetable protein and supplementation.
This combined with spiritual reconnection therapy is effective in virtualy all cases within a time frame of 7 days to get rid of pain, 8 to 12 weeks for the enitre detox process to take hold and at about 12 weeks after the process begins get an ultrasound to confirm what you will already know and feel, the tumor has been flushed out naturaly with no drugs or toxins.
Now Stacy, about one of the main root causes of your tumor, PH out of balance. Let me explain.
The body is dominated by 2 chemicals, alkaline and acid, when the acid takes over for a considerable length of time the entire cell structure and tissues are deprived of sufficient oxygen, this is called an “anaerobic enviroment” this was discovered by 2 time Nobel Prize winner in science and medicine, Dr. Otto Werberg, a German physician that won those prestigious awards in 1931 and then again 1938, he also documented that once you get the PH to get more alkaline than acid, the oxygen comes back and no way that any tumor, germ, bacteria, paraiste, fungus or any illness can stay in the body since it doesnt have its required food, acid.
So as you continue to remain in a Candida state, over acid, fungus starts to form in the inner organs, in your case the uterus and fellopian tubes, to try and combat this over acid state the body now produces mucus, the same icky yellowy stuff we have when we deal with head colds, the reason is that the acid we consume via canned and processed foods or foods that convert into acid in your body, toxic medicines, untreated stress and other factors, these acids have the ability to damage the membranes of your nerves and tissues, therefore the body as a defense mechanism engulfs the acid/toxins with the mucus and in a body with the proper PH balance, it ejects it, detoxes from the body and no problem.
However in a body out of PH balance, which I suspect is your case, resulting in candida and anaerobic enviroment, the mucus now begins to accumulate in the inner wall of the intestines, tissues, joints, lungs, cells and inner organs so now the body has to produce EXTRA FAT CELLS to engulf the mucus to protect the organs from damage.
Stacy I dont know if weight gain is an issue in your case, but in most over acid states it is. So in one sense the extra fat cells are actualy saving your life, however the negative result is the weight that wont come off cause your are constantly over acid. That is why it makes sense to eat foods high in alkaline and that way your body wont need to make mucus or fat cells to protect you.
The solution?……. forget about calories, forget about fat grams, forget about cholesterol count, concentrate on detoxing your body with natural foods I will recommend, get rid of excess acid, get and maintaing the proper PH balance and the tumors will go away, your other symptoms will disipate, your mood will change to positive, weight will come off naturaly and with out these fad diets or toxic pills.
Glad to help, Live healthy,
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