Uterine Fibroids And Infertility

Natural Remedies For Uterine Fibroids

Thousands of women worldwide, including myself, have used natural remedies for uterine fibroids as an alternative to surgery or hormonal treatment. Surgery can be painful and carries risks. Hormonal treatment is usually short term only treatment due to the side effects and is only normally used to pre-treat uterine fibroids prior to surgery.

What many women do not realize is that neither surgery nor hormonal treatment are necessarily permanent treatments. With the exception of hysterectomy, fibroids can regrow unless the cause has been removed. In most cases, no thought whatsoever is given to prevent their return.

It was this stark fact which made me decide to try natural remedies for uterine fibroids.

I had suffered from terrible uterine fibroid symptoms for many years but was totally ignorant of what was causing them. I was totally bloated and looked very pregnant and just couldn’t seem to lose weight no matter how hard I tried. I experienced “flooding” during my periods and often had to wear two thick incontinence pads at a time. I also suffered from urine leakage when I coughed or attempted to exercise. I was often breathless and anemic and yet several visits to the doctor did not diagnose fibroids-indeed when I mentioned my concerns about my bloated stomach to one doctor, he examined it and said it was abdominal fat! Now I know I was overweight, but even so, my stomach felt “hard” and looking back now, all my symptoms put together should have added up to one thing-fibroids.

One of my best friends said that my stomach didn’t look right. All of a sudden it was as if she had turned on a lightbulb in my head. Of course it wasn’t “normal”!

I booked an appointment with another doctor and almost straight away, uterine fibroids were diagnosed. Apparently my abdomen was the size of a seven month pregnancy! I was relieved that I finally knew the cause, but also very scared, as a hysterectomy was advised and subsequently booked. I was also told that I would have to take some powerful drugs to reduce the size of two of the largest fibroids as this would make the surgery less risky. I asked at the time if there were any natural remedies for uterine fibroids that I could use rather than having surgery, but was told that there was nothing I could do and was scheduled to begin drug treatment a few weeks after that appointment, with the operation booked for around 16 weeks after that.

Like many people once they have a diagnosis, I went on the internet! Sometimes what you read is very scary, but I felt quite excited. I found true stories about hundreds of women who had managed to use natural remedies for uterine fibroids very successfully-with many avoiding any further treatment at all.

I decided to give it a go, as I had absolutely nothing to lose.

During my research, I found various remedies for uterine fibroids. What came across was that finding out the cause is important as it is not the same for every woman and what has caused the fibroids determines the correct treatment.

One widespread theory about fibroids is that some women’s bodies are naturally prone to “inflammation” and that this wasn’t as a result of anything they were doing wrong. In fact it is probably hereditary. For these women, eating foods which are naturally anti-inflammtory would be beneficial. Such foods include rosemary and hops. The spice cumin, is also beneficial.

Estrogen is also known to be a cause of uterine fibroids so it follows that women who have an excess of this hormone are more likely to suffer from fibroids. It is thought that estrogen is produced by fat cells so it is wise to make efforts to say at a healthy weight and to exercise regularly. In addition, certain pollutants can mimic estrogen and this is stored in the liver. Some natural remedies for uterine fibroids include detoxification, to rid the liver of these substances.

Chinese medicine is well known for its healing properties and has been shown to play an active role in the cleansing of the reproductive organs and removing toxins. Sometimes this alone can help the fibroids begin to reduce in size.

In my own case, I knew within a couple of weeks that something was happening. At first I wondered if the bloating was just going down. However, within 2 months, my clothes were looser and I didn’t look as pregnant! I went back to my doctor for a further examination to supposedly receive my hormone treatment and upon examining me, the doctor thought she was confusing me with another patient! She got out my original scans and was amazed at how much the fibroids had shrunk.

I decided there and then to carry on with the natural remedies for uterine fibroids and postponed the hysterectomy. To cut a long story short. I eventually canceled it altogether and my doctor confirmed that it was just not necessary. The fibroids were so small that they were not causing me any symptoms-indeed the scan showed that some of the smaller ones had gone altogether.

About the Author:
Fibroids are an ideal condition to treat naturally because they are very rarely life-threatening. This means that delaying conventional treatment should have no ill effects, although you may wish to confirm that this is the case in your individual circumstances.

Just A Few Of The Things I Found Out-And Which You Can Learn Too

* The shocking truth about conventional medical treatments

* How to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and pain immediately

* Which foods cause fibroids and which foods help fight them

* Supplements which immediately halt fibroids growth

* Supplements which shrink fibroids

* Common household substances which are bad for your health

* Herbal remedies which shrink fibroids and cure the ro

Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Natural-Remedies-For-Uterine-Fibroids/444097

Frequently Asked Questions

    why does uterine fibroids cause infertility?
    i am doing this lab for science and cant find the answer

    • ANSWER:
      It may be something that is not spelled out for you in the book, but something you should conclude from the things you have already learned. What does an egg do after it is fertilized? How can it do it if fibroids are present?

    Do removal of uterine fibroids cause infertility?
    I have two tiny fibroids in my uterine wall. It was discovered when i had a scan for fertility treatment. I am not infertile but have decided to go it alone with donor sperm. My consultant suggested a hysterescopy to remove them before starting IVF as the drugs stimulation would enlarge them and make them prod into my uterus which might prevent implantation. I am a bit concerned about taking them out because a few people have told me that taking them out will make it harder to get pregnant. Might cause scarring which would also affect implantation. I am getting mixed advice but any serious advice would assist. thanks so much. Avila

    • ANSWER:
      Your case is very complex. These need to be removed. There is a wonderful site on the internet, free with many forums. I am sure you can find help at hystersisters.com. Don’t let the name scare you. it started out for ladies seeking info and support for hysterectomies, but now covers all lady topics. Has been up ten years or so. That large fibroid tumor, benign, I had csused me to go through h… The gyn didn’t know it was there. Duh. It was pressing on my bladder. But all is fine now. Check the site out. Let me know how you like it. With the thousands of members, someone will be able to advise you.

    Can uterine fibroids cause late periods and infertility?
    I just discovered I have fibroids through a sonogram (not pregnant) but have not seen my doctor. Has anyone had difficulty getting pregnant and having late periods? I just turned 30. I have had 2 miscarriages recently and have been told there is nothing wrong.

    • ANSWER:
      Yes! Fibroids do cause trouble with both your periods an conception. Speak to a gynecologist about having them removed.

    Uterine Fibroids..can this cause infertility?
    I read the signs are some pain and heavy bleeding. I have heavy periods the first couple days of my cycle and lots of clots. No pain though. Trying to conceive for a few months with no luck. Does anyone know anything about fibroids? I am feeling like I should be checked out.

    • ANSWER:
      I’m 16 weeks pregnant. During my first prenatal check-up, I got a transvaginal ultrasound and the technician discovered three uterine fibroids. I had no idea that I had them. My periods had always been heavy for the first few days and I always had bad cramps, but no one had ever told me to get checked for fibroids. Make an appointment for an ultrasound if you’d like to know for certain. Oh, it took us 7 months to conceive, only having sex once or twice a month.

      Good luck.

    uterine fibroids&leiomyomas are these the same thing and?
    do they cause infertility??
    ive just found out i have them
    and the doctor told me that i will be able to have a baby
    but after getting home and doing my own research
    everything ive read indicates otherwise
    i also have endometriosis
    why would my doctor misinform me like this
    he made light out of all this

    im very scared,please take the time to answer all parts to my question??

    you have no idea how gratefull i will feel to you
    please help??
    i am level 2 and i dont know how many leiomyomas or uterine fibroids are in there??
    oh,also,he ”SAID” my tubes looked clear,yet he did NOT PERFORM an ”hsg” which ive also just discovered is the only way to know for sure if your tubes are clear?
    he did a laparoscopy,but i read even that doesnt tell you
    why is he lying to me

    please help???????
    also HE said that it looks like i will be able to have a baby on my own without special treatments….this is going against EVERYTHING ive just researched??

    • ANSWER:
      He’s not lying. If he did examine that area, regardless of the method, he has given you as much information as he could with the information he was given in his exam. You can request whatever tests you want, if you’re not sure. You absolutely have the right to get a second opinion. However, don’t assume he’s “lying” to protect your feelings or he’s lazy or whatever, just because he didn’t do the test you were expecting. Technology changes daily. Information on the web doesn’t. I don’t mean to sound harsh, and I apologize if I’ve hurt your feelings. Coming from the perspecive of a medical professional, it’s difficult for me to grasp your doctor “lying” to you about your diagnosis for any reason other than him just wanting to commit insurance fraud, which is a totally different thing.

      Uterine fibroids do not have to cause infertility. Your doctor is right in that you could conceive naturally. If they are blocking your fallopian tubes, that’s a different story. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet (including, of course, this message).

      Endometriosis just means that the inner lining of your uterus is irritated or inflammed or something of that nature. That also does not mean that you 100% cannot conceive. For most patients, it causes painful menstration and cramping and that’s it. Depends on your situation.

      I wish you the best of luck in fertility and trusting your health care provider.

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