Heavy Menstrual Bleeding With Clots

          Heavy menstrual bleeding with clots

Tumors are unwanted and abnormal growth of cells. They can be produced in any part of body. Depending upon the type of tumors, they can be harmful or harmless. Benign tumors are the tumors that cause no harm to the body. On the other hand, malignant tumors are involved in an assortment of malicious activities and are responsible for cancerous doings. Uterine fibroids, commonly branded as or fibroids, are benign tumors of uterus. As stated above, being benign, fibroids are not involved in ruinous activities. They are much widespread in relatively older females. Women whose ages are more than 20 years have a high probability of having fibroids. Fibroids are more common in African American women as compared to other women.

Generally, fibroids are not associated with any specific symptoms. However the most common symptom of fibroids is intense and prolonged periods. This heavy menstrual bleeding is known as menorrhagia. It should be given proper attention as significant loss of blood can absolutely have devastating consequences. It can lead to a condition known as anemia. Anemia is characterized by severe shortage of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the body. It should be treated timely as neglecting it can put the life of patient at stake.

Besides fibroids, heavy menstrual bleeding with clots can also be caused by various other factors. Cancer and endometriosis are one of the potent causes of heavy menstrual bleeding. In teenage girls, it may be caused, owing to their first and foremost periods. The onset of puberty in girls brings a lot of hormonal changes due to which prolonged bleeding may occur. At times, birth control pills can also be the grounds of intense bleeding. To correctly identify the causes of this bleeding, you should immediately consult your doctor.

The one who has experienced heavy menstrual bleeding can only tell its ill impact. It causes some serious disturbance in the routine life. Heavy menstrual bleeding disturbs your mental balances and somewhat forces you to remain in the premises of home. This is because of the fear that what they would do, if they get to such a place where access to the bathroom isn’t easy. Heavy bleeding and clotting is not considered as healthy indicator for pregnant women.

To cope up with this situation, there are a lot of options available. You should consult your doctor as he known you previous history and will guide you to the better path. Regarding treatment methods, you can either make use of birth control pills or surgical and herbal methods. Birth control pills are considered as the first and foremost option for the treatment of this condition. These pills try to regulate blood flow, during the menstrual cycle. This method sometimes proves to be very effective but it is not always the case. If this method fails, then the other option is surgery. Surgery involves the removal of uterus from the female body. This is also known as hysterectomy. Its disadvantage is that it renders the women infertile for the rest of her life.






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