Uterine Fibroids Treatment Options

Uterine Fibroids Natural Treatment-Treat Fibroids Naturally

Uterine fibroids are solid masses of tissue which grow in the uterus. They occur very frequently in women over the age of thirty that they are almost considered “normal”. However, for some women they create dreadful symptoms and naturally these women, some kind of solution. One way of dealing with this condition is to use uterine fibroids natural treatment, and this can be very effective if used in a systematic way.

Although it is difficult to determine the actual causes of uterine fibroids in individuals, it is known that excess estrogen can be a contributory factor and will the presence of this hormone will cause growth in existing uterine fibroids.

Fortunately, this condition is rarely dangerous and this fact gives us the time to research and consider the various treatment options available, which do include surgery and uterine fibroids natural treatment.

Although surgery is sometimes thought of a fast solution, there is always the recovery time to consider, but most of all, the fact that fibroids will usually regrow following surgery is a huge drawback, the problem being that unless you eliminate what has caused your fibroids in the first place, they are likely to come back in time.

One very simple uterine fibroids natural treatment is exercise. Fibroids are often made worse by irregular menstrual cycles and many women find that exercise will help ensure regular menstruation. Some women even find that their symptoms disappear within a few weeks. Helping the body to eliminate estrogen (particularly estrogen mimicking compounds) from the liver can be very effective. The herbs, Dandelion, Milk Thistle and Dock Root are all effective treatments. Other herbs which can be very useful uterine fibroids natural treatments are Vitex and Chasteberry.

Reducing exposure to estrogen will also help. By eating organic foods, you can help to minimize the unwitting consumption any compounds derived from pesticides which can mimic estrogen. Even tampons which have been bleached, can mimic the effects of estrogen. Also, if you have fibroids you should avoid taking the birth control pill.

Heat therapy is also a very simple yet effective uterine fibroids natural treatment. Try taking a long soak in a warm bath if you feel particularly uncomfortable at certain times during your cycle. Some women also find that warm castor oil packs can really help.

There is a very effective 7 Step Plan which has been successfully used by many thousands of women worldwide and for those who are willing to take charge of their own treatment and recognize that they will have to play an active role in their own healing, then this is simply ideal. If, however, you are the type of person who will simply expect to take a pill and be cured, then this is maybe not the right system for you. Please visit my website to see further comprehensive information about fibroids.

If you are interested in natural remedies for fibroids and in the only clinically proven 3-step Holistic system for eliminating Uterine Fibroids Naturally, please have a look at our recommended book


About the author: Having suffered from very large fibroids herself, Bernadette was scheduled to undergo a hysterectomy when she decided to try an alternative treatment to shrink fibroidsnaturally. Success followed, and she enjoys recommending this method to other women so they can be free of the symptoms.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/womens-health-articles/uterine-fibroids-natural-treatmenttreat-fibroids-naturally-1479761.html

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