Uterine Fibroids- Natural Treatment
Fibroid is also called as uterine mayoma or leiomyomata. Fibroid is a swelling or intensification in the uterus that does not cause cancer. Fibroids can be as little as a bean and as large as a football. It can grow up everywhere within or on top of the uterus. Approximately 40% of women of age more than 35 years are infected with fibroids. The uterine fibroids are the most frequent female pelvic lump.
Choices for fibroid cure differ upon harshness of warning signs, patient’s age, therapeutic record and her wish to keep productiveness. Established techniques in the form of myomectomy, hysterectomy, cryosurgery and uterine vein embolization are different choices of fibroid cure. These techniques of curing your fibroids are extremely inauspicious to the majority of people if they can cure it successfully. And a few people would choose natural cure of fibroids to eliminate the hitch.
The adequate use of diet, naturopathic procedure, herbal pills, nutritional pills, and homeopathy can help get rid of fibroids. A low-calorie high fiber is usually suggested. You should not eat dairy products, which lead to estrogen; meat, which contains fats; and alcohol, sugar, caffeine, and salt, which reduce minerals and B-complex vitamins that are required to control muscle anxiety.
If you are overweight person, this helps to grow fibroids, so do some exercise to lose weight. Uncontrollable diet can increase estrogen level and forbid the body’s capability to control estrogen. Fats in meats and milk products, sugar, and alcohol can overdo the liver that makes it unable to break down the hormones proficiently.
f you are overweight you are most likely to develop fibroids, so try to lose weight. A poor diet can elevate estrogen levels and prohibit the body’s ability to break down and secrete excess estrogen. A diet rich in saturated fats from meats and dairy products, alcohol and sugar may overwork the liver, making it unable to break down the hormones efficiently. As a result liver starts increasing the level of estrogen which causes growth of fibroids.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any natural treatments/supplements to help with uterine fibroids?
Especially for shrinking them or eradicating them.-
I talked with a friend of mine the other day in the store who was telling me the great success she has had in eradicating uterine fibroids. About a year ago she had surgery, but within a few months they were back with a vengence. Her chiropractor/ kinesiologist recommended she take 6 ounces of Gogi Juice a day for about two months. She is down to about an ounce twice a day and has reported that her fibroids are gone. I have not had experience with Gogi, but have had success with Mangosteen juices and Noni. Gogi is just a different plant with nutritional properties. It is a highly alkaline juice.
What is the best treatment for uterine fibroids?
My doctor suggests I get a endometrial ablation, which basically destroys the lining of my uterus and would make me infertile. This is because one of the fibroids is growing under the lining. This “treatment” would only help with the mentstrual symptoms (lighter, shorter, less painful), but not with the day to day pain. The fibroids would continue to grow and I would still have to have surgery.I would prefer to shrink the fibroids, and go with a natural method if possible. Please advise what is the best course of action. I would like to at least have one child.
Take 5-6 digestive enzyme capsules on an empty stomach three times daily. Digestive enzymes such as lipase, pancreatase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and other proteolytic enzymes produced by the pancreas, if taken on an empty stomach, will be absorbed into the bloodstream intact and assist in the enzymatic removal of superfluous and fibrous tissue, including fibrous masses such as uterine fibroids as well as scar tissue.Also:
Indole-3-Carbinol assists the liver in estrogen detoxification.
Dandelion is a natural blood and liver cleanser.
Vitamin E is important in estrogen metabolism.
Omega – 3 Fatty Acids has anti-inflammatory properties.
Calcium D-Glucarate helps the liver in estrogen breakdown.
Vitamin B complex vitamins are involved in estrogen metabolism.
A complete plant and whole food derived multivitamin product (the best I know is IntraMax) provides a broad base of nutrients for total health which is helpful in the treatment of uterine fibroids.
Has anyone had success with herbal treatment of fibroids?
I am seeking information on natural methods to cure/treat uterine fibroids. I would like to know if anyone has tried this method ( or knows of anyone who has ) and had convincing success? Serious, polite, constructive answers only please.-
Homeopathic treatment for uterine fibroids can be very efficient and in many cases may be the only treatment you will ever need to get healthy again. (I consider homeopathy to be a 100% natural method of treatment).I have personally treated uterine fibroids with relative success.
Homeopathic prescription for tumors of the Uterus (Fibroid Tumors).
Take homeopathic remedies Sulfur and Bryonia both in 200 together on the first day but just two doses per week; on the second day Belladonna and Podophylum and Caulophyllum, all 3 in 200, again just twice a week but not on the same day when you take the 1st two Sulfur and Bryonia. Also take these cell salts (3-4 tablets) every four hours regularly Ferrum Phos 6X,Calcarea Flour 6 X Kali Mur 6X and Silicea 6X.
Homeopathic remedy dosage
I suggest that remedies be used as follows: Take 2-3 drops of selected remedy in ¼ th glass of water, preferably empty stomached.
Abnormal menstrual cycle? I NEED HELP!!!?
OK, this may end up being a little long, but I need to know. And before I start, let me just say, I have NOT been to the doctor yet, mainly because I’m too scared to find out what is wrong.I have been having really weird, abnormal periods for a little over a year now. I track how long my period is every month on a small calendar that I carry in my purse. The troubles really began in July-August of ’08, I had my period starting July 18th, but it didn’t END until August 28th!!! I went for 6 weeks! And then September came and I started on the 12th, ended on the 19th. One week. October I started on the 26th and ended on November 1st. Then for the rest of November and all of December, I didn’t have a period, at all! Then in January of this year, I started on the 12th, ended on the 22nd. This period was VERY light and instead of being a bright red color, it was brown and pink with very little red mixed in. And then in February, I started on the 9th, it’s now the 6th of March and I’m still going strong. I’m not bleeding heavily, but it IS steady. A couple of times in the last week it seemed like I was going to stop bleeding, but then an hour or two later, I would start bleeding more steadily again.
I’m not on birth control, in fact it’s the opposite, my husband and I have been trying to conceive since October, but haven’t been successful yet. My question is, does this sound like just a regular cyst on one or both of my ovaries, or is something more serious? I’ve researched all over the internet about abnormal periods and haven’t been able to find anything. I don’t have the symptoms for uterine fibroids, I don’t really have any symptoms at all, other than regular “period symptoms” like mild cramping, lower backache and headaches and bloating. Which if I take Pamprin or Midol, those go away for a few hours, so they’re not bothersome at all, other than they’re a constant to go along with all of my bleeding.
If this is just cysts, what will the doctor do? What can I expect as far as an exam and treatment? Should I be as worried and scared of this as I am? Is there a “natural cure” for this, something I can do on my own? Please don’t be rude, I’m seriously worried sick about this and would really like to know what’s going on, but at the same time I don’t. Does that make sense? If it’s nothing serious, then I want to know, but if it’s major, I’m scared to find out!
ok, your symptoms are somewhat similat to mine! I had a transvaginal ultrsound and they found fibroids in my uterus! You really need to see a doctor because if you are having trouble with your period as i am & you have not been successful with pregnancy you may have fibroids, cysts, endometriosis etc… It may be nothing which i hope! but the only way to really know is by having the correct tests done! good luck. also, if it’s cysts or fibroids or something else, the doctor can do procedures that will not affect your fertility!

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