Hysterosalpingogram (hsg)
Women experiencing infertility may have a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) recommended to them by their doctor or infertility specialist. This is a test performed by X-ray that can help your doctor see inside of your uterus and fallopian tubes. The surrounding area can be examined and can give your doctor a more clear view of what may be hindering you from becoming pregnant.
During a hysterosalpingo 00004000 gram, your doctor will inject a dye through your cervix and into your uterus. The dye is called a contrast material. It allow your infertility doctor see irregularities in your uterine cavity or fallopian tubes more clearly on an X-ray. The dye will travel through your uterus and up into your fallopian tubes. If your fallopian tubes are clear and there is no blockage, then the dye will spill out into your abdominal cavity. Occasionally the HSG procedure will clear a blockage out of a fallopian tube.
If your fallopian tube or tubes are determined to be blocked, then there are more options for clearing them that your infertility doctor will discuss with you. Fallopian tubes are usually blocked at one end or the other. A blockage at the uterus end of the tube is considered proximal and a blockage at the ovary end is called distal. You may have a partial blockage, or there may be a tubal defect. Your doctor will let you know what he/she sees in the HSG X-ray.
Your uterine cavity will also be examined in the hysterosalpingogram. Your doctor will be looking for abnormalities such as fibroid tumors, adhesions, polyps, scar tissues or congenital deformities. An HSG is usually performed for women experiencing infertility, but it can also be used to check for the effectiveness of a tubal ligation or a reverse tubal ligation. If you’ve lost a contraceptive, such as an IUD, then your doctor may perform a hysterosalpingogram to find the lost object in your uterus.
A hysterosalpingogram is a minimally invasive procedure. Your doctor will place a speculum into your vagina and then insert a catheter into your cervix. The speculum is then removed and the dye will fill your uterine cavity. X-rays are taken and observed for clarity and quality. You may be asked to lie still for a bit so that a delayed response X-ray can be taken. You may experience mild discomfort during and after the procedure, but these effects usually don’t last long. Your doctor should discuss all possible outcomes with you prior to the procedure.
Hysterosalpingography examines the inside of your uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. Your doctor may also suggest an MRI or ultrasound to examine the outside structures of the uterus, ovaries and your entire pelvic region. Make sure that you ask questions and feel comfortable with the information available before you go forward with any infertility treatment.
On occasion a patient, nurse or doctor has offered kind words about Dr. Eric Daiter in their testimonials. Here is one for you to consider when choosing your infertility specialist.
My first impression of Dr Eric Daiter was that he was a very kind hearted person with a passion for what he was doing. He treated my husband and me with the utmost respect. He examined me and asked a lot of questions regarding my history. He explained things to us in great detail and in simple terms that we could understand. He wrote everything down for us and gave us additional documentation to read regarding tests and treatments. He spent as much time as we needed, answered all of our questions and walked us to the door. He never rushed us or made us feel that any of our questions were too stupid to ask. It was the first time that I didn’t feel like I had 30 seconds to present my problem and 3 minutes of the doctor’s time before I was out the door. Infertility is a delicate subject and a problem for many couples. It takes a special personality to be able to handle this in a delicate way with compassion and professionalism. Dr Daiter does this. He made me feel like I was not alone. He let me know that there was a lot that can be done to facilitate pregnancy today and that there definitely was hope for us. Although my age was a factor, Dr Daiter never made me feel like I was atoo olda to try or made me feel embarrassed for trying at my age.
Frequently Asked Questions
what is the difference between uterine polyps, fibroids and cysts?
I was told I have fibroids and polyps…..I really don’t understand the difference…- ANSWER:
An endometrial polyp or uterine polyp is a sessile mass in the inner lining of the uterus. They may have a large flat base (sessile) or be attached to the uterus by an elongated pedicle (pedunculated). Pedunculated polyps are more common than sessile ones. They range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters If pedunculated, they can protrude through the cervix into the vagina. Small blood vessels may be present, particularly in large polyps.Fibroids are the most common benign tumors in females and typically found during the middle and later reproductive years. While most fibroids are asymptomatic, they can grow and cause heavy and painful menstruation, painful sexual intercourse, and urinary frequency and urgency. Some fibroids may interfere with pregnancy although this appears to be very rare.
A vaginal cyst is a closed sac on or under the vaginal lining that contains fluid or semisolid material. Cysts occur when a gland or duct is clogged and liquid collects in a sac.
When a cyst is inside the vagina, they are usually painless. Their size can range from the size of a pea to that of an plum.I hope I helped.
Uterine Fibroids and Polyps – Physical Activity?
I was recently diagnosed with uterine fibroids and a uterine polyp. Prior to my sonogram, I experience heavy bleeding (18 days) and it finally stopped but I am a little leary about continuing with my dance class since I don’t want to wind up doing any more damage. I would ask my OB/GYN but he is IMPOSSIBLE to get on the phone and I am in the process of finding a new one.Does anyone have any thoughts or suggetions?
Anyone had uterine polyps/fibroids? Symptoms?
Has anyone had uterine polyps or fibroids. My doctor is thinking this is what I might have. I am just waiting to go have an ultrasound done in early January. What were your symptoms? I have spotting a week after my period, slight, slight cramping, frequent urination and a feeling of fullness in my abdomen. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks- ANSWER:
I had huge uterine fibroids. My symptoms were
heavy bleeding during period, period stayed for 10-12 days
I got pregnant with the fibroids and in last July doctors removed my uterus while doing my Cesarean.
Is there a way to check for any cancer in the body using a blood test?
My friend’s gyn doctor told her she has uterine polyps, maybe fibroids, based on ultrasound and suggested D&C & hysteroscopy to find out. Is there a way she can check if these polyps really need to be removed (i.e. cancerous) or not, without having to undergo D&C to find out?- ANSWER:
Well you can’t really be completely sure without it. Types of cancer can have effects on certain cell counts, but so can a magnitude of other things. The primary function of that test is to be 100% sure one way or the other, and when it comes to dealing with these things, you don’t want to be less sure at all.So there’s no 100% sure way that I’m aware of to find out one way or the other, save for exactly what you’ve mentioned.
Hormone Replacement Therapy – How long should a non- hysterectomised person be on it?
I am currently investigating non detection of a serous uterine carcinoma which caused the death of a relative of mine at the age of 64 despite all of the symtoms being present.My relative has been on HRT since April 1991 until July 2008. What are the side effects and could this therapy have been a contributory cause to the development of uterine polyps/fibroids turning cancerous.
An answer from a Pharmacist, Gynaecologist, GP or any person experienced in the field would be greatly appreciated
Wrong year – until July 2007
Jackmatt – you did not read my question nor details. How can a dead person discuss with her GP for God;s Sake- ANSWER:
I think if she was on the combined hrt (progesterone and oestrogen) this would actually have given her a degree of protection .This type of cancer is often caused by unopposed oestrogen .This happens when a woman doesn’t ovulate for long periods of time in conditions like PCOS for eg before the menopause.It is usually detected by a hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy which should have been carried out if all symptoms are present.
Unfortunately the type of cancer you mention is the most aggressive type of uterine cancer and survival rates are very low even when detected early.
I found this out whilst trying to find info on uterine polyps which I have. If a women has had these in the past she is at risk of getting uterine cancer.
Hope this helps and sorry to hear of your loss.

Fibroids In The Uterus Symptoms
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Natural Cure For Fibroids
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Wow – This website really answer a lot of the questions I’ve been insearch of for years. Keep it coming. I do know that the right eating,excerise,destressing and detoxing plays a MAJOR role.I have fibroids and just didn’t know that- it was so many others thats in the same boat. Let’s swim assure ladies and get this taken care of. Let’s try the natural way. I’m starting TODAY. Good Luck and blessings to all. Oh yeah I did try the fresh lemon squeeze in a glass of water before and that not only help with my fibroids it help my weight as well. Again blessings to all of you