Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is abnormal bleeding from the uterus, usually associated with ovulation failure, in the absence of other detectable organic lesions. This is usually seen in women between the age of twelve and forty-five. It is important to note that this diagnosis should be made, and treatment attempted for this condition, only after all other causes have been ruled out.
These are taken during menstruation only. They work via reducing the fibrinolytic activity and have been shown to reduce blood loss by about 50 percent. These are good first line treatment as they are taken only during the symptomic period and have few side effects. A commonly used drug is tranexemic acid.
This abnormal blood flow occurs when the complex hormonal process of your menstrual period loses balance between the hormones, estrogen and progesterone. This causes excessive vaginal bleeding. And such a condition is diagnosed as irregular menstrual cycle instead of any disease.
The main symptom to look for is abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially after menopause as it is the most common symptom of uterine cancer. Bleeding may start as a watery, blood-streaked flow that gradually contains more blood. About 20 out of 100 women who have abnormal bleeding after menopause have uterine cancer. This means that 80 out of 100 do not get uterine cancer. The most accurate way to diagnose whether or not you have uterine cancer is through a biopsy.
In fact, more than half of perimenopausal women complain about their offbeat menses – which can include skipped periods, periods that happen more than once throughout a month, or drastically lengthy periods. They can even include menses with thick blood clots and a very heavy flow. The menstrual cycle is usually the first indication that you might be approaching your menopausal years.”
Among the secondary causes of dysmenorrhea is endometriosis, a condition in which implants of ectopic endometrial tissue respond cyclically to estrogen and progesterone. This really is a common disorder affecting 10-25% of women of reproductive age. The presenting signs and symptoms of patients with endometriosis can range from discomfort and cramping throughout menstruation to adhesions with frank bowel obstruction in severe cases.
30-70% of women are diagnosed with at least one uterine fibroid throughout life. These costly fibroids results in approximately 300,000 hysterectomies every year. Uterine fibroids are more common in blacks, obese, peri-menopausal women and drinking alcohol increases risk. Uterine fibroids can be dependent on the hormone estrogen and estrogen dominance is becoming more and more common in our society.
Uterine disorders-Scarring and damage towards the underlying stem cells from which the endometrium proliferates will guide to amenorrhea. In most instances, this occurs within the setting of endometritis right after curettage (scraping with the endometrium) possibly for postpartum bleeding or dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Abnormal uterine bleeding and fibroids?
My 48 year old mom’s been bleeding for over a year now. Her periods became irregular. Sometimes she can’t even tell if it’s her period or just abnormal bleeding. We thought it was menopause at first, which may have something to do with it. But she got some tests done and was diagnosed with fibroids. But they didn’t need treatment at that time according to the doctor. She’s become anemic since then coz of the bleeding. Sometimes it’s very little and sometimes it’s really heavy with many clots coming out. Now, i’m thinking she should get treatment for this, it’s really disturbing sometimes.Can fibroids get more serious if not treated?
If not treated they can get very big. If they get too big the best is really to get a hysterectomy if she is done having children. So I would have her go to a gynecologist and maybe talk about this option. There is also uterine artery embolization. I have attached the website for you to look at that.
Uterine fibroids, pain, heavy bleeding and irregular periods?
I have multiple large and small fibroids, severe endometriosis, severe adhesions (they thought I’d had chemo). I used to have very regular periods but they are now irregular and heavy with a long pms time around when I expect a period. I was getting one heavy one about every other month having to change pads every 15 minutes for one day of it. And a lighter one in between with alot of spotting. But sometimes I can have pms symptoms like I’m starting and not start for a couple weeks. (They say it’s inoperable.) Is this common? What should I be worried about? What can I do?-
I had this same problem in 2005, I experienced heavy bleeding and it continued for about a week, quit with just spotting and then back to bleeding again. This was so bad it put me in a very weak state and finally decided to visit obgyn and had blood test and ultra sound done. I was so low on blood that I had to have 4 pints replaced due to so much blood loss. The ultra sound showed a fibroid tumor. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy in September 2005 and the tumor removed. The fibroid tumor was causing the main problem for me, making my periods unbearable. Now I feel fine health wise, my blood count is back up, but of course I went straight to menopause, but I’m handling it the best I can. I wish you luck, have your blood checked for anemia and an ultra sound to see where and how large the fibroids are.
Why am I bleeding heavy after uterine abalation surgery. I had uterine fibroids and the surgery has not helpe?
I had surgery back in September and start bleeding about a week ago…heavier than normal why is this?-
My wife had the same problem after treatment for fibroids.Your uterus has lost it’s lining from the surgery and is bleeding heavier,because the blood vessels are closer to the surface.Give it a month or two to regain the tissue that was scraped out and see your doctor if you feel faint or light headed from the blood loss.Once you have surgury,it can take weeks for it to heal.Try to rest as much as possible.
I have uterine fibroids and have been bleeding 6 mos now. can I have an infection also inside the uterus?
A friend told me since Ive been bleeding for so long that possibly i can have an infection in my uterus. Is that true because Im not having any problems besides the bleeding-
No, that’s not true at all. Fibroids just cause alot of bleeding. There is a procedure that can be done in the hospital that is not surgery. Its called uterine fibroid embolization. A catheter is inserted into your femoral artery in your groin, and the doctor injects dye to locate the blood vessels supplying blood to the fibroids, he/she then injects a substance that blocks the blood supply and the fibroids die. This saves you from having a hysterectomy. You stay overnight and go home the next day. I have also seen patients go home the same day if its done early in the morning. Its done in the interventional radiology dept and patients do very well with it. I have seen it done many many times and also take care of the patient before and after. You should ask your ob/gyn about this procedure………
uterine fibroids?
If you have early signs but unconfirmed uterine fibroids on an ultrasound report will a gynecologist typically just do the “wait and see” thing or should other tests be done? if so what tests might she recommend? I had the ultrasound because of chronic abdominal/pelvic pain and abnormal bleeding.
I’ll be seeing my gyno on monday and am trying to be best prepared to make the most of my time. the u/s showed some abnormal areas that suggests fibroids are starting to form.
how do they know if they are benign? do they have to do a biopsy? what I have is not very big at all. I’m only 27, and am done having chilren but no hysterectomy for me!-
i had many uterine fibroids. My early symptoms were heavy bleeding during period and lump in lower abdomen. I had anemia as well. Because of anemia I was really weak and I had dizziness. SO I went to doctor and doctor found the fibroids by ultrasound.
In my case I had too many fibroids so I had no other option then having a c-section surgery. If you have only 1 tiny fibroids doctor may remove it without having a c-section or may be you can squeeze the size of the fibroid by embolization ( blocking the blood supply of the fibroid). But only doctor can suggest you what can be done.
I had the surgery in 2005, then I was 24. Doctor removed 28 fibroids but they grew again very fast within 1 year. Luckily I’m pregnant now of 29 weeks with fibroids as big as size of 20 weeks pregnancy.
Good luck.

Fibroid Bleeding After Menopause
Post menopausal bleeding can understandably cause alarm to most women experiencing it. If you’re one of them, remember that it’s a common enough symptom to affect as much as 30% of post menopausal women. Still, it doesn’t mean that you can just leave it be. The absence of menstruation for at least 12 months signals […]
What Causes Fibroids To Bleed
Spotting During Menopause r There are many signs and symptoms of menopause and one of the main concerns that women have when they are going through menopause is spotting during menopause and is it normal or not. Well, to an extent menopause spotting is normal, after all your body is changing from going to have […]
Fibroids Heavy Periods
Uterine Fibroids and Heavy Periods Uterine fibroids and heavy periods often go hand in hand as this condition causes havoc with your normal monthly cycles. Very often, the bleeding is not only heavy, but may last for longer than a normal period (more than 8 days) or might happen in between cycles. Not only is […]
Causes Of Irregular Bleeding
Abnormal Menstruation And Irregular Menstrual Bleeding Home Remedies A normal menstrual period lasts from 2 to 7 days. The normal cycle patterns can range from 21 to 35 days. When bleeding occurs that is not fraction of the regular cycle; period are longer or heavier than usual; occurs between periods; time flanked by periods is […]