Shrink Fibroids With Herbs – Herbal Treatment For Fibroid Tumors
Herbal treatments have been used for many hundreds, if not thousands of years to treat all manner of conditions and fibroids are no exception. Many women have had great success when they have used strategies to shrink fibroids with herbs.
There is one crucial thing to bear in mind. There is no evidence to suggest that if used in isolation, herbal treatment for fibroid tumors is a complete cure. Herbs can definitely help to relieve symptoms and may indeed have some effect on the size of tumors, but they cannot cure them altogether. Many websites sell herbal preparations which come with claims that they will eradicate fibroids, but this is only part of the story.
You can only effectively shrink fibroids with herbs if you use them in combination with other treatment strategies. It is well known that successful treatment may involve various elements and requires commitment and pro-activity. If you have fibroids and want to shrink them without surgery, you will need to be prepared to put in the effort and make lifestyle and dietary changes. However, there is little doubt that when followed diligently, such approaches can be very effective, with most women who follow a recommended program finding that they are completely free of fibroid symptoms within a short time.
Any natural remedies which shrink fibroids with herbs will probably include Cinnamon, Nettle and Yarrow. These three, if taken as an infusion around 5 days before menstruation can help to reduce heavy bleeding. Yarrow can also help with period pain. You can also add ginger to the mix to boost the pain relieving element. Other helpful herbs for fibroids include Yam and Willow which, when combined with other strategies, can help reduce inflammation in the body and thus fibroid size.
There is an excellent 7 Step Plan which incorporates the use of herbal treatment for fibroid tumors which is completely guaranteed to work. It has been used very successfully by many thousands of women worldwide. You can find further details at Shrink Fibroids Naturally Please bear in mind that it requires you actively participate by making lifestyle and dietary changes. It also details exactly which herbs are recommended for the various symptoms and types of fibroids and what the recommended dosages are as well as recommending pre-made products. You can also find further information about alternative fibroid treatment options and this includes methods to shrink fibroids with herbs alongside other strategies.
Frequently Asked Questions
Help did anybody knows about treatment for fibroid tumors? any ideas?-
you talking about uterine fibroids? Depending on symptoms, options include time, surgery, or Uterine fibroid embolization ask your doctor
Does anyone have experience in homeopathic treatments for fibroid tumors of the uterus?
I have a dear friend who is considering surgery in the near future. We do not live near a homeopathic pratictioner but she is very interested in holistic and homeopathic treatment.
Here is a Homeopathic prescription for tumors of the Uterus SULFUR & BRYONIA both in 200 together on the first day but just two doses per week on the second day BELLADONNA + PODOPHYLUM and CAULOPHYLLUM all 3 in 200, again just twice a week but not on the same day when you take the 1st two SULFUR and BRYONIA and take these cell salts every four hours regularly FERRUM PHOS 6X,CALCAREA FLOUR 6 X KALI MUR 6X and SILICEA 6X,
Keep me posted about her progress and conditions regularly at least once a week. Though I have given you the prescription but it will be lots better if the patient describes her own symptoms in detail, Homeopathy is totally invidualized medication so its absolutely necassary that the patient gives all details the way they feel them. Feel free to email me.
Take Care and God Bless you !
What treatment do you recommend for fibroid tumors?
I was diagnosed with having fibroid tumors back in April. I have two tumors the size of golf balls on my uterus, so far non cancerous. I have some pain and discomfort and heavy uncontrolled bleeding spells. My gyn acts like it’s no big deal, but I don’t like feeling this way all the time. Does anyone have any advice?-
The only treatment for fibroid tumors is surgery. All it is, is thick tissue that causes pain. I had them too and after a while, they had to be removed because they got so big. There’s no pill to make them go away. If you feel pain from them, use a warm heating pad and it really eases up the pain. Good luck
How can I get neprinol (for treatment of fibroid tumour) in West bengal (India)?-
Hi! Just wondering if you are in SIngapore?
Me, too, had fibroid in my uterine lining before and it was there for almost 2 decades. I went through a number of scanning and have repeatedly be advised to undergo a surgery to remove either my whole uterus or just the fibroid. However, I chose not to embark on the operations and carried on living with it until last year, I was referred by a General Practitioner to Kandang Kerbau hospital to consult a specialist for various gynaecological problems, I was asked to go through some scans and was told that the fibroid was still around and there were reports and scanned photos of the fibroids. So because the gynaecologist was actually thinking of performing a surgery on me therefore she wants to ensure that she gets it right before proceeding to arrange for it. However, during the periodical follow up before the date for an operation was even fixed, I concocted a kind of very huge leaves from a kind of creeper which I found at the wilderness and just drank it consistently for months and throughout until my next appointment to do scanning, to my surprise I was told by the radiographer that the fibroid has disappeared. It was a news too good to be true so I looked at the screen of the scanner and asked her to show me and I was convinced. There again, after I got my report and was inside my gynae’s room, I reconfirmed with her about the disappearance of the fibroid and it has really become a reality. So now, there’s no need for me to worry about having to go through scannings, surgery, follow-ups and all the hassles. So what I’m thinking is, if you are in Singapore then I may be able to show you where to get the natural leaves and how to recognise it because there are some species whcih may look alike so it is important not to pluck the wrong one. Just a little sharing…
Does anyone know if there is a treatment for a tumor in the fibroid while 13 weeks pregnant? ?
Re: cervical growth. Is there a way to slow this growth down besides removal ?-
It is extremely rare that uterine fibroid tumors are cancerous.. But during pregnancy, fibroid tumors often grow extremely fast due the extra estrogen produced by the body during pregnancy.The baby is rarely affected unless there is substantial bleeding or the myoma’s growth or separation causes placental abruption or tearing// removing the tumor AFTER the baby is born is the best way to do it.. if u have any other problems like bleeding and severe abdominal pain you should see your doctor right away!!!

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