Shrinking Fibroids With Diet – Eating Foods For Fibroid Elimination
Many women wonder if shrinking fibroids with diet modification is possible. Although eating foods for fibroid elimination can help, it is best that this is viewed as part of an overall system rather than a treatment to be used in isolation.
Fibroids grow in response to a number of primary and secondary factors. There is never just one single cause and it is virtually impossible for experts to determine the precise causes in an individual woman. This means that the only effective way to shrink fibroids is by using a multifaceted set of protocols which eliminates each and every possible cause of fibroids, effectively making the body into a neutralized environment where fibroids simply cannot thrive.
Having said this, the foods we eat can play a very large part in the success or failure of any such system and although shrinking fibroids with diet modification will not work completely, for some women altering the diet to exclude foods which are known to worsen fibroids can bring some short term symptomatic relief.
There are some great foods for fibroid elimination. For example, certain foods are known to have cleansing and hormone-balancing properties. Fruits are good cleansers and are full of vitamins, enzymes and minerals. Some also have anti-inflammatory properties and can help control blood sugar levels. You should try to eat organic fruits and leave the skin on when you eat them. Sprouting vegetables, such as lentils, are a good source of healthy food for fibroid sufferers. You can also sprout alfafa, buckwheat and flax. Other foods to help in shrinking fibroids with diet include non starchy vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, garlic and whole rice.
Incorporating foods for fibroid elimination with a holistic method to shrink fibroids naturally will give you the best chance of success.
Written by a nutritionalist, alternative therapist and former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will put your fibroids firmly in the past.
Frequently Asked Questions
Uterine Fibroids and Breast Cysts
Hello All,
I have uterine fibroids and breast cysts. I am estrogen dominant and began taking steps to repair the damage. I have begun exercising as well as changing my diet free from red meats, dairy and coffee. My doctor and I discussed possible options and since I am fairly young (36), invasive procedures are not beneficial for me since I plan (hope) to have more children and the Fibroids are not yet severely large enough to cause serious damage, however they are uncomfortable.I also don’t want to take Hormone Therapy due to side affects and my age.
I researched online various sites advising the use of Natural Herbs to reduce and shrink Fibroids, but there are so many I want to know which herbs are BEST or more EFFECTIVE at eliminating Fibroids.
I understand that using Natural Herbs it will take abit of a longer time to reduce the Fibroids and I’m ok with that, I just want to “pin-point” the BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE herbs to obtain.I’ve read the following are good choices:
Vitex (Chasteburry)
Milk Thistle
Lady’s Mantle
Dandelion root
FlaxseedPlease if I’ve missed anything please let me know or advise the best most effective herb remedy to use. Thanks everyone in advance, greatly appreciate it!
Goodness, you could be my “female problem identical twin”! Please, please, please, do not remove your uterus. You are not going to like me for this, but I am going to recommend that you go to a Reproductive Gynecological Doctor. They will help you repair the mess your body has made, all the while, ensuring that your fertility will be kept in tact. There is surgery you can have to remove them without doing lots of damage to the uterus.
Fibroids and Breast Cysts
Hello All,
I have uterine fibroids and breast cysts. I am estrogen dominant and began taking steps to repair the damage. I have begun exercising as well as changing my diet free from red meats, dairy and coffee. My doctor and I discussed possible options and since I am fairly young (36), invasive procedures are not beneficial for me since I plan (hope) to have more children and the Fibroids are not yet severely large enough to cause serious damage, however they are uncomfortable.I also don’t want to take Hormone Therapy due to side affects and my age.
I researched online various sites advising the use of Natural Herbs to reduce and shrink Fibroids, but there are so many I want to know which herbs are BEST or more EFFECTIVE at eliminating Fibroids.
I understand that using Natural Herbs it will take abit of a longer time to reduce the Fibroids and I’m ok with that, I just want to “pin-point” the BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE herbs to obtain.I’ve read the following are good choices:
Vitex (Chasteburry)
Milk Thistle
Lady’s Mantle
Dandelion root
FlaxseedPlease if I’ve missed anything please let me know or advise the best most effective herb remedy to use. Thanks everyone in advance, greatly appreciate it!
Understand that you don’t want surgery due to the desire for more kids – but having had this problem myself, I advise you to take one more thing into consideration – your quality of life should you go for the herbal remedy. You could spend years trying various herbs with the accompanying discomfort, and end up in surgery after all of that. I had surgery and never looked back as I felt great again!
Fibroids and Breast Cysts
Hello All,
I have uterine fibroids and breast cysts. I am estrogen dominant and began taking steps to repair the damage. I have begun exercising as well as changing my diet free from red meats, dairy and coffee. My doctor and I discussed possible options and since I am fairly young (36), invasive procedures are not beneficial for me since I plan (hope) to have more children and the Fibroids are not yet severely large enough to cause serious damage, however they are uncomfortable.I also don’t want to take Hormone Therapy due to side affects and my age.
I researched online various sites advising the use of Natural Herbs to reduce and shrink Fibroids, but there are so many I want to know which herbs are BEST or more EFFECTIVE at eliminating Fibroids.
I understand that using Natural Herbs it will take abit of a longer time to reduce the Fibroids and I’m ok with that, I just want to “pin-point” the BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE herbs to obtain.I’ve read the following are good choices:
Vitex (Chasteburry)
Milk Thistle
Lady’s Mantle
Dandelion root
FlaxseedPlease if I’ve missed anything please let me know or advise the best most effective herb remedy to use. Thanks everyone in advance, greatly appreciate it!
Although this might seem rather strange, I have found the primary causative agent for breast cysts to be wearing bras, and every women I’ve known with the problem had it get better once she stopped wearing a bra for a few weeks.
I can understand why you would be hesitant to do that, but there’s actually a lot of information showing bras are bad for your health (especially tight restrictive ones). They cut the lymph flow, which amongst other things leads to cysts.Beyond that, I know a few people who have cured both by using the disolving process (which is explained in a book called opening the energy gates of your body), along with a few others that did it via energy movement forms which made the fluids flow within their body (the best one in that regards was known as gods playing in the clouds).
I’ve also read a lot of research data supporting the notion that DMSO applied to the are a cysts or fibroids in can cure it, but I’ve never had any first hand experience with this approach, mainly because I haven’t come to the point where it was necessary to do.
There are a few herbal remedies which can help to mitigate it etc, but I am of the opinion they’re less effective than DMSO so I wouldn’t personally use them.
Hope that helps!
*I should also note none of the girls had their breasts get aesthetically worse after they stopped wearing them, an increase in size was the only noticeable effect.

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