Labiaplasty is increasing in popularity as a surgical procedure among women of various ages. Many women choose to undergo labiaplasty to reduce the size of the labia or to improve the look of the vaginal area. Factors including child bearing, sexual activity, congenital anomalies, and aging are medical and aesthetic reasons women are seeking cosmetic surgery.
Ideal candidates for the procedure include women with enlarged or hypertrophic labia minora that cause discomfort and even psycho-social issues. Local irritation, problems with personal hygiene, interference with sexual intercourse, discomfort during physical activities such as cycling, horseback riding, sitting, and chaffing while walking and running are indications for surgical labia reduction.
Depending on the severity and complexity of the case, the procedure may be performed under a local or general anesthesia. The procedure involves removal of any excess tissue, asymmetry, or irregularities from the inner labia minora, which covers the clitoris and vagina. In some instances, the outer labia majora may also be improved if necessary.
Care is taken to avoid over-resection or trimming of the labia and to avoid interference with the clitoris and the urethral opening. The judicious reduction of the labia minora serves to improve the physical discomfort and sexuality of the patient. Internal dissolvable sutures are used and incisions are minimal and discrete. Sensitivity is normally unaffected.
This 25-year old patient was born with severe excessive labia minora and wanted to have labiaplasty surgery to improve the look and discomfort she experience for so long.
She is now 2-weeks post-op surgery and extremely pleased with her results.
Recovery time can vary from patient to patient. Bed rest is recommended for the first 2-3 days to ensure proper healing. Ice cold compresses during the first few days will help minimize swelling. The patient is instructed to avoid strenuous activity including sexual intercourse, tampon use, biking, and running for about 4-6 weeks.
Final results are usually seen at about 4-6 months. The request for labiaplasty consultations are in demand and many women feel that they will benefit from the procedure to help improve their self-image and confidence.
Frequently Asked Questions
did any one have a da vinci robotic myomectomy? iam scared to death as this my first time going under knief.?
I will have a da vinci robotic myomectomy next week, I am afraid of GA and pain and also recovery time and future pregnancy chances, 28 years, no kids.I have no known medical condition except for I am over weight and sometime a little asthma tendency, I have 3 fibroids and do not have any symptoms from those only my doc. thinks that its needed because of more chances for pregnancies, I was trying for last 3 years and did not get pregnant, my main concerns are GA risks and pain, recovery time and the length of the operation, it will take almost 4 hours and how I will feel after the surgery.-
You should inform the anesthetist about your asthma in advance. As I understand, the Da Vinci Surgical System reduces drastically the operation time and hospital stay period. The surgeon can also see the surgical field several times better.
Please note that I am not a medical professional.
post op hematoma from robotic myomectomy?
Went to the ER the other day of abdominal pain right at the belly button. They did an CT Scan and said I had a big sist on right ovary that was as big as a big apple. Then they called my Dr cause they said I would have to go into surgery. Well my gyno Dr, told them to do a Ultrasound. They didn’t find the sist but, found another fibroid in the uterus and a hematoma sitting right on the bladder and uterus and is almost as grapefruit, little smaller. Mind you which it doesn’t make since with the fibroid cause I had surgery on Sept 17, 2010 to remove a big fibroid and burnt a small one that he didn’t wanna take out cause it is really close to main blood vessels in uterus. But if it was burnt then how the hell did I get another one and it get that big within like 3 weeks? lol.. Is there any information that anyone can give me on the Hematoma and should I be worried bout it ??-

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