Post Menopausal Bleeding: Dealing With It Naturally
Post menopausal bleeding can understandably cause alarm to most women experiencing it. If you’re one of them, remember that it’s a common enough symptom to affect as much as 30% of post menopausal women. Still, it doesn’t mean that you can just leave it be. The absence of menstruation for at least 12 months signals in post menopause, so bleeding at any time after that period is considered abnormal and should be immediately checked by a doctor.
While most causes of and conditions leading to post menopausal bleeding are benign, there is the possibility that other, more serious reasons are behind it. For one thing, there can already be cancer-causing abnormalities in your uterus or vagina which require medical investigation. Polyps, fibroids, and other growths are usually harmless but nevertheless need to be treated to stop the bleeding. To determine the real cause, a range of gynaecological tests involving trans-vaginal ultrasound, hysteroscopy, or even a biopsy can be done.
Perhaps the most common cause of post menopausal bleeding is the decline of estrogen levels leading to atrophic vaginitis. The lining of the vagina gets thinner, resulting in dryness and in painful intercourse. Also, lowered hormonal levels are responsible for endometrial atrophy, which results in the thinning of tissues lining the uterus and spontaneous bleeding or spotting.
Barring going for risky, side effects-laden hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which can actually be causing post menopausal bleeding in the first place, what can you do to address this inconvenient symptom? Lots of things; and the good news is, they can be safe, effective, inexpensive, and all-natural methods.
Keep calm and carry on. Not to oversimplify or understate post menopausal bleeding, but clinical studies have shown that this actually ties in pretty well with a woman’s anxiety levels and state of mind. Intense excitement, anger, depression, or anxiety have been known to cause spontaneous bleeding, especially among post menopausal females. So try to steer clear of emotional and psychological stress-inducing situations, and keep a positive and serene frame of mind at all times. As an added physical fitness bonus, try doing yoga and other exercises that can keep you centered and calm, and tone your muscles at the same time.
Make heat your friend. Hot flashes should be kept at bay during menopause and beyond, but to effectively address post menopausal bleeding, semi-hot baths, heating pads, and hot water bottles can actually help relieve discomfort. Take lukewarm baths as often as you can because they can aid in relaxing your muscles and alleviating aches temporarily. If some pain comes with the bleeding, you can place a hot water bottle or a heating pad on your lower back or abdomen while resting to ease you of it.
Try natural treatments to control post menopausal bleeding. Over-the-counter medication can be prescribed at any time, but they can prove to be quite expensive in the long run. Why not go for organic and natural cures first? Homeopaths and herbal practitioners attest to their efficacy in the right dosages. Some of the most popular ones that address post menopausal bleeding include alfalfa, which balances hormones, lowers cholesterol, and eases vaginal inflammation when eaten in itself, taken as a supplement, or infused in a sitz bath. Black cohosh is another favorite gynaecological ingredient due to its menstrual symptom-relieving properties. Tinctures and tablets containing extract of black cohosh are recommended to lower blood pressure and to stimulate the pituitary gland. You can also try cinnamon bark tincture to address the bleeding. Six to twelve drops of it on your tongue or mixed with drinking water or juice and taken thrice daily can do wonders in alleviating lower back pain and treating uterine haemorrhaging.
Frequently Asked Questions
Post Menopause Abnormal Bleeding?
I have been post menopausal for 13 years. Two days ago I had abnormal vaginal bleeding. Cancer? Fibroids? Have you experienced this and if so, what did it turn out to be?-
Hi Virginia, You should definitely call your dr and tell him what is going on. I also am post menopausal and just started what seems like a period again. My last period was 18 months ago. I called my dr and talked to nurse and she asked if I was in pain as that would be a sign that you need to get to dr right away. I hope someone else also answers on what it could be.
Hysterectomy – take ovaries out or not?
I am post menopausal and have been having problems with fibroids and am considering a hysterectomy. My mother keeps telling me to ask that they not remove my ovaries as they still are putting out a small amount of estrogen which helps a lot of things like vaginal dryness, skin, etc. My doctor keeps saying that my ovaries are nothing now but little dried up balls and they aren’t benefiting me at all. One of the pluses is that if the ovaries are gone, you don’t have to worry about ovarian cancer. But I don’t want to have other problems like getting hot flashes again or ultra dry skin, etc. If you have had a hysterectomy with ovaries removed, can you advise pros and cons.-
actually recent studies suggest that even post menopausal ovaries put out some hormones that could help prevent heart attack.Personally, I would leave them
menopause……or not???
Last year, I stopped having periods and was showing all signs of menopause..I was 43 at that time. I had an FSH lab test that showed I was post-menopausal…ok…no periods for over a year! last week, I started bleeding and the ob-gyn got me in the same day, ordered another FSH level done which showed that I was not in menopause…they did an ultrasound and endometrial biopsy yesterday and found like 4-6 fibroids and said I must not be menopausal now…What the hell? She had no explanation for it…opinions please!!
oh, by the way, they said since I have so many fibroids, they would like to just go ahead and remove the uterus, still waiting for the biopsy results though…my mother had endometrial cancer, hence the biopsy for me…-
Same thing for me. Menopause . And I beg you , DO NOT let them remove your ovaries. Have them remove the fibroid. I had fibroid also. They removed both ovaries ans life has been hell. I cannot take hormones because breast cancer runs in my family. Taking both of your ovaries will throw you into medically induced Menopause and like I said it is HELL.
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