Necrotic Fibroid
Fibroids, also known as uterine fibroids, are unwanted clone of cells that get developed in the uterus. This unwanted clone of cells is known as tumors. Tumors are of two types i.e. benign and malignant tumors. Benign tumors are those tumors that are not involved in any cancerous activities and are harmless. Malignant tumors are responsible for cancerous doings and can prove to be fatal. These tumors attack the neighboring cells and keep proceeding in this manner. Uterine fibroids are benign tumors of uterus and are very common among females. Most of the time, they are absolutely harmless. However, sometimes they may bring a lot of complications.
As mentioned above, fibroids are very common in females. Due to their benignity, they are not considered as matter of concern. Fibroids are very rare to occur in teenage girls. They are mostly present in women of the age group of 25-35. Women who have reached menopause have no chances of developing fibroids. Any tumor in these ladies should be treated very seriously, for the reason that it is most likely to be a malignant tumor.
The causes of fibroids are still strange. There are no known exact reasons of fibroids. However, their development is connected with the level of estrogen. Estrogen plays a central role in the development of fibroids. They increase the size of fibroids significantly. Estrogens are female sex hormone produced by the female reproductive system. Besides playing a vital role in the sexual development of females, they are also responsible for fibroids development. Now, it is well-known that as long as women are menstruating, they will keep on producing estrogen. Estrogen is considered as a part and parcel of menstrual cycle. It means that women will keep on producing estrogen until they reach menopause (last menstrual cycle of females). Consequently, women will have very high likelihoods of fibroids, throughout their menstrual life. It is also because of this fact that women don’t develop fibroids after menopause. Due to menopause, estrogen level reaches the bottom and hence chances of fibroids become minimal.
Normally, fibroids occur singly but they can be more than one. Their size is generally very small but they show extreme diversity in size. Sometimes, they are so small that they don’t even get noticed by the patient. They can be as small as pea and can be as large as pumpkin. At times, they become so large that they weigh up to 50 pounds. Large-size fibroids can cause severe abdominal pain, heavy monthly periods, back pain etc.
There are various methods for the treatment of fibroids. Some of methods results in necrosis (premature cell death) of fibroids i.e. necrotic fibroids. The other methods involve the removal of fibroids from the body.
Necrotic fibroids are the dead fibroids, caused by the specific treatment method. This treatment is called as uterine artery embolization. It is a scheme in which the blood flow to the fibroids is restricted and yields necrotic uterine fibroids. This embolization method is a modern method and is considered as very effective one.

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i have been diagnosed with a necrotic fibroid thru a ct scan. i am experiencing a constant lower left pelvic cramp(pain?). i currently have fibroids and have had two myomectomies so far. what is the treatment for this?