Foods to Avoid For Fibroids – Natural Methods to Manage Fibroids
If you are looking for information on which foods to avoid for fibroids, you need to be aware that although undoubtedly helpful, managing your diet on its own is unlikely to have a great impact. If you are looking at natural methods to manage your fibroids, you need to be aware that there is no one technique which will work on its own. Indeed, advocates of natural, holistic methods consider that the only way to manage fibroids naturally is to use a holistic approach which is based around the fact that the body is a “unified whole” and must be treated as such.
As one important element in using natural methods to manage your fibroids, there are certain foods which should be avoided.
1. Conventional Dairy Products – It is believed that dairy products can be responsible for allergies which then go on to cause bodily inflammation, thus aggravating fibroids. In addition, dairy products often contain traces of hormone, pesticides and antibiotics, all of which can contribute to fibroid growth.
2. Processed Sugar – When eaten, white sugar causes a dramatic rise in blood sugar levels which in turn causes a swift production of insulin. When repeated often, this can lead to diabetes. In addition, the process of metabolizing sugar also puts increased stress on the liver, causing hormonal imbalances which can contribute to fibroid growth.
3. Refined Carbohydrates – These have a chemical composition similar to sugar and the body treats these very much the same. Along with sugar, these are important foods to avoid for fibroids. In addition, their glue like consistency can clog up the digestive system and contribute to toxin build up.
4. Hydrogenated Oils – The chemical composition of oils is changed to make these types of oil with the intention that they will not go rancid. This change means that you body then recognizes them as “foreign substances” (almost poison-like) and once inside the body, they can clog up the spleen and cause various other problems, including those related to cell-division. There is a growing trend to remove them from processed foods.
5. Gluten Grains – There is evidence to show that rye, wheat, corn and barley, amongst others, can contain chemical substances which can lead to immune system problems, inflammatory issues and hormonal imbalances-all of which can lead to fibroid growth.
6. Red and Fatty Meats, Processed meats – Conventional red meats can contain toxins and steroids. It can be hard to digest which can cause overload to your system and mean that there can be a build up of rotting meat in the gut. It is best to avoid red meats and products if possible. If you do not feel you can, then consume only small quantities and choose only organic meats.
7. Processed Foods – In general, stick to foods as close to their raw state as possible and avoid anything with additives.
8. Alcohol and Caffeine – Both can be harmful for women with fibroids and should be avoided.
Of course, taking note of these foods to avoid for fibroids will help. However, if you are wanting to see fast results, you should see this as one piece of a larger jigsaw puzzle-but a very important one, nevertheless. You will also need to consider taking other steps, including taking supplements, exercising, detoxing, stress control and dietary management as a whole.
Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.
If you would like to see further information on how a natural treatment could be your best option, please visit How To Get Rid Of Fibroids. This system includes comprehensive information about foods to avoid for fibroids.
One of the best features of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author.
Frequently Asked Questions
Large partially pedunculated fibroid leiomyoma 10.2 x 8.6 x 9.7 of the anterior uterus… HELP?
In a way I can tell I’m blessed why? In 2008 I used to blame myself and others who caused a car accident that I was in. I lost so much after that accident not being able to have the very good health and physic I used to have. From 162 no I weight 210. I went to so many doctors after my accident because my neck and back was really in pain. I finally found a doctor who did thank lord give me hope that everything could go back to normal. Until the other day my chiropractors to finish my treatment cause my insurance almost with no balance, he told me that he will MRI my back. When they did they found and confirmed that I had a herniated disc L5-S1 that this accident had make worst because a previous chiropractor told me I had a disc problem before 3 days before the accident etc… But that MRI for my back shows a growing mass inside my pelvic. They send me for a pelvic ultrasound. Also the days of the MRI my tummy to the right side move so much that was crazy and I was extremely dizzy. Result came like that:Age: 26
Sex: FemaleHistory: Pelvic pain with heavy menses.
Finding: utilizing a full urinary bladder as an acoustic window, the pelvis was evaluated and the uterus is in a normal anteverted/anteflexed orientation measuring 8.4 x 9.8 x 8.0 cm. The uterus contains a very large anterior complex leiomyoma, which measures 10.2 x 8.6 x 9.7 cm. The right and left adnexa are normal. There is no free fluid within the cul-de-sac.
Impression: There is a large soft tissue mass involving the anterior uterus almost certainly representing a large partially pedunculated leiomymoma, which measures 10.2 x 8.6x 9.7 cm. This is an otherwise normal study.
I had so many symptoms related to this now I realized when I make search, I though it was normal to have these symptoms or I was like that but I was in silence sick.
-I always had heavy period since a teen
-around 2 to 3 days
-only when lose weight in 2007 my period is around 5 to 6 days with no pain at all.
-sometimes painful period who changed to be worst now, and right side got worst in last 3 years with clog blood peace going aout.
-constipation on and off but now for my period this month my belly got so big and bloated and I was constipated now I started going again.
-I always fell pain when I’m ovulating like I’m having my period on my right ovaries side and pain bit after period since 1 year ½ now.
-My right side belly itch me so much when I eat sugar or bad food or fell like biting me inside to my skin.
-when I crave too much sugar and eat really too much I have a gluant mucus think like mucus and clear going out my vagina with no smell, sometimes itch lightly. When I take the GSE grapseed oil it’s ok.
-under my skin all over my body something fell like stuff crawling.
-end 2007/start 2008 after doing a master cleanse I start noticing theses itch on my right side belly. And I was for 2 months on and off yeast infection diagnosed was Candida vaginitis.
-during the cleanse fell like one day my right ovary need to go out like something pulling out.
– I never tried to cleanse my body ever since.Please God is giving an opportunity to heal myself. By showing me that I have been sick for years trough all this tragedy, I discover it. Please give me information about my condition anyone is welcome/ what food to eat and not/ what life to lead/ what supplement to takes/ what natural medicine is good/ what surgery is involved/ do this fibroids turn into cancer. HELPPPPPPP PLEASE.
I will see a doctor this Tuesday and hope better news and hope he tells I will be able to have 1 baby.
You need to direct these questions to your doctor.Generally, people on Answer Yahoo aren’t intelligent enough to write complete sentences, much less offer medical advice, answer questions or give opinions.
Good luck… wait til Tuesday!!!!!!
Large partially pedunculated fibroid leiomyoma 10.2 x 8.6 x 9.7 of the anterior uterus… HELPPPPPPPPPPPP?
In a way I can tell I’m blessed why? In 2008 I used to blame myself and others who caused a car accident that I was in. I lost so much after that accident not being able to have the very good health and physic I used to have. From 162 no I weight 210. I went to so many doctors after my accident because my neck and back was really in pain. I finally found a doctor who did thank lord give me hope that everything could go back to normal. Until the other day my chiropractors to finish my treatment cause my insurance almost with no balance, he told me that he will MRI my back. When they did they found and confirmed that I had a herniated disc L5-S1 that this accident had make worst because a previous chiropractor told me I had a disc problem before 3 days before the accident etc… But that MRI for my back shows a growing mass inside my pelvic. They send me for a pelvic ultrasound. Also the days of the MRI my tummy to the right side move so much that was crazy and I was extremely dizzy. Result came like that:Age: 26
Sex: FemaleHistory: Pelvic pain with heavy menses.
Finding: utilizing a full urinary bladder as an acoustic window, the pelvis was evaluated and the uterus is in a normal anteverted/anteflexed orientation measuring 8.4 x 9.8 x 8.0 cm. The uterus contains a very large anterior complex leiomyoma, which measures 10.2 x 8.6 x 9.7 cm. The right and left adnexa are normal. There is no free fluid within the cul-de-sac.
Impression: There is a large soft tissue mass involving the anterior uterus almost certainly representing a large partially pedunculated leiomymoma, which measures 10.2 x 8.6x 9.7 cm. This is an otherwise normal study.
I had so many symptoms related to this now I realized when I make search, I though it was normal to have these symptoms or I was like that but I was in silence sick.
-I always had heavy period since a teen
-around 2 to 3 days
-only when lose weight in 2007 my period is around 5 to 6 days with no pain at all.
-sometimes painful period who changed to be worst now, and right side got worst in last 3 years with clog blood peace going aout.
-constipation on and off but now for my period this month my belly got so big and bloated and I was constipated now I started going again.
-I always fell pain when I’m ovulating like I’m having my period on my right ovaries side and pain bit after period since 1 year ½ now.
-My right side belly itch me so much when I eat sugar or bad food or fell like biting me inside to my skin.
-when I crave too much sugar and eat really too much I have a gluant mucus think like mucus and clear going out my vagina with no smell, sometimes itch lightly. When I take the GSE grapseed oil it’s ok.
-under my skin all over my body something fell like stuff crawling.
-end 2007/start 2008 after doing a master cleanse I start noticing theses itch on my right side belly. And I was for 2 months on and off yeast infection diagnosed was Candida vaginitis.
-during the cleanse fell like one day my right ovary need to go out like something pulling out.
– I never tried to cleanse my body ever since.Please God is giving an opportunity to heal myself. By showing me that I have been sick for years trough all this tragedy, I discover it. Please give me information about my condition anyone is welcome/ what food to eat and not/ what life to lead/ what supplement to takes/ what natural medicine is good/ what surgery is involved/ do this fibroids turn into cancer. HELPPPPPPP PLEASE.
I will see a doctor this Tuesday and hope better news and hope he tells I will be able to have 1 baby.
Fibroids are clumps of uterine extra tissue overgrowths, some do not cause any discomfort and the ones that are larger and that will need to be surgically removed through an incision like a c-section to basically go into the uterus . If you are 26 years old, and want children, make sure that they leave your ovaries, tubes and uterus intact and NOT TO REMOVE THEM and only remove the fibroids. However, if your doctor suggests that something be removed so the fibroids don’t come back and start growing again? Ask him what your options are. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor all the questions you have. Make a short list and take it with you to your appointment. Be ready with some questions.You will be OK. Have faith, and speak to someone at Social Security and start some benefits, you need to speak to a counselor, a dietician, and you need alot of support, emotional and medically. And try to have someone with you all the time, because you shouldn’t be alone in this.
Shrinking Fibroids Naturally??? Can it be done?
I was just diagnosed with having 3 fibroids. One of which is 6cm and is causing some pain on my right side. I have known about these fibroids, but have approached the “wait and see” attitude until now. Because of the pain, and heavy bleeding each month, I am faced with a decision to make in terms of getting them taken out. I have however decided AGAINST an hysterectomy. I know of too many side effects resulting in having one. Ablation is not a choice either, as my fibroid is too big. I don’t want Lupron either. I am 47 years old, and Lupron is temporary. I won’t make it too menopause with this approach. I am thinking about three options. Mynectomy, Embolization, and natural alternative methods. The later is much more appealing to me, as I live a holistic lifestyle, and I’m scared to death of surgery and meds. Has anyone had any success in shrinking fibroids naturally?? I would be very much interested in reading about your experience and how you achieved results if any. Chinese medicine? Herbs? Acupuncture? I’m all for it if it keeps me off the operating table. Thanks for the advice…-
Hi! I might I have some useful info for you. You want to try and reduce the amount of estrogen in your system since that’s what they need to grow. Here’s a list of some things you could try:Serrapeptase: This is an enzyme that eats cysts for food. I think it is amazing for inflammatory conditions and it should shrink your fibroids with continued use. Sold widely online and in health food stores.
Myomin: A blend of Chinese herbs was developed by an Oriental naturopath, Dr. Chi. The supplement limits estrogen production, acting sort of like an “aromatase inhibitor” similarly to stronger prescription drugs (Aromasin, Evista and Tamoxifen).
Sold online at or supplement will you reduce estrogen load and when fibroids don’t get the estrogen they need, bloating might occur, especially right before your period and for a few days into your cycle. So it appears that your fibroid condition is worsening. Bloating should subside midway through your cycle. A colored discharge may also occur for a few months as the fibroids slowly dissolve and exit the body.
I3C or DIM: This supplement is extracted from broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous veggies. It helps reduce estrogen in the body so the same warnings exist for this supplement as for Myomin.
Evening Primrose Oil: It’s extracted from the seeds of a wildflower and provides you with gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This can help relieve painful menstrual cycles, endometriosis and fibroid tumors too!
Diet: No more fried food, dairy or meat because these may fuel the growth of fibroids. Eat more salads and fruits. Drink juices that are red and fresh, like pure pomegranate, grape or cranberry juice.
Medicine: Wean off your birth control or hormone replacement drugs (with your doctor’s blessings) because these forms of estrogen fuel fibroid growth.
If you’re interested in a natural progesterone, let me know. Hope this helps you! Sonja BalancedVictory@yahoogroups
Large partially pedunculated fibroid leiomyoma 10.2 x 8.6 x 9.7 of the anterior uterus… HELPPPPPPPPPPPP?
In a way I can tell I’m blessed why? In 2008 I used to blame myself and others who caused a car accident that I was in. I lost so much after that accident not being able to have the very good health and physic I used to have. From 162 no I weight 210. I went to so many doctors after my accident because my neck and back was really in pain. I finally found a doctor who did thank lord give me hope that everything could go back to normal. Until the other day my chiropractors to finish my treatment cause my insurance almost with no balance, he told me that he will MRI my back. When they did they found and confirmed that I had a herniated disc L5-S1 that this accident had make worst because a previous chiropractor told me I had a disc problem before 3 days before the accident etc… But that MRI for my back shows a growing mass inside my pelvic. They send me for a pelvic ultrasound. Also the days of the MRI my tummy to the right side move so much that was crazy and I was extremely dizzy. Result came like that:Age: 26
Sex: FemaleHistory: Pelvic pain with heavy menses.
Finding: utilizing a full urinary bladder as an acoustic window, the pelvis was evaluated and the uterus is in a normal anteverted/anteflexed orientation measuring 8.4 x 9.8 x 8.0 cm. The uterus contains a very large anterior complex leiomyoma, which measures 10.2 x 8.6 x 9.7 cm. The right and left adnexa are normal. There is no free fluid within the cul-de-sac.
Impression: There is a large soft tissue mass involving the anterior uterus almost certainly representing a large partially pedunculated leiomymoma, which measures 10.2 x 8.6x 9.7 cm. This is an otherwise normal study.
I had so many symptoms related to this now I realized when I make search, I though it was normal to have these symptoms or I was like that but I was in silence sick.
-I always had heavy period since a teen
-around 2 to 3 days
-only when lose weight in 2007 my period is around 5 to 6 days with no pain at all.
-sometimes painful period who changed to be worst now, and right side got worst in last 3 years with clog blood peace going aout.
-constipation on and off but now for my period this month my belly got so big and bloated and I was constipated now I started going again.
-I always fell pain when I’m ovulating like I’m having my period on my right ovaries side and pain bit after period since 1 year ½ now.
-My right side belly itch me so much when I eat sugar or bad food or fell like biting me inside to my skin.
-when I crave too much sugar and eat really too much I have a gluant mucus think like mucus and clear going out my vagina with no smell, sometimes itch lightly. When I take the GSE grapseed oil it’s ok.
-under my skin all over my body something fell like stuff crawling.
-end 2007/start 2008 after doing a master cleanse I start noticing theses itch on my right side belly. And I was for 2 months on and off yeast infection diagnosed was Candida vaginitis.
-during the cleanse fell like one day my right ovary need to go out like something pulling out.
– I never tried to cleanse my body ever since.Please God is giving an opportunity to heal myself. By showing me that I have been sick for years trough all this tragedy, I discover it. Please give me information about my condition anyone is welcome/ what food to eat and not/ what life to lead/ what supplement to takes/ what natural medicine is good/ what surgery is involved/ do this fibroids turn into cancer. HELPPPPPPP PLEASE.
I will see a doctor this Tuesday and hope better news and hope he tells I will be able to have 1 baby.
Its a fibroid – not the type that leads to cancer – and some of the other abdominal symptoms you have are related to it.Its not uncommon at all – and yours is not even all that large compared to some.
Sometimes they do laser surgury to remove them – but they are usually not considered serious at all. Sometimes birth control pills keep the symptoms under control. I’m guessing folks are going to suggest vitex and black cohosh – I would avoid those – you might make things worse.
Inhale deeply – exhale fully.
The chances are very good you will be fine, and having children.Good Luck and Be Well

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