Herbs Commonly Used in Fibroids Natural Treatment
Much before modern medicine offered a solution for uterine fibroid treatment herbal remedies were successfully used to cure fibroids. Statistically, in the recent past the number of women going in for herbal and other methods of fibroids natural treatment has increased.
Natural remedies for fibroids are less harmful, do not have any side effects, and are cost effective too. This method of treatment for uterine fibroids works on the principle that it is essential to remove the cause of an ailment from the body to get rid of it completely. Hence this type of uterine fibroid treatment attempts to eliminate the probable causes of fibroids from the body thus ensuring that the fibroid tumors do not reappear.
Fibroids are usually harmless tumors which grow in and around a woman’s womb. The chances of fibroids tumor turning cancerous is less than 0.1 %. Although harmless, fibroids can cause a lot of discomfort and unpleasant symptoms which can interfere with a woman’s daily life.
Common symptoms of fibroids include:
1. Painful mensuration
2. Indigestion and bloating of the abdomen
3. Frequent urge to pass urine
4. Excessive bleeding during periods which may cause anemia.
5. Pain occurring suddenly due to a pendunculated fibroid twisting.
If you leave fibroids untreated for a long time you will have to bear these symptoms which will keep getting severe as the size of the fibroids increases.
For fibroids natural treatment to be successful the treatment method and herbs used may vary from individual to individual. Since fibroids often result from multiple causes a mixture of herbs may have to be used in combination to cure fibroids completely.
The most commonly used herbs to cure fibroids are:
1. Spica Prunellae
2. Fructus Corni
3. Concha Ostreae
4. Rhizoma Sparganii
5. Semen Litchi
6. Rhizoma Zedoariae
7. Herba Dendrobii
These herbs are normally safe to use. However in your own best interest I would recommend that you make use of these only upon being prescribed by an authorized practitioner of herbal medicines. There are a number of quacks who claim to be experts in uterine fibroid treatment. Beware of such people and ensure that you get treated by a reliable doctor who is qualified to do so.
Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? Do you know of a proven fibroids treatment that will start giving you relief within a few weeks of use? Although this may seem impossible it is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of fibroids naturally, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine Finroid Treatment
Frequently Asked Questions
Uterine Fibroids and Breast Cysts
Hello All,
I have uterine fibroids and breast cysts. I am estrogen dominant and began taking steps to repair the damage. I have begun exercising as well as changing my diet free from red meats, dairy and coffee. My doctor and I discussed possible options and since I am fairly young (36), invasive procedures are not beneficial for me since I plan (hope) to have more children and the Fibroids are not yet severely large enough to cause serious damage, however they are uncomfortable.I also don’t want to take Hormone Therapy due to side affects and my age.
I researched online various sites advising the use of Natural Herbs to reduce and shrink Fibroids, but there are so many I want to know which herbs are BEST or more EFFECTIVE at eliminating Fibroids.
I understand that using Natural Herbs it will take abit of a longer time to reduce the Fibroids and I’m ok with that, I just want to “pin-point” the BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE herbs to obtain.I’ve read the following are good choices:
Vitex (Chasteburry)
Milk Thistle
Lady’s Mantle
Dandelion root
FlaxseedPlease if I’ve missed anything please let me know or advise the best most effective herb remedy to use. Thanks everyone in advance, greatly appreciate it!
Goodness, you could be my “female problem identical twin”! Please, please, please, do not remove your uterus. You are not going to like me for this, but I am going to recommend that you go to a Reproductive Gynecological Doctor. They will help you repair the mess your body has made, all the while, ensuring that your fertility will be kept in tact. There is surgery you can have to remove them without doing lots of damage to the uterus.
Fibroids and Breast Cysts
Hello All,
I have uterine fibroids and breast cysts. I am estrogen dominant and began taking steps to repair the damage. I have begun exercising as well as changing my diet free from red meats, dairy and coffee. My doctor and I discussed possible options and since I am fairly young (36), invasive procedures are not beneficial for me since I plan (hope) to have more children and the Fibroids are not yet severely large enough to cause serious damage, however they are uncomfortable.I also don’t want to take Hormone Therapy due to side affects and my age.
I researched online various sites advising the use of Natural Herbs to reduce and shrink Fibroids, but there are so many I want to know which herbs are BEST or more EFFECTIVE at eliminating Fibroids.
I understand that using Natural Herbs it will take abit of a longer time to reduce the Fibroids and I’m ok with that, I just want to “pin-point” the BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE herbs to obtain.I’ve read the following are good choices:
Vitex (Chasteburry)
Milk Thistle
Lady’s Mantle
Dandelion root
FlaxseedPlease if I’ve missed anything please let me know or advise the best most effective herb remedy to use. Thanks everyone in advance, greatly appreciate it!
Understand that you don’t want surgery due to the desire for more kids – but having had this problem myself, I advise you to take one more thing into consideration – your quality of life should you go for the herbal remedy. You could spend years trying various herbs with the accompanying discomfort, and end up in surgery after all of that. I had surgery and never looked back as I felt great again!
Natural Treatments for Breast Fibroids?
My dear friend (who’s 25 years old) had a breast exam last year and was told she has a breast fibroid about an inch long. As she refuses to get radical treatment like surgery, she’s hoping to at least reduce if not eliminate the growth through alternative means such as nutrition, herbs, energy treatments (qigong, reiki, etc.), and others.Maybe someone else out there has experience dealing with this condition?
Where I live, in Eastern Europe, there’s not the best patient awareness (i.e. doctors helping patients know more) about alternatives, and the info on the web is confusing to me and my friend.
Please, if you have information about this, let me know. We’re not looking for a prescription, simply helpful advice from others who’ve perhaps faced this themselves.
Thank you.
Hi Natalie, I know 3 therapy for this disease: it is Surgery, Dietary Therapy, and Medicinal Therapy.For your friend I have consider dietary therapy – considered to be quite effective for the treatment of breast fibroids. Doctors recommend the following nutritional therapy plan to control breast fibroids:
* Your friend need switch over to a low-fat, vegetarian diet because a high-fat diet not only causes obesity, but also results in imbalanced oestrogen levels, which is the primary cause of the development of breast fibroids.
* Your friend need start taking lots of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, and high fiber foods like apples. All these increase oestrogen excretion.
Vitamin-B rich foods such as brown rice, wheat germ and wheat germ oil, and nutritional yeast are also beneficial.
* Your friend need avoid taking caffeine foods like chocolate, carbonated sodas, concentrated starches like pastries and fatty dairy foods, hormone-laden meats and refined sugars.
* Also need avoid fried, sugary and salty foods, especially smoked or preserved meats during your menstrual period.
* Your friend need eat diuretic foods, like cucumbers and watermelons, and dark green leafy vegetables to neutralize and flush out the toxins.
* And drink plenty of water every day.
These not complex change on diet can destroy problems your friend, Doctors also most often recommend oral contraceptives to decrease symptoms of breast fibroids.
If this treatments is not work for your friend, when the breast fibroids fail to disappear even after several attempts at removing the fluid, so exists is only one choice – Surgery. Surgery will involve removing the fibroid lumps from the breast.
Jason Homan
Shrinking Fibroids Naturally??? Can it be done?
I was just diagnosed with having 3 fibroids. One of which is 6cm and is causing some pain on my right side. I have known about these fibroids, but have approached the “wait and see” attitude until now. Because of the pain, and heavy bleeding each month, I am faced with a decision to make in terms of getting them taken out. I have however decided AGAINST an hysterectomy. I know of too many side effects resulting in having one. Ablation is not a choice either, as my fibroid is too big. I don’t want Lupron either. I am 47 years old, and Lupron is temporary. I won’t make it too menopause with this approach. I am thinking about three options. Mynectomy, Embolization, and natural alternative methods. The later is much more appealing to me, as I live a holistic lifestyle, and I’m scared to death of surgery and meds. Has anyone had any success in shrinking fibroids naturally?? I would be very much interested in reading about your experience and how you achieved results if any. Chinese medicine? Herbs? Acupuncture? I’m all for it if it keeps me off the operating table. Thanks for the advice…-
Hi! I might I have some useful info for you. You want to try and reduce the amount of estrogen in your system since that’s what they need to grow. Here’s a list of some things you could try:Serrapeptase: This is an enzyme that eats cysts for food. I think it is amazing for inflammatory conditions and it should shrink your fibroids with continued use. Sold widely online and in health food stores.
Myomin: A blend of Chinese herbs was developed by an Oriental naturopath, Dr. Chi. The supplement limits estrogen production, acting sort of like an “aromatase inhibitor” similarly to stronger prescription drugs (Aromasin, Evista and Tamoxifen).
Sold online at www.energeticnutrition.com or www.chi-health.com.This supplement will you reduce estrogen load and when fibroids don’t get the estrogen they need, bloating might occur, especially right before your period and for a few days into your cycle. So it appears that your fibroid condition is worsening. Bloating should subside midway through your cycle. A colored discharge may also occur for a few months as the fibroids slowly dissolve and exit the body.
I3C or DIM: This supplement is extracted from broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous veggies. It helps reduce estrogen in the body so the same warnings exist for this supplement as for Myomin.
Evening Primrose Oil: It’s extracted from the seeds of a wildflower and provides you with gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This can help relieve painful menstrual cycles, endometriosis and fibroid tumors too!
Diet: No more fried food, dairy or meat because these may fuel the growth of fibroids. Eat more salads and fruits. Drink juices that are red and fresh, like pure pomegranate, grape or cranberry juice.
Medicine: Wean off your birth control or hormone replacement drugs (with your doctor’s blessings) because these forms of estrogen fuel fibroid growth.
If you’re interested in a natural progesterone, let me know. Hope this helps you! Sonja BalancedVictory@yahoogroups
Fibroids and Breast Cysts
Hello All,
I have uterine fibroids and breast cysts. I am estrogen dominant and began taking steps to repair the damage. I have begun exercising as well as changing my diet free from red meats, dairy and coffee. My doctor and I discussed possible options and since I am fairly young (36), invasive procedures are not beneficial for me since I plan (hope) to have more children and the Fibroids are not yet severely large enough to cause serious damage, however they are uncomfortable.I also don’t want to take Hormone Therapy due to side affects and my age.
I researched online various sites advising the use of Natural Herbs to reduce and shrink Fibroids, but there are so many I want to know which herbs are BEST or more EFFECTIVE at eliminating Fibroids.
I understand that using Natural Herbs it will take abit of a longer time to reduce the Fibroids and I’m ok with that, I just want to “pin-point” the BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE herbs to obtain.I’ve read the following are good choices:
Vitex (Chasteburry)
Milk Thistle
Lady’s Mantle
Dandelion root
FlaxseedPlease if I’ve missed anything please let me know or advise the best most effective herb remedy to use. Thanks everyone in advance, greatly appreciate it!
Although this might seem rather strange, I have found the primary causative agent for breast cysts to be wearing bras, and every women I’ve known with the problem had it get better once she stopped wearing a bra for a few weeks.
I can understand why you would be hesitant to do that, but there’s actually a lot of information showing bras are bad for your health (especially tight restrictive ones). They cut the lymph flow, which amongst other things leads to cysts.Beyond that, I know a few people who have cured both by using the disolving process (which is explained in a book called opening the energy gates of your body), along with a few others that did it via energy movement forms which made the fluids flow within their body (the best one in that regards was known as gods playing in the clouds).
I’ve also read a lot of research data supporting the notion that DMSO applied to the are a cysts or fibroids in can cure it, but I’ve never had any first hand experience with this approach, mainly because I haven’t come to the point where it was necessary to do.
There are a few herbal remedies which can help to mitigate it etc, but I am of the opinion they’re less effective than DMSO so I wouldn’t personally use them.
Hope that helps!
*I should also note none of the girls had their breasts get aesthetically worse after they stopped wearing them, an increase in size was the only noticeable effect.

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