Natural Fibroid Treatment – What I Did to Shrink Fibroids Naturally
Today I am 45 and was diagnosed with fibroids when I was 39. Looking back I can now say that fibroids interfered with my life to a very large extent during the last 5 years. Due to excessive bleeding I was anemic. My periods were really painful and unbearable. Although I was aware of my fibroids, I did nothing about it since I did not want to go in for fibroids surgery. Couple of years ago I came across an article on the internet on how to shrink fibroids naturally by making use of alternative methods of fibroid treatment.
Instead of doing nothing about my fibroid tumors which were growing in size and numbers with passage of time, after reading this article I decided to try out natural remedies for fibroid cure.
After giving natural fibroid treatment method a try for over a year I have not got rid of fibroids completely. What the natural remedies have done for me is to reduce the size of my fibroid tumors. As a result my symptoms are not as severe as they used to be. I can easily live with it. More importantly my tumors have not multiplied in numbers. Natural remedies have prevented new fibroid tumors from developing.
I started out with simple lifestyle and diet changes to ensure that my liver functioned properly. Some of the basic measures included
(1) doing away with personal care products which contain xenoestrogens like lotions, shampoos, facial creams, toothpaste etc
(2) completely avoiding diary products and red meat,
(3) including 4-5 servings of fresh organically grown fruit and vegetables in my daily intake.
(4) in lieu of red meat I started having organic chicken and wild salmon/fish once in a while.
(5) a number of legumes act as fibroid fighters. Legumes rich in phytoestrogens include Pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans, mung beans, lima beans, fava beans, and split peas.
Along with these simple measures to shrink fibroids naturally, I also went in for acupuncture sessions once a week. To reduce my stress I used visualization and meditation practices which were very effective.
While undergoing fibroid treatment it is essential for you to be happy and believe that you will be able to successfully shrink fibroids naturally without undergoing fibroids surgery. Trust me natural cures combined with a strong mental resolve will help in shrinking the size of your fibroids drastically. At the same time it will prevent the growth of new fibroid tumors.
Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? Do you know of a proven fibroids treatment that will start giving you relief within a few weeks of use? Although this may seem impossible it is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of fibroids naturally, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine Finroid Treatment
If you are interested in natural remedies for fibroids and in the only clinically proven 3-step Holistic system for eliminating Uterine Fibroids Naturally, please have a look at our recommended book
Frequently Asked Questions
what is a natural cure for fibroid tumors?
I have two 2cm fibroid tumors-
For you my friend i will type my brains out….. 🙂*Coenzyme Q-10. 30mg daily Promotes immune function and tissue oxygenation.
*Floradix Iron and herbs from Salus Haus. as directed on lable. do not take at the same time of day as Vit E. iron depletes Vit E in the body. this will be helpfull if you have any anemia from heavy bleeding.
*L-Argenine. 500mg daily, on empty stomach. Take with water or juice. Do not take w milk. take w 50 mg vit b6 and 100mg vit c for best absorption. Enhances immunity, may retard tumor growth.
*L-Lysine. 500mg.daily empty stomach. needed to balance w L-Argenine.
*Maitake and/or Shiitake. as directed on label. strengthens body and overall health, has potent immunostimulant properties that inhibit tumor growth.
*Multivitamin and mineral complex. as directed. necessary for balance of all nutrients.
*Vit A 25,000 IU daily. important to immune functionand promotes tissue repair. Use emulsion form for easier assimilation and greater safety at higher doses.
*Vit C. 3,000-10,0000mg daily in divided doses. Promotes immune function and acts as antioxidant.
*Zinc. 30-80mg daily. do not exceed 100 mg daily, (it may be in other supplements) needed for healthy immune system.
*also, stay away from oral contraceptives high in estrogen content, as high estrogen content BC can stimulate the growth of fibroid tumors.
~taken from “Prescriptions for Natural Healing” authors Blach and Blach.
*dont forget prayer.
Has anyone tried any natural cures for Uterine Fibroids? & Did it really work?
I am concerned that I may have uterine fibroids. My period has changed signifcantly from my norm of 3 days of light bleeding to 1 day of spotting, 2 days of very heavy bleeding (leaking through super plus tampon ever 2 hours), 2 days of regular bleeding and another 2 days of spotting for a total of 7 days now. My period has also changed from every 28 days to every 26 days. Each month my period has gotten longer and heavier. My mother had fibroid tumors and had to have a hysterectomy. It is my understanding fibroids are hereditary. I would like to know about natural obtainable cures that actually work.-
i suffer from uterine fibroids, as did my mother, older sister, and 4 of my 1st cousins. one natural cure that i saw and only used once was Cheyenne pepper. one teaspoon at nite in a full glass of water. it is a very hot nasty taste. i battled fibroids for maybe 10 yrs. before i ended up in the er with hemorrhage. i didn’t have a hysterectomy. i had a myomectomy. they cut the fibroid off the outside of my uterus. i have a cut from my naval down, i was in the hospital for 3 days and out of work for 6 wks. the 1st 2 periods were bad and then the were great, but that only can last 6 yrs, its been 8 for me, I’m now starting to have problems again. I’m 48 now and if i have to be cut again i will just have the hysterectomy. a co-worker had a myomectomy, and she went on to have 2 full-term healthy babies. i considered my age at the time. you can get a book of home remedies at a major book store, try some of what you may find in them. good luck! in short do what’s best for you and your lifestyle. you have to live with the results.
is there any natural cure for fibroid? please help.?-
The good news is that fibroids ‘naturally’ shrink with the menopause. ‘Naturally’ none of the load of old rubbish listed under ‘HERBAL REMEDIES’ has any effect at all on their size or nature.If the fibroids are asymptomatic ‘naturally’ no intervention is needed unless they are causing a fertility issue. ‘Naturally’ if they are producing significant symptoms, such as polymenorrhagia or non-cyclic pain, you would need advice from a gynaecologist. With the exception of trials of GnRH agonist therapy as an adjunct to surgery, there is a remarkable lack of randomized trial data demonstrating the effectiveness of medical therapies. This means ‘naturally’ that currently the only proven management of symptomatic fibroids remains surgical intervention.
Any NATURAL CURES for shrinking/preventing/eliminating firbroid tumors?
My mom is 46 years old and the doc. told her that she has fibroid tumors the size of a 5 month old fetus!!! She has revised her freelance diet and is drinking lots of water and eating more fruits and veggies. What else can she do to shrink, eliminate, and prevent more of them? Please include natural remedies…she doesn’t want to have surgery…but then again, who would!!!-
My girlfriend was told to eliminate caffeine from her diet.Don’t know if that’s gonna help if the fibroid is that big!
have a fibroid,55, gone through menapause low estrogen 35. high prolacin 5000 piturty anonoma,what should i do
I’m 55 i have fibroids, I think ive gone through menapause but drs arent sure, as I also have a pituarty anonoma, and very high prolactin levels 5000 instead of 300. I cant loose weight, and apart from my husband saying he can feel the fibroid getting bigger in intercouse I have no other systpms i also have very low estrogen levels 35. Does anyone have any natural cured out there for my condition thanks gay-
You need to have this treated. The fibroid will continue to grow. Blood makes them grow. I had mine fixed and it was easier than I thought it was going to be.

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