Myoma Fibroid

Fibroid Types

A fibroid is a type of tumor or growth that can be found in a woman’s uterus or ovaries. Fibroids are generally benign, meaning that it is usually not associated with the development of cancer. Around half of all women have some type of fibroid; however, most fibroids will not cause any symptoms, leaving many women unaware that they even have them until they are encountered by a doctor during a routine pelvic exam. Fibroids are also known by the medical community as Myoma, Leiomyoma and Fibromyoma.

The 5 different types

Fibroids are classified into five separate types depending on where they are locateda

  1. Intracavity myomas: These types of growths are located inside the cavity of the uterus and may cause bleeding in between periods along with painful cramping. If intracavity myomas prove to be troublesome, they can usually be removed through a process known as a hysteroscopic resection
  2. Submucous myomas: These benign tumors can be found growing partly in the cavity and partly in the uteran wall and can also cause pain and bleeding between periods. They can also be removed via hysteroscopic resection.
  3. Unless they get oversized and bothersome, these tumors generally do not cause any symptoms and usually do not need to be treated. Most women will not even know that they have them.
  4. Subseros myomas: The fibroids are found growing on the outside of the uterine wall.
  5. Pendunculated myomas: These are fibroids that are attached to uterus by a stem or stalk. These type of fibroids are generally easiest to remove through the use of a laparoscopy.

Fibroids can come in many different sizes from pea sized growths to giant tumors that can make a woman look five months pregnant. The growth rate of fibroids can also vary greatly. Some will stay the same small size for years, while others will grow at a rapid rate quickly becoming a problem. Sometimes pregnancy can end up causing preexisting fibroid to three to five fold bigger than it previously was. This is thought to happen due to the increase levels of estrogen present in the body during a pregnancy as well as other pregnancy related factors that contribute to the increase in size. These fibroids will generally shrink back to their previous size after the pregnancy. While some fibroids grow with pregnancy, other fibroids can make it difficult for pregnancy to happen. The most common sympyoms associated with fibroids are pelvic pain and heavy menstrual bleeding.

80% of women over the age of 50 have uterine fibroids and if you include the smallest of growths, some studies suggest that all women have them by the time they reach menopause. Most women that have fibroids generally have more than one type and sometimes there can be many as fifty different fibroids present. In fact, a solitary fibroid is much less likely than multiple ones. Some menopausal women have shown a slow increase in the size of their fibroids when they take extra estrogen while others have noticed no change at all.

At a 1:750-1000 chance, cancer rarely develops in a fibroid. Some data even suggests that cancer will not form in a preexisting fibroid but develop instead in a a part of a uterus that is not a fibroid.

Forms of treatment:

Hysteroscopic resection: this process involves a doctor inserting a tool into the cervix that has a camera attached to it which allows the doctor to spot any fibroids. The doctor can then used a feature on the tool that produces an electrical current in order to kill the fibroid tissue.

Hormone therapy: Hormones can also be used to shrink fibroids

Hysterectomy: This is considered a last result and will only be done if the fibroids are causing a lot of pain and bleeding and nothing else can be done.

Speaking to your doctor about your symptoms and getting the right kind of tests will help determine which type of treatment is ideal for you.

About the author: Yulia Berry is an independent health researcher and author of the best selling e-books Aloe – Your Miracle Doctor and ‘Pharmacy In Vegetables’. She distributes a weekly newsletter regarding great home remedies and has written dozens of natural health articles published on hundreds of websites worldwide. Yulia Berry’s new ebook Unlocked Secrets of Curative Garlic to be released soon.


Frequently Asked Questions

    what is the difference between “uterine fibroid” and “uterine myoma” ?
    what is the difference between “uterine fibroid” and “uterine myoma” ?

    Are the two the same?

    please share your source of information.


    • ANSWER:
      They’re the same.
      A myomectomy is the removal of uterine fibroids.
      It’s basically a slow growing tumor.

    week 6 no embryo..ultrasound through fibroid (myoma)–can that make it harder to see? Please help!?
    I am desperate for an answer on this one. I had one successful pregnancy and two miscarriages–the embryo failed to develop. It was just an empty sac. Now I am in the 7th week.

    At 6 weeks and 2 days (4 weeks and 2 past known ovulation date), I had my first U/S. The doctor saw the embryonic sac but nothing in it. The sac was also small for the date–5 days smaller. He thinks I may be off on my ovulation date but I chart and know for sure that I am not.

    I also have a large (6×6 cm) fibroid near the cervix. The U/S has to go through the fibroid. When I saw the sac image on the screen, it looked clear to me. But is it possible that the fibroid makes the embryo impossible to see yet? I have never heard about this before–only that a retroverted uterus can affect when the embryo and heart beat can be seen. I know that in the 7th week, the embryo should be seen and usually the heartbeat, too. I am sick with worry over this as I don’t know how to faced another miscarriage. Help?

    • ANSWER:
      i hope this isn’t the case for you.
      i hope it is hust hard to see
      was your doc the on who did the u/s you coulld ask to be referred to radioligy…
      have them try for a belly u/s (they put the probe on your belly, or vaginally??) have both types done by radioligist.
      but docss, and radioligsts rarely make mistakes, they are very careful when the give the sad news about a pregnancy that has ended or didn’t grow right they are very careful before they say i’m sorry.
      good luck and god bless

    Does anyone here used herbal medicine to shrink a uterine fibroid tumor (myoma)?
    the past weeks i been in terrible thoughts finding that i got 2 uterine fibroid growing (intramural type) abt 11cm and 8 cm…
    i consulted 3 specialist already and they told me that they cnt assure me that they will not remove my uterus.. im still single ,and menopause is still far away plus im desirous to have kids..
    upon research i found more advantages if my uterus will be removed. Now i have come across natural progesterone and other herbal things they sell in the internet.. Can you share me any of its effects if someone of you have use it .. PLEASE SERIOUS ANSWER ONLY.. u will help me a lot.. thnx

    • ANSWER:
      yeah but you still didn’t answer my question on weather and whether.
      i asked you to give me a neumonic so i can remember them.
      but to answer you question no.

      do not remove your uterus. get a second opinion. if you want to gave 84 kidlets, please do not do that. i have never used herbal stuff like that but it does not hurt to try. give it a try first before you remove your woumb.

      i am ttc and i am using fertility blend and such stuff. so those are the only things i’ve tried. and i drink herbal teas.

      why can’t they remove the fibroids and not the uterus though?

    what is uterous myoma? is it be cured by homeopathy?
    What is uterous myoma/fibroid? Is it be cured completely by taking homeopathy medicine? As my sister-in-law doesnot want to go through surgery or uterous removed.

    • ANSWER:
      Homeopathy is ineffective in uterine fibroids

    i when for ultrasound they said that i have fibroid . what is fibroids?
    is there any thing to do?so that the fibroids to go away?myoma.

    • ANSWER:
      Fibroids are well-circumscribed, non-cancerous tumors arising from the smooth muscle layer of the uterus.
      In general, fibroids only need to be treated if they are causing symptoms. The primary treatment for patients with large or symptomatic fibroids is surgery. Hysterectomy (surgical removal of the entire uterus) is the most frequent operative technique used to treat this disorder.

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