Why Kelp In Liquid Form Is Superior
Other than eating copious amounts of raw kelp, Liquid Kelp Supplementation is probably the most effective means of ingesting kelp on the planet. Typically, vitamin and supplement enthusiasts have turned to traditional methods by taking pills or capsules but today with the advent of cold pressed kelp in Liquid Form, this has all changed. This new method ensures that you are receiving all of the natural goodness of freshly harvested kelp but in a much more pleasant form of delivery. 1/2oz of odorless, clear liquid kelp is all it takes.
Different than kelp tablets or capsules clear liquid kelp is prepared in its natural state near the ocean side where it grows. Freshly harvested digitata laminaria is put through a cold extraction procedure to produce a immensely powerful kelp product that delivers more nutritional benefits, in a more palatable format than early kelp supplementations such as stone like kelp pills that are challenging to get down & tolerate or dried kelp capsules that leave behind a harsh seaweed taste sensation in the mouth for hrs.
The benefits of ingesting liquid kelp are varied and many. One of the main benefits is that it contains naturally occurring iodine which helps restore balance to your thyroid gland which in turn helps with weight loss, and it is also excellent for restoring nutrients for healthy hair, nails and skin. You can take 1/2 oz of kelp, add 3-1/2oz of purified water in a small sprayer and have an incredible facial and body spray to help protect and restore your skin when in the sun.
Liquid Kelp supplementations is among the greatest sources of vitamins and minerals. It’s particularly rich in organic iodine as well as cell salts that are so crucial for the correct performance of the body and the thyroid gland. Kelp is also known as bladderwrack or Fucus vesiculosus. Reports reveal that the ingestion of Liquid Kelp in Japan is partially responsible for their dramatically lower rates of breast cancer. Not only that but studies show kelp has a part in their lower levels of obesity, heart condition, respiratory disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, hypertension, thyroid gland problems and constipation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mri- guided ultrasound therapy for fibroids?
My wife has a 15 cm fibroid. She is 50 years old and just graduated from engineering school. She would like to get a job, but a hysterectomy will put her out of the market for longer than she’d like. Uterine Arterial Embolization is not an option since she is allergic to iodine used in the procedure.My question, has anyone had MRI-guided ultrasound therapy for this condition? How id it work? Any leads on where it might be performed (other than Mt. Sinai) in the Northeast?
I did not have this procedure (I had hysterectomy) but I wonder if you read these sites:http://www.uterine-fibroids.org/
http://obgyn.adv100.com/obgyn/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=114065I hope this helps. By the way if your wife’s hysterectomy is not a total one, i.e. if its not an Abdominal, after which complete recovery usually takes four to eight weeks. But instead has a vaginal or laparoscopic procedure then most women are able to return to normal activity in one to two weeks.
So this is also another option to consider. Good luck.
progesterone cream for fibroids?
I have been reading about fibroids been caused by oestrogen dominance and progesterone cream working for them, so I ordered a jar, I thought I would find someone on here who had tried it, but after searching under fibroids, several have recommended surgery.I have been advised against surgery as I am a high stroke risk due to other disabilities and congenital hypothyroidism.
I have seen fibroidclear and another one I cant think of name but involves taking serracor, which I can’t find a supplier in UK. I think Fibroidclear is from US also.
I’m taking kelp as iodine is meant to help and also help thyroid and B6 is meant to help liver break down excess oestrogen as well.
Has anyone ever tried herbal ways to shrink fibroids or the progesterone cream and did it work?
The only way to get rid of fibroids is surgery. If the cream worked it would be prescribed to women with fibroids as it would be much easier and cheaper than surgery. I would also NOT recommend taking unregulated doses of hormones, you can cause other health problems like this.
Why not talk to your GP or gynaecologist about what you CAN do instead of reading stuff on the net. Most of the stuff posted there is rubbish and/or dangerous.
odd symptoms? Headache, burning ears, burning skin..?
ok, so a friend of mine gets headaches (sometimes migraines too), but whats odd is that lately she’s been complaining about her skin having a burning sensation as well. She says its usually her ears, but sometimes forehead, face or back also. She says it feels like a sunburn…but there is no redness, and it really doesnt feel any warmer to the touch like a real sunburn would. Her skin overall seems a lot more sensitive than normal as well. While this is going on, she also seems a bit more moody/grumpy, though I guess if my skin felt burnt for no obvious reason and my head hurt I’d be cranky too…No meds, tho she does take a GNC vitamin that does not contain iron or iodine. She also sometimes takes tylenol or excedrin for headaches.
Other than the occasional migraine, the only other medical condition I know of was that she had to have a hysterectomy a few years back for cystic fibroids. Family medical history has everything from diabetes to lupus to cancer to heart issues.
Sometimes niacin makes you feel sunburn and flushed. Check the vitamins and see if maybe there is too much niacin in them.vee
Mri- guided ultrasound therapy for fibroids?
My wife has a 15 cm fibroid. She is 50 years old and just graduated from engineering school. She would like to get a job, but a hysterectomy will put her out of the market for longer than she’d like. Uterine Arterial Embolization is not an option since she is allergic to iodine used in the procedure.My question, has anyone had MRI-guided ultrasound therapy for this condition? How did it work? Any leads on where it might be performed (other than Mt. Sinai) in the Northeast?
This is beyond my ken, Charlie. If it were me and my missus I’d tell her that ANY job could wait. Non-invasive procedures, like ultrasound, usually sound better (in more ways than one) in theory than in actual practice anyway.Good luck, on getting a more educated answer.
Mri- guided ultrasound therapy for fibroids?
My wife has a 15 cm fibroid. She is 50 years old and just graduated from engineering school. She would like to get a job, but a hysterectomy will put her out of the market for longer than she’d like. Uterine Arterial Embolization is not an option since she is allergic to iodine used in the procedure.My question, has anyone had MRI-guided ultrasound therapy for this condition? How did it work? Any leads on where it might be performed (other than Mt. Sinai) in the Northeast?
That will not work for all kinds of fibroids. Only intra-uterine ones and anyway, you have to be prepared for hysterectomy as well in case anything goes wrong.
I m sorry, I dunno the place but wish you good luck!

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