How To Identify Uterine Fibroids Based On Their Location

The sort of fibroids you have determines where they are located in your uterus. Knowing what kind of fibroids you have, Identify Uterine Fibroids Based On Their Location, and understanding the many types will help your doctor design the best course of therapy for you.

Below, we will look at how to identify what fibroids you might have, the difference between them, and a few questions you need to ask your doctor once you have discovered fibroids. 

Where Do Fibroids Grow?

You must be aware that the uterus has three distinct layers to comprehend the various types of uterine fibroids.

  • The Perimetrium, or outer layer
  • The Myometrium, the middle (and thickest) layer
  • the Endometrium, the inner layer that borders the uterus

Your fibroids’ location or layer of growth determines what kind you have. Lets see how you can Identify Uterine Fibroids Based On Their Location

What are the different types of fibroids?

Fibroids come in four primary categories:

  1. Intramural Fibroids
  2. Subserosal Fibroids
  3. Pedunculated Fibroids
  4. Submucosal Fibroids

Intramural Fibroids

The majority of intramural fibroids are located within the Myometrium or uterine muscle. They often act as subserous fibroids. However, according to their size and location, they can produce all the typical fibroids symptoms:

  • A lot of blood or prolonged periods
  • Bleeding in between cycles
  • Feeling severe pressure in your uterus area
  • Miscarriages and infertility

Subserosal Fibroids

The Serous membrane (also known as a Serosa), the outer lining of all organs and interior body cavities, is where this fibroid develops outside your uterus. Your womb may appear larger on one side due to subserosal fibroids that have grown sufficiently.

Pedunculated fibroids

Pedunculated fibroids are variations of Subseroral or Submucosal fibroids and are not considered distinct from the ones mentioned above. They emerge from the uterine walls and grow a stalk-like looking fibroid, either outside (Subserosal) or within (Submucosal).

Except when they are large, Pedunculated Subserosal Fibroids typically exhibit only minor symptoms. In contrast, pedunculated submucosal fibroids frequently result in infertility and can have substantial symptoms.

Submucosal fibroids

Submucous fibroids extend into the uterine cavity as they grow in the direction of the mucosa or interior layer of the uterus. Their primary sign is heavy, erratic bleeding, typically manifest in smaller sizes.

Submucous fibroids also have a higher likeliness to hurt fertility by making it challenging to conceive and lead to miscarriages. Hysteroscopy is a relatively minimally invasive procedure that can be used to remove submucosal fibroids. Thus, removal should be considered as soon as they are discovered.

How Can You Find What Type Of Fibroids You have?
How Can You Find What Type Of Fibroids You have?

How Can You Find What Type Of Fibroids You have?

Make an appointment with your doctor if you have symptoms that might indicate uterine fibroids. A pelvic exam can be used to identify fibroids. Your doctor can feel the size and contour of the uterus during a standard pelvic exam. The presence of fibroids is strongly suggested that the uterus is big or has an abnormal shape.

Additional examinations to establish the presence of a fibroid include:

  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
    This particular x-ray allows you to view the uterus’ inside (uterine cavity). To exhibit contrast on the x-ray scan, a cannula is inserted into the cervix’s opening and filled with an iodine-containing liquid. Only uterine fibroids can be detected with this type of treatment (intramural fibroids).
  • Transvaginal Ultrasonography (TV US)
    At this point, a transducer—an ultrasound wand—is placed into the vagina. The monitor displays pictures of the interior of your pelvis as a result of the transducer’s sound waves reflecting off your internal organs. To receive a comprehensive view of your organs, your doctor or a technician will gradually switch off the transducer while it is inside of you.
  • Saline Infusion Sonography (SIS),  Sonohysterography (SHG)
    With the help of an ultrasound and saltwater fluid, the uterus and uterine lining are visible during this procedure. A catheter is inserted into the vagina after the ultrasound wand. Saline is injected through the catheter during the ultrasound examination, filling the uterus so the doctor can view the shape of the uterine walls and cavity. This draws attention to anomalies like fibroids.
Questions You Need To Ask Your Doctor Regarding Your Fibroids
Questions You Need To Ask Your Doctor Regarding Your Fibroids

Questions You Need To Ask Your Doctor Regarding Your Fibroids

  • I have how many fibroids?
  • How big are my fibroids, if any?
  • Where is my fibroid(s) located—outside, within, or inside the uterine wall?
  • Can I anticipate the fibroid(s) expanding in size?
  • How quickly have they expanded (assuming they were already known)?
  • How can I tell whether the fibroid is expanding?
  • What issues could the fibroid(s) lead to?
  • Which imaging examinations or tests are most effective for monitoring the development of my fibroids?
  • What choices do I have for therapy if my fibroid(s) cause a problem?
  • What are your thoughts on hysterectomy against other treatments for fibroids?

If your doctor still needs to address your concerns or seems to be providing the care you need, it’s always a good idea to get a second opinion.

Bottom Line

Fibroids can seem like a scary condition to be diagnosed with, but you must know you are not alone. There are many women out there like you who live and manage this condition. 

Once you better understand which type of fibroid you have, you can determine the best course of treatment for you with your doctor.

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