How To Treat Uterine Fibroids Naturally
If you would like to know how to treat uterine fibroids naturally, you may well be disappointed with the treatment options offered by your doctor, as many advocate doing nothing at all and suggest that you wait until the menopause when your fibroids are likely to shrink. Other doctors may suggest hormonal treatment or even surgery, depending on the severity of you symptoms and size of your fibroids, but it is important to understand that these are only temporary solutions.
It is virtually impossible to identify the exact cause of fibroids in an individual and this is why treatment can be so difficult. However, it is possible to identify a range of probably primary and secondary causes, and the way to treat uterine fibroids naturally is to eliminate these.
Many of the causes of fibroids are largely connected with lifestyle and dietary issues (amongst others!) and there is only one person who can make the necessary changes and that is you! This is another reason why doctors often seem at a loss when it comes to teaching women how to treat uterine fibroids. Naturally then, it follows that if you do not eliminate whatever is causing your fibroid growth, they will continue to thrive even after conventional treatment.
The use of a multifaceted approach to systematically eliminate the causes is the way forward. One excellent, tried and tested treatment is a liver detox.
A toxin build up in the liver is thought to contribute significantly to fibroid growth and these toxins can come from various sources, including pesticides on food, environmental toxins and estrogen mimicking substances. A thorough liver detox, coupled with a close examination of your diet and possible environmental triggers is a great starting point.
Women with excess estrogen are also slightly more prone to fibroids and so if you are trying to discover how to treat uterine fibroids naturally, it will be beneficial to reduce levels. First of all, if you are overweight, try to get down to a healthy BMI as estrogen is stored in and produced by fat cells as they are a secondary source of estrogen. Also, ensuring that you avoid any non-organic meats where the animals may have had hormone growth treatment can help.
Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you.

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