How to Heal Fibroids – Eliminate Fibroids Naturally
A couple of years ago, I desperately wanted to know how to heal fibroids as I had been suffering from unbearable symptoms for some time. My uterus was the size of a seven month pregnancy and I was constantly breathless and severely anemic. I felt constantly tired and bloated and, quite frankly, looked awful.
I was eventually referred to a gynecologist who immediately diagnosed fibroids. A scan revealed that one fibroid was the size of a small melon and I had several the size of oranges. A hysterectomy was recommended along with hormonal treatment beforehand to shrink the fibroids. I asked how to heal fibroids naturally but was not given any suggestions at all.
My hormonal treatment was due to start within a few weeks and I felt pretty despondent as I knew that the side effects would be unpleasant. I had been warned about night sweats, dry facial skin and thinning vaginal tissues and the fact that the treatment could only be taken for a short time because of the risks of osteoporosis! I made it my mission to find out everything I could about how to eliminate fibroids naturally.
I started searching the internet for how to heal fibroids and came across some really interesting information which was new to me. I learned that fibroids were generally brought about by a combination of factors which, almost by chance, had come about in the body and their subtle interaction had caused fibroids to develop. There is no “one” cause of fibroids. Sure, a woman can have a higher likelihood of getting fibroids due to certain circumstances but doctors cannot predict with certainty which women will have the condition and which will not. The very nature of fibroids means that they cannot be treat by conventional medicine-they are not caused by a bacteria or virus, but by conditions occurring in the body which are largely lifestyle induced. This therefore means if you are wanting to know how to heal fibroids successfully you must use a multi-faceted approach.
There are several things I have learned which will help heal and eliminate fibroids naturally. For example, one of the main causes of fibroids is an excess of estrogen in the body. Now as overweight women carry a high level of estrogen in fat cells, it makes sense to try to maintain a healthy weight. In addition, certain pollutants and pesticides can mimic the effect of estrogen in the body so removing these with a good liver detox has been shown to have a beneficial effect.
Fibroids are fairly common in women who have inflammatory conditions and so anything which naturally soothes inflammation within the body can help. Foods to eat include oats, cumin, hops and rosemary (all of which are known for their anti-inflammatory effects).
Fibroids are a condition which respond very well to natural remedies and they are an ideal condition to treat because as they are so rarely dangerous. It makes complete sense to try to eliminate fibroids naturally before resorting to surgery or any of the hormonal drugs which can cause their own side effects.
I found a natural way of healing fibroids which worked very successfully for me. I must admit, the fact that it came with a full guarantee helped with my decision to try it as I figured that anyone offering such a comprehensive guarantee must have been pretty sure of its effectiveness!
Within days, some of my symptoms had started to disappear and within just 8 weeks, I felt sure that my fibroids had started to shrink as my clothes were fitting better. A scan at the hospital confirmed this and I postponed my drug treatment and hysterectomy whilst I carried on with the treatment. After a couple more months, my symptoms were completely gone and a subsequent scan revealed that some fibroids had disappeared and the largest had shrunk considerably-so much so that surgery was completely unnecessary.
If you would like details of how to heal fibroids naturally using a 7 step plan, visit How To Heal Fibroids. One word of warning though, this treatment requires you to be proactive and take charge of your own healing by investing a little time and effort in yourself. This is not suitable for women looking for a quick-fix method-indeed to eliminate fibroids naturally there is no such thing! However, I found that I felt very empowered as I had felt totally depressed beforehand as if there was nothing I could do myself, but all of a sudden, I had the tools and the knowledge to make myself well again and boy did it feel good! If you would like further general information and learn all about the different types of fibroids plus the different treatments for each, please visit Types Of Fibroids You will find extensive information on each of these useful sites which will show you how to heal fibroids naturally. Many women have found that they are completely free of the symptoms of fibroids and this has been achieved without drugs or surgery and simply by using natural treatments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Anyway to heal or cure uterine fibroids without drugs and surgery? Like naturally or with herbal remedies?
I was recently diagnosed with uterine fibroids and my doctor offered me options that I don’t like – drugs and surgery. I am searching for alternatives and wanted to know if anyone has maybe tried a homeopathic or herbal remedy that they could recommend. I would have asked my doctor but don’t believe I would get an objective answer. I’m deathly afraid of surgery and hate taking drugs. I’m african-american and 28 years old and want children in the future. Thanks in advance.-
I did a search and pulled this off a website I found:How To Shrink Uterine Fibroids By Up To 86%…
Without Drugs, Surgery Or Harmful Side-EffectsInside you’ll discover…
The risks and side effects of medical treatments for uterine fibroids you will never hear from your doctor
Tried and tested strategies for overcoming painful intercourse
How to stop heavy bleeding, cramps and bloating within hours
How to get fast relief from period pain – without drugs or nasty side effects
7 easy lifestyle changes you can make today to shrink your fibroids and restore your periods to normal
How to get pregnant even if you have large fibroids, and tips on fibroids and pregnancy
Why you should never have surgery for fibroids (especially fibroid embolization)
7 foods for shrinking fibroids, and 7 foods that make them grow (and how to avoid these dangerous foods)
And the latest scientific breakthroughs on natural remedies for uterine fibroids
You can sign up for their newsletter on that website.
Hope that’s what you were looking for. Best wishes.
I am 29 with no children. I have always had a very regular period until a few years ago. I started to get night sweats and gradually longer, heavier periods. This past period (which is STILL continuing) started on Feb 8th! I went to my OBG on Monday who felt my uterus and said it was enlarged. I have had an ultra sound in the past which shows I have a fibroid tumor 3 cm in diameter. So her suspicion is that either the fibroid has gotten larger or I have this adenomyoma in which your uterine lining thickens and grows into itself.
She suggested another set of ultrasouunds, followed by Lupron injections to shrink it then surgery to shave it away.
I am into naturally healing and to be honest I will go for the ultra sounds to see whats up, but I probably will not concent to surgery or hormones. My main goal is to preserve my fertility.
Has anyone gone through this that can offer any advice?
No jerks please.-
If you want to try and reduce fibriods naturally, avoid:
Birth control pills, Hormone replacement drugs, condom spermicides, Conventional personal care products, particularly cosmetics, Plastic cookware, Growth hormones found in factory-farmed animal products, Pesticides and herbicides, DDT, PCBs – polychlorinated biphenyls, and foaming agents in soaps and detergentsMake sure you are at your ideal weight, not overweight.
And reduce stress in your life.
Sometimes going on a water fast, for a period of time eating nothing and drinking only water, can help.
adenomyosis w/fibroids?
I am 29 with no children. I have always had a very regular period until a few years ago. I started to get night sweats and gradually longer, heavier periods. I had an ultra sound last week which shows I have either a fibroid tumor alone or with an adenomyosis 9 cm in diameter. So her suspicion is that either the fibroid has gotten larger or I have this adenomyoma in which your uterine lining thickens and grows into itself.
She suggested another set of ultrasouunds, followed by Lupron injections to shrink it then surgery to shave it away.
I am into naturally healing and to be honest I will go for the ultra sounds to see whats up, but I probably will not consent to surgery or hormones. My main goal is to preserve my fertility.
Has anyone gone through this that can offer any advice?-
O my God! I had the same problem. I’m 28 now. My period was regular too. But bleeding gradually increased within a short time. I was so anemic. My ultrasound showed i had multiple huge fibroids with adenomayoma. I was not even married then. doctor gave to 4 shots of luprone for 4 months then did my surgery, removed 28 of them. but my bleeding continued after the surgery and the fibroids grew again within a short time.
God was kind to me and I got pregnant after 2 years of that surgery. my fibroids were huge when i got pregnant.
Although the baby was born premature, she is fine now.
finally i got rid from heavy bleeding as my uterus has been removed as well. Doctors tried much to save it but it was not possible,
I hope your case is not so bad like me. I will suggest you to get pregnant soon, my experience says so. bleeding can do a lot of harm. I remember i couldn’t go out on those days, count do any work properly, i was weak.
Good luck.

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