Food For Fibroids-Using Diet To Shrink Fibroids
We all know what a huge part our diet plays in our overall wellbeing and to some extent, the ailments which we have can be partially triggered by what we eat. Although it is known that the causes of fibroids are multifaceted and therefore usually unattributable to any one cause, we know that the subtle interaction of the foods we eat with other factors can contribute to fibroid growth.
This leads many women to women if there is any particular food for fibroids which we should be eating to help relieve the symptoms and, perhaps more importantly what we should eliminate from our diet.
In general, women with fibroids should follow the principles of a good healthy diet. This means eating at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables each day, drinking plenty of water, eating lean protein, nuts, beans and seeds and including complex carbohydrates such as wholegrains. Foods to be avoided are processed meats, such as salami, animal fats, tea and coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, excess sugar, and processed foods, such as white bread and white rice.
Additionally, if you suffer from heavy bleeding, eating an iron rich diet can help. Iron-rich food for fibroids include kale, bran, yeast and certain seeds and nuts. Some women have also reported that eating foods which have natural anti-inflammatory properties can be beneficial. These include oats, hops and the spice, cumin.
Although there is no doubt that this treatment aspect is worth considering, food for fibroids should form just one small part of an overall strategy for shrinking fibroids, other elements of which might include detoxification of the liver, lifestyle changes, increasing exercise and herbal remedies.
Fibroids are a condition which respond very well to natural remedies and they are an ideal condition to treat because as they are so rarely life-threatening. It makes complete sense to try out a natural treatment for fibroids before resorting to surgery or any of the hormonal drugs which can cause their own side effects.
If you would like further helpful information about the various types of fibroids and your treatment options including a look at a complete treatment system , please visit Shrink Fibroids Naturally. Providing you remember that this will be no “quick-fix” there is no reason why you can’t join the thousands of women who have managed to be completely free of their previously debilitating symptoms. The system is a comprehensive approach which includes using food for fibroids and gives detailed advice regarding which foods to shrink fibroids form an integral part of the treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to shrink uterus fibroids without surgical operation?
I have a large number of uterus fibroids since many years that increased in size and enlarged my uterus than its normal size, i become like a pregnant in around 5 months and started to cause bleeding I am 48 years old now. what should I do to shrink fibroids without surgical operation? Can food shrink fibroids and what other ways should I follow?
I am unaware of anything you can do non-surgical to shrink fibroids. Everyone I’ve known who’ve had these have ended up with a hysterectomy. Sorry I don’t have more positive suggestions. Best of luck!
i have a fibroids it is really large i look like im 3 months pregnant can anyone tell me how to shrink it?
is there any medication i can take that will shrink the uterine fibroid without affecting my chances of getting pregnant. is there any method to shrink it apart from having surgery. or any food that causes it to shrink. i have already had a operation about three years ago to remove fibroids but it grew back. it is really very embarassing looking like i am pregnant.
the fibroid is uterine that is it is in my womb i want to get rid of it without affecting my chances of getting pregnant i am getting married soon and want to have kids.-
Seriously I would recommend surgery again – there is no meds to remove fibroids – I have one myself it was small when I found out but now it has grown and I would not hesitate to go with surgery. Sorry! I know you did not want to hear that but yes Surgery is the only answer!
Has anyone had fibroid that shrunk after using herbal remedies?
After having a scan recently, I was told that I have fibroids which are two inches big. I did some extensive research and came across a website that advises women to use herbal remedies, control their diet and do exercises to reduce them. Has anyone followed that sort of advice and shrunk them? If so, please let me know what natural products you used, which foods to avoid and any exercise that worked for you. I wish to avoid surgery or homone treatments as I hope to have kids sometime in life. Thanks for any input.-
You should give yourself a pat on the back for avoiding surgery!!!The problem with fibroid tumors can simply be resolved by restoring proper progesterone levels, which restores normal growth and shedding of the endometrium.
Recommendations for healing fibroids by Dr. John Lee:
*Use natural progesterone cream.
*Eat a plant-based, fiber rich diet (at least 20-30g fiber per day)
*Take a liver-supporting and detoxifying herbal formula that includes the following herbs: Bupleurum, milk thistle (silybum marianum), barberry or goldenseal, burdock root, yellow dock, dandelion root. {Green Qi would be great for this}
*Take a uterus-healing herbal formula that includes some or all of the following herbs: myrrh, red raspberry, cayenne, Bupleurum, yarrow, vitex and lady’s mantle (Alchemilla mollis)
*Use a castor oil pack 2-4 times a week (many books on herbal healing have instructions on how to make and use a castor oil pack.)WHAT TO AVOID:
*Unopposed estrogen
*Dairy products
*Feed-lot meats (eat only range-fed, organic meats free of drugs and pestiside residue)
*Coffee (heavily sprayed with DDT)

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