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What is IVF?
In Vitro Fertilization technically means ‘fertilization outside of the body’. While considered an experimental procedure for years, IVF has been a proven way for many couples to build their family.
In Vitro Fertilization is a complex process that was developed in 1978. Louise Brown, the world’s first ‘test tube baby’, was born in England 30 years ago. Now, the procedure is a common treatment for infertility, and has helped numerous couples create the families they so desire.
We Care’s partner centres offers a full range of treatments for infertility. Through a careful evaluation, We Care physicians will explain the options, answer all questions, and help patients decide on the most appropriate treatment for them. We Care’s partner centres program achieves high success rates while limiting the number of embryos transferred to avoid multiple births (twins or triplets).
Treatment options include:
* In vitro fertilization (IVF)
* Embryo cryopreservation
* Assisted hatching
* Blastocyst transfer
* Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
* Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
* Egg Donation
* Fertilization / intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
* Embryo transfer
* Semen cryopreservation
* Donor oocytes
* Donor sperm
* Surrogacy
* Surrogacy for single parent
What are IVF Centres ?
Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) or IVF as a popular term for fertility treatments is a technique mastered by the super specialist arm of Gynaecology who select to master in such a technique.
Though giving IVF treatment does not require having a set up as having a large multi specialty hospital, it does require few of very specialized equipments and basic infrastructure which can be provided in an IVF centre.
IVF centres are clinics which are set up by individual experienced IVF specialist doctor or a group of doctors who come together to treat the patients. As they do not require the help of many super specialists from other arms of medicine except a few, the stand alone centres for IVF are the ideal one. They give extreme privacy, individual care and one to one interaction with the doctors.
IVF in Wikki ?
There are a few IVF doctors and IVF centres in Wikki available to the local patients. We cannot comment on the success rates of the centres. However as per the information given to We Care by the patients from Wikki is that on one hand the good centres are charges very high cost which may not be affordable for IVF treatment to many and on the other hand there are a few centres in Wikki who charge less or are cheap but the success rates of these centres are lower or the patients from Wikki do not select them on the basis of integrity.
Treatment of Wikki patients in India
We Care is proud to facilitate international patients in India from all across the world including Wikki. We Care has treated more that 10 patients from the region. Due to large popularity of quality IVF treatment in India in Wikki and continuous referrals from our already treated patients in Wikki we receive more than 5 queries from Wikki in week of couples and single parents looking for IVF, Egg Donation and Surrogacy in India
How successful is in vitro fertilization?
Birth GraphThe success rate of IVF centres depends on a number of factors including patient characteristics and treatment approaches. It is also important to realize that pregnancy rates do not equate to live birth rates. In the We Care partner centres in India, the live birth rate for each IVF cycle started is approximately:
* 40 to 45% for women under age 35
* 30% for women ages 35 to 38
* 15 to 20% for women ages 38 to 39
* 10 to 15% for women ages over 40
Egg Donation and Surrogacy
Egg Donation and Surrogacy is legal in India. According to the guidelines of the ICMR (Indian council of Medical Research) and the government of India, couples from abroad like from Wikki can visit India for treatment of infertility with IVF, Egg Donation or Surrogacy.
We Care’s partner centres offer world class fertility treatments at low costs. Coupled with complimentary international patients facilitation services from We Care Health Services the couples and single parents truly become much happier with their own little ones.
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We Care Core Values
“We have a very simple business model that keeps you as the centre.”
Having the industry’s most elaborate and exclusive Patient Care and Clinical Coordination teams stationed at each partner hospital, we provide you the smoothest and seamless care ever imagined. With a ratio of one Patient Care Manager to five patients our patient care standards are unmatched across the sub continent.
Frequently Asked Questions
Just Diagnosed with a pedunculated fibroid . Is there any women who have experienced this?
I’m 29 yrs old 4weeks ago I had to go to the ER for severe abdominal pain that felt like it ws being stabbed in spasms.. after 8hrs in er & all the tests thy couldnt fig what ws wrong til the cat scan which is I have a fibroid on top of my uterus the size of a babys head going thru fibroid degeneration. So i thn went to a gyno days later with more tests & she says because its so big & if a want to have children I have to have a myomectomy & to stop these symptoms im having..I really dont want a scar(It sucks being vain:) But I hear its below my bikini line.. & to top it all off the fibroids may come back again..Any suggestions from women who have been thru this..-
I had myomectomy on 2/4/09. My 4 fibroids were inside uterine wall. Surgery went as expected. Have bikini line, thin scar but developed hardness the length of the incision that feels like rope under my skin. Only time will tell if it goes away. Fibroids were too large and too close to bladder for other treatments.
Diet and disease: How many of the diseases we experience in America are caused by the food we eat?
How much are we spending on healthcare to treat diet-caused illnesses?From the book Eat To Live by Joel Furhmen, MD:
..”People are completely unaware that most illnesses are self-induced and can be reversed with aggressive nutritional methods. …The medical-pharmaceutical business has encouraged people to believe that health problems are hereditary and that we need to swallow poisons to defeat our genes. This is almost always untrue.
“…My clinical experience over the past ten years has shown me that almost all the major illnesses that plaque Americans are reversible with aggressive nutritional changes designed to undo the damage caused by years of eating a disease-causing diet. ….These conditions…can be effectively prevented or treated through superior nutrition. As their medical problems gradually melt away, patients can be slowly weaned off the medications they have been prescribed.”
“Dietary-Caused Illnesses with High Prevalence”:
–diabetes (adult)
–high blood pressure
–irritable bowel syndrome
–macular degeneration
–sexual dysfunction
–hypoglemic symptoms
–kidney stones
–musculoskelatal pain
–colonic polyps
–lumbar spine syndromes
–uterine fibroids“Not only are common disorders such as asthma associated with increased body weight and our disease-causing diet, but in my experience these diseases are also curable with superior nutrition in the majority of cases. Asthma is an exampleof a disease considered irreversable that I watch resolve regularly. My patients routinely make complete and *predictable* recovery from these illnesses, predominantly through aggressive dietary changes. …Diseases that are considered irreversible I see reversed on a daily basis.”
Your info. works for me Amy. One of the major topics in our church is Health. Our Hospital is Loma Linda, Calif. We are killing our selves through our mouth. 5 food groups–Fruit, Veggies, Grains, Nuts, and beans. All washed good and all fresh. I see people totally live on this and they live to be very healthy….and old too. Do I follow this totally being an SDA. I really try. I did not grow up as a Vegetarian but my Boy and family are and they look great. I on the other hand am about 25 lbs over. It is hard to change old, bad habits but we can always keep working on it. With God nothing is impossible. Don’t ever give up doing the very best you can. If you have to eat meat once a week, be sure it is dead as a door knob. Disease comes in the blood and fat. Don’t eat that part. Leviticus 11 tells you the clean meats to eat if you want to follow the Bible from beginning to end and believes the Bible is for”ALL” man kind. Not just yours , mine but Ours. Pray before you go shopping and always have a meal before you go. This is the worst thing you can do is shop hungry. I go through so many Snow Balls this way. Big mistake. Remember it is so hard to learn and concentrate on God when you are sick. That is why He wants us to be healthy.Amy is right, you can reverse illnesses. I have seen that done too. Weight and bad habits is a big one for the U.S. Remember Goodies are a Goodie..not a staple.You get a goodie once a week, and that is it. If you really want to be healthier and lose abit of weight,you can do this, Your obedience to God to take care of this Temple,whom we house for the Holy Spirit, is not impossible. Think,make a list and don’t let your cravings run you. No more Mickie D..those things will kill you. God help us all in this area. Love always in Christ..missleslie

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