The Shola Oslo Fibroids Plan
If you have fibroids, you may well be wondering just what the best way is to treat them. You may well be disenchanted with the options outlined by your doctor and this may have prompted you to look further afield. Natural treatment can work very well for fibroids and one of the best-selling books is by Shola Oslo. Fibroids grow as a result of various conditions which can be present in the body at any one time. Their causes are multifaceted, varying from person to person, but can include a poor diet, lack of exercise, a build up of toxins in the liver and an excess of estrogen.
The Shola Oslo Fibroids Shrinking Plan is based around the assumption that by eliminating each and every possible cause of fibroids, the body becomes a “fibroid free zone”. The premise is that for fibroids to exist, there must be certain conditions which help them thrive and the key is to remove those conditions.
She advocates following a 7 Step Plan and there is certainly much evidence from both medical professionals and women who have followed the plan alike that it can work successfully if women are prepared to put the effort in. However, if it is followed half-heartedly, then although many experience some shrinkage, it will not be what they had hoped for.
The 7 steps are
1. Dealing With Household and Environmental Toxins
2. Dietary Changes
3. Supplements
5. Herbal Remedies
6. Accupressure and Massage
7. Exercise
On their own, taking each one of the Shola Oslo Fibroids Shrinking Plan can no doubt help, but the real power seems to be in the comprehensive, systematic and detailed way which she leads you through each step, using a “no stone left unturned” approach.
If you are interested in a natural and powerful 3-Step Holistic System That Will help You Permanently Eliminating All Types of Uterine Fibroids Within 2 Months please click here

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