Natural Fibroid Removal
Do you know about your own body ? And how many do you know? Following me please, women friends. There are uterine fibriods whose growth are affected by the hormones and estrogen on our uterine walls. Most women suffer from them, but they are unware of that. Unfortunately, they are more common as thay age. Though they are benign tumors, they can trigger many discomfort.Stop Fibroid Method Click here
Pain and heavy menstruation is one of the apparent results. About 33% women are affected to blood loss as well as anemia. Freguent need to urinate is another symptom. Large fibriods which give a press on the bladder to reduce its capacity make you have a feeling to urinate more and more often. And with the utrine fibriods are bloating, they can make women looks pregnant. What a horrible thing for the women who want to be slim! If you have a fibroid near the cervix, you will suffer pain while having sex. Most severely, there are many difficulties for you to have children if you have the fibriods within the wall of the uterus. Certainly, there are many other discomfort such as bleeding in between periods, digestive complaints, pelvic pain and so on.
Of course, there are many corresponding ways to deal with the fibriods problem. If you want to none of your own children any more, you will choose the surgery to have a hysterectomy and the fibriods can’t affect you for ever. Another surgery is to have a fibriod embolization and this kind of ways can also make you conceive difficultly. Well, you had better think about some natural cures. Most importantly, you should avoid taking birth control pills and choose a proper weight loss plan. Otherwise, there are many diet changes to help you to control the fibriods. Keep yourself from eating red meat , white bread, flour and so on. Keep yourself from agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, soft plastics and so on. If possible, you had better quit milk. And the organic or goat milk maybe the best choice for you. Besides above ways, a unique, 7 steps plan which are developed by an alternative practitioner is a useful tactic. It has been proved by many thousands of women worldwide and play an important role in the healing. Are you interested in having a try now? Stop Fibroid Secrets Click here
Make effort to stop fibriods. Please pay more attention to your health and treat yourself well. Grab A Copy Click here
Frequently Asked Questions
Doe anyone have personal knowledge of the reduction/disappearance of a large fibroid without surgery?
I’ve been offered a date for surgical removal of a large fibroid, but don’t want to go ahead without being sure of having exhausted less drastic options.
Small fibroids have been known to go away of their own accord but how about larger ones?
There are lots of claims over the internet, but they are generally linked to someone trying to sell something.
Does anyone have PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE of this, or of something (other than surgery) that actually worked?-
I have personal knowledge,Persistent..knowledge gained from seeing many women fall victim to the myth that fibroids can be removed without surgery.
It IS a myth – not reality at all.Surgery seems drastic to all of us; that’s only natural. But, the truth of the matter is simply that fibroids don’t disappear any other way.
I have seen women of child-bearing age cling to the hope of non-surgical removal for years, trying one herbal “remedy” after another..until they reached their menopause and were no longer fetrtile; when they could have surgically removed the fibroids and had children.
lf you are peri-menopausal and will soon cease menstruation,or are not interested in child-bearing,then there is a tablet that can shrink the fibroid and stop all symptoms – it’s called DANAZOL.
Ask your doctor about it.
All the best wishes for your health.
If you have a uterine fibroid and want surgery do you make appt with ob gyn or other specialist?
I found out I have a fibriod inside my uterus and I have been reading about treatment options. Since I am wanting to get pregnant and have been have horrible!!! periods I want to explore the option of surgical removal of the fibroid. If I want to this the quickest way, what kind of doctor should I get an appt with? I have already had an ultrasound pelvic and vaginal. It was ordered by my primary care doctor who is an internal medicine dr. So, do I go back to her or go directly to an obgyn who might do this kind of surgery or would my primary care dr. “book this” for me?-
Hysterectomy at 31? No chidren yet?
Please help me. I thought I had gall stones and after an ultrasound it turned out to be fibroids in my uterus. Several. I have had pain in my side for months. Sometimes so bad I can’t even walk. The doctor told me she wants another ultrasound to monitor the growth. At that time I will be talking to a specialist. I have read up about it and a lot of information says that hysterectomies are commonly done for fibroid removal! The other option would be myectomy (not sure of spelling) this option is risky because of the loss of blood and is normally only done if you have a couple of fibroids. I need your help on finding alternatives. My husband and I want children. I have already had a miscarriage because of this and I am devistated! I really hope that there is something that can shrink them or make them go away without having a hysterectomy. I have no children and would be devestated if I couldn’t have any. Please help! Please tell me that I am worrying about nothing.
Thank you so much for all your answers! They give me comfort and hope! 🙂-
I’ve had them for years, as did my mother and older sister. I’m 42 and my uterus is intact – probably because I was on birth control pills for a long time. The pill seemed to keep the discomfort to a minimum. My mom and sister didn’t use the pill and both had hysterectomies by the age of 40.Talk to your gyn and see what your options are. If the first suggestion is hysterectomy, find another doctor!
Hysterectomy at 31?
Please help me. I thought I had gall stones and after an ultrasound it turned out to be fibroids in my uterus. Several. I have had pain in my side for months. Sometimes so bad I can’t even walk. The doctor told me she wants another ultrasound to monitor the growth. At that time I will be talking to a specialist. I have read up about it and a lot of information says that hysterectomies are commonly done for fibroid removal! The other option would be myectomy (not sure of spelling) this option is risky because of the loss of blood and is normally only done if you have a couple of fibroids. I need your help on finding alternatives. My husband and I want children. I have already had a miscarriage because of this and I am devistated! I really hope that there is something that can shrink them or make them go away without having a hysterectomy. I have no children and would be devestated if I couldn’t have any. Please help! Please tell me that I am worrying about nothing.
I have thought of having a surrogate. We want children. I didnt think I would be robbed of the joy of carring my own child. Words can’t explain the pain. I still have hope that something can be done. I have too.
Sorry I added some of you to my contacts because you have some expertise in this and I need your help. Thanks for all the help and support!-
I was in almost the same boat as you. I started having problems with fibroids when I was 22 years old. I didn’t have any pain, but I was bleeding half to death every month. The doctor I was going to at the time did a couple procedures on me. He said I was fine, but everything kept getting worse. When I was 24, he told me I was going to have to have a hysterectomy. That was not an option so I went for a second opinion. Best thing I ever did. I found a doctor that was able to take out my fibroid (the procedure was called a myomectomy and my doctor has a ways of performing the procedure with minimal blood loss) and left everything intact. And because my uterus was so distorted, he had to reconstruct it. Before the surgery, he told me that I might not be able to have children. It wasn’t something he would be able to predict or control, but after the surgery, he said everything went really well and didn’t see any reason why I couldn’t have children (but if I do get pregnant, I have to have a c-section). I still don’t know if I can have children since I haven’t tried, but I believe I will be blessed with them someday.Talk to your doctor and see how he/she feels about a myomectomy. It was the best thing I ever did. It’s been 4 years now and I haven’t had any major problems since. If I’m ever faced with the same problem again, I wouldn’t hesitate having the same thing done. And if you don’t like what your doctor has to say, just remember you can always get a second opinion.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m always willing to share my experiences.
And you didn’t say where you were from, but if you live in the Pittsburgh area, I would be glad to give you a referral.
Good luck.
Will the doctor be able to give me anything to relax me before my c-section?
He expects to do a c-section due to me having a fibroid removed in March 2009. That was some what of a relief to me because I am terrified of having a vaginal birth, on the other hand, I can’t see myself having a c-section either. I have read lots of information on it, and have heard that it feels extremely weird that you can’t feel the lower half of your body. I have also read that you can’t feel yourself breathing.I am a very high strung person and I am scared of EVERYTHING from bugs to needles. I can barely get my blood drawn. They usually have a hard time getting it to flow because I am so tense and not breathing regularly. I have had two major surgeries before (appendectomy and fibroid removal). With the appendectomy they did a full cut down the middle of the stomach. When I woke up after surgery I thought I was going to die. I was in so much pain. I didn’t realize they had tubes running down my throat and I was in so much pain I couldn’t move. I was trying to sit up while they were pushing me on the hospital bed.
I guess the problem is I don’t like being out of control. It makes me extremely nervous when I realize I am not in control of myself. I don’t take medication because it doesn’t affect my every day life, but I am certain that once they drape that sheet in front of me and begin to do the epidural, etc. I am going to pass out. I can’t stand it.
I want to bring this up to my doctor when it gets closer to delivery time. My due date is 02/14/09, but he said he will schedule the c-section around 36-37 weeks, so I’m assuming that’s the end of January or beginning of February. Do you think he will offer any options, or am I am stuck?
I would suggest doing some research on c-sections and asking some friends about their c-sections (if any have had). I think they should be able to give you a little something to help. I’m fairly sure I’ve seen some episodes of the birthing shows where they have to completely sedate the mother.

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