Female Infertility Treatment
Female Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a woman to contribute to conception. Women who are fertile experience a natural period of fertility before and during ovulation, and they are naturally infertile during the rest of the menstrual cycle. Fertility awareness methods are used to discern when these changes occur by tracking changes in cervical mucus or basal body temperatur
FEMALE INFERTILITY IS CAUSED BY THE FOLLOWING. Endometriosis Fibroids Polyps Polycystic Overian Syndrome (PCOS) Fallopian tubes Miscarriage OR Recurring Pregnancy loss Problems with Ovulation. Problem with egg Transport and Fertilization. Late Planning pregnancy Ovulation/Menstruation Problems Low Sperm Count(For Males) Retroverted Uterus IVF Failure
The other cause are Hypertension , Amenorrhea , Veginal infection , Over–emotional No Ovulations , Side Effect of excess of Hormonal medicine, High FSH, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder ,STD disease like Gonorrhea , syphilis etc. Excessive drinking, smoking, drug use. Homeopathy medicine is successfully treatment for female infertility
Dr Harshad Raval MD is treating with Homeopathy since last 25 years. Dr. Raval has treated more than 15000 patients across India as well as fro abroad and have achieved a success rate of 95% especially with the medicines for female infertility and the treatment for Oligospermia, low motility, less count treated.
Female infertility cures by homeopathy like chronic Endometriosis, Fibroids, Polyps Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Fallopian tubes, Miscarriage OR Recurring Pregnancy loss Problems with Ovulation. Problem with egg Transport and Fertilization. Late Planning pregnancy cure With 4 to 9 months treatment with Homeopathy medicines.
Homeopathy treatment is faster, easy & safe. Homeopathic medicine is small sweet pills and it's easy to dissolve it on tongue. Medication is easy and hassle and hormone free. Homeopathy medicine has no side effects.
Frequently Asked Questions
surgery to remove polyps and fibroid no period yet can i get pregnant?had surgery to remove polyps and fibroid on June 13. removed laproscopically. period normally comes around the 27th of the month.
This is one of those tough decisions where you cannot get pregnant if you don’t get those removed. On the other hand, if you get the surgery, that may also result in scar formation and prevent you from getting pregnant.
If you haven’t had the surgery yet, try to find out if they can give you the injection to reduce those growths. As far as I know it is an available option. You just get the injection at precise locations targeting the fibroids and those shrink. You can find out if that can be done for the polyps though.
Have patience, you may get lucky soon !
Good luck !
Can a small fibroid cause excessive bleeding during your cycle?
I had a hysteroscopy in Sept and since then I started bleeding heavy at first then went 2 months with only spotting. They removed some polyps but the fibroid was under the lining of my uterus so they left it. It is very small but not my cycles come regularly but I pass huge clots. I can go all day without any blood but around 8pm I pass a huge clot and mess up my clothes. What should I do?-
i don’t think so.
My mother is 52 and has Uterine Fibroid polyp. The Cytology report says “Features consistent with ASCUS” and
“Advised polypectomy and follow up smears 8 weeks after treatment.” But our Gynecologist suggests Hysterectomy to prevent any future problems. Is this ok?-
What does it mean to have blood in your urine?
my mom has fibroid tumors & polyps on her cervix & her ovary has dropped & is sitting on the other could this have anything to do with that?-
Blood in the urine usually comes from the bladder or the kidneys, not the female areas.She may have a urinary tract infection or a bladder infection. Have her see a Doctor either way.
There are times that it may come from the uterus, and with her symptoms, that may be the cause. Have her see her MD.
Retained Placenta, Fibroid, or Ovarian Cyst??!!?
Looking for some advice from people in the health profession if possible. Here’s my story:I had a late miscarriage at 16 weeks May 31 due to a Subchorionic Hemorrhage that caused an infection of Pepto-Streptococcus. I was given IV antibiotics in the hospital and a week’s worth of Doxycycline at home. Since then, my body has not been right which I know can be expected, but I seriously think something is wrong. I stopped the lochia bleeding mid June and started my “period” July 9. However I continued to bleed every other day throughout July and was prescribed Provera to stop the bleeding. It did stop the bleeding, however now there is a 3 cm Cyst on my left ovary and a fibroid or polyp in my uterus about 1 cm big. My 2 periods since Provera have been nothing but spotting, and I don’t think I’m ovulating.
NOW to the worrisome part:
I have been experiencing a very strange pain on my cervix or in that vicinity; as well as the urge to pee often. I also have horrible increasing ovarian/pelvic pain. I’ve tested negative for BV, Yeast, and Trich. Is there any chance what I’m being told is a fibroid is actually retained placenta thus causing infection?? I’ve seen 2 doctors and I’m SO FRUSTRATED AND SCARED!!!
Wanted to add: I would also like experience from someone who maybe has had retained placenta or an in utero infection or post partum infection. Thanks.-
ummm, go back to the doctor, they would know for sure

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