Discovering Laser Hair Removal Side Effects
Until recently, shaving, plucking, waxing, and electrolysis were the only methods of removing unwanted hair. In the early 1990’s, the first reports of using laser energy to selectively damage and disable actively growing hair follicles were published, and since the mid 1990’s, laser hair removal has become the “Gold Standard” for the management of unwanted hair.
People started to crave for the newly discovered laser hair removal, but as they undertook the treatment they found out several side effects. Nonetheless, it should be noted that the side effects are only temporary.
There are several laser hair removal systems available today, but they all work using the principal of selective photothermolysis, in which a carefully timed pulse of laser energy passes through the skin and is absorbed and converted to heat energy at the hair follicle.
Because longer wavelength laser light penetrates deepest, the most common lasers used are the Ruby, Alexandrite, Diode, and Nd:YAG lasers, all red or infrared lasers. The bottom line, all of these may be the cause for some side effects that a patient may experience.
The possibility exists that some side effects of laser hair removal can be one of the following:
Redness- this could be an initial side effect on the part of the client after undergoing the laser hair removal which is usually caused by the heat that transpires on the skin to the hair follicles.
Swelling- this complements the redness of the patients skin after treatment.
Itching- it is commonly experienced by the patients during treatment sessions.
Pain, tingling, or feeling of numbness (cold spray) – this is why the surgeons advised the patients not to apply any cream prior to the treatment that may cause their numbness.
Crusting/scab formation (on ingrown hairs).
Bruising- this is noted to be one of the rarest cases being brought up by the patients after the laser hair removal treatment.
Purpura (Purple Coloring of the skin) on tanned areas- the laser hair removal is not that advisable for individual who have tanned skin because this is the most crucial problem that they could encounter after treatment.
Temporary pigment change- it could be classified as either hypo-pigmentation or hyper-pigmentation on the clients skin.
Although there are some risks in laser hair removal treatment, there are still other clients who have tested the treatment that have described it as simply as having a feeling of being snapped by a rubber band. Most patients tolerate the procedure well, but some areas of the body are more sensitive than others which is why they experience these side effects. This is very normal even with other forms of skin treatments.
Immediate side effects if any are frequently minor and short lived. Most people return to their normal activities right away.
People should not be upset if there are some side effects brought by the laser hair removal because the lasers that are used at out-clinic are non-invasive and are designed to be gentle enough to treat an individuals sensitive skin and effective enough to remove even a mans beard or back hair. Each has an active cooling system to gently treat hair while protecting the appearance of the surrounding skin.
Even though there are a few side effects with laser hair removal we must bear in mind that these are unavoidable, and for most people the outcome still outweighs this annoyance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Uterine fibroids are benign tumors and are quite common and as such don’t need any treatment.
The treatment is necessary if they give problems like pain ,discomfort, heavy and prolonged bleeding or pressure on other organs.
If the fibroids are only few mms in size and are not giving any symptom they can just be followed by doing ultrasound once a year.
The fibroids decrease in size at menoapuse.
Even if surgery is necessary it can be done by laparoscopic surgery.
does coffee effect fibroids?
what is the effect of drinking coffee with fibroids-
Maca Root Powder expired in 07, can I still use it? Your Help PLEASE.?
It has been opened once, but it has an under cover plastic seel and it has been tightly covered and kept out of the light all this time. I did take a TBLS in a glass of water, it tasted slightly bitter, but will it harm? Will it still have it’s beneficial effects? Fibroids?Thank you
It is likely to have lost its strength by now, especially as air has been let into the pot. A couple of years is the most you can hope for. It’s unlikely to do any harm but if it works for you I would buy a fresh supply.
What are the available medicine that could dissolve fibroids?
On May 1, 2006 my transvaginal scan result shows that i have thickened endometrium and multiple uterine fibroids such as Posterior subserosal – 2.8×3.2 cm, Fundal 3.8×2.5 cm, anterior subserosal 1.8×1.5 cm, posterior myometrial 2.1×1.9 cm. The endometrium is thickened & heterogeneous & measures 18 mm. Both ovaries are normal in size. There is no evidence of any adnexal mass lesion. There is no free fluid in the POD.43 years old asian with a 19 yr old son (normal delivery). Working as an office administrator. No history of any problems in my reproduction system and neither have I suffered from menstrual problems. I have had D&C in Feb. 17 because of menorrhagia. Had my period in March 25 then suffered from heavy bleeding again.
Gyne advised hysterectomy but i would like to seek other alternative. I read about the medicine Vitalzym. Is is effective.Any side-effects? Any other medicine alternative that I could take. What are the side effects of hysterectomy?
Does birth control pills effect the size of fibroids?-
Yes it could, specially estrogens.

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