How Do We Tighten Our Vagina, Loose Vagina Treatment
Having a tight vagina can give you an advantage which is men won’t get tired of you –
Women wear thongs for many reason. Apart from being sleazy, women like thongs because you cant see their panty lines. Yes, thongs are gorgeous. Yes, they look sexy on women but they should come with a caution label.
So how do we tighten our vagina?
First let us examine what are 3 things to do to keep a man, these things are very significant because these are the 3 basic factors men complain about but do no tell you, they want you to find out it than telling it you.
The walls of the vagina consist of some layers of muscle and connective tissue which are resistant to permanent changes. While the walls of the vagina may stretch somewhat during childbirth, it will not stretch from sex — no matter how often you have it! Some treatments, surgeries, and medical conditions can cause a tapering of the vaginal canal or can decrease the elasticity of the vaginal walls as will age and menopause. However, most changes in the vagina are provisional and correspond with certain times of the month and with a woman’s level of arousal.
If you want to prevent a yeast infection, it would probably be a excellent idea to start wearing some loose fitting clothes in addition to the tight ones you already wear. Alternating off and on is a good idea that will help provide your vagina room to breathe and therefore won’t have the opportunity for bacteria to form in the first place. If you work out on a regular basis, you are also at a higher risk for a yeast infection. After you workout it’s extremely recommended that you thoroughly wash out your vagina because it has become sweaty and a great breeding ground for bacteria that reason yeast infections.
Transference through sexual contact causes men to get yeast infections. This refers to both oral and vaginal sex. It’s also easier for a woman to get a re-appearance from a man who has a yeast infection. Antibiotics taken to kill bad bacteria in the body, could kill good bacteria, for example the one in the vagina, cause a hormonal imbalance and thus encourage yeast producing bacteria to grow.
Here are some typical causes for a yeast disease in women.
Poor Personal Hygiene- can bring in yeast spores from the intestines to the vaginal area.
Antibiotics-are a primary cause for yeast or Candida overgrowth antibiotics change the balance between populations of micro organisms they also are conscientious for wiping out the good and bad bacteria in your body.
Douching-Unfortunately douching washes away the excellent bacteria in the vagina responsible for keeping yeast under control. The vaginal tissue becomes habitable for healthy bacteria. Physiologically, the vagina is designed to cleanse itself.
Tight Clothes. Tight clothes can contribute to yeast infections as well
During your period
Steroid medicines
Lack of sleep (of course, it is difficult to sleep when you are itching and burning so much).
Birth control pills
HPV is a family of viruses with more than 100 strains, the symptoms of which comprise cervical warts, anal warts, vagina warts ordinary warts on hands, and plantar warts on feet. You can stop living in the shadows of vaginal warts and feel healthy and entire again, but you have to take action.
Frequently Asked Questions
Upcoming hysterectomy to remove fibroid?
Is there any alternative to removing fibroids? I have large fibroids and some small ones. They do hurt during menstruation, painful heavy bleeding, prolonged periods, small clots sometimes, I am anemic. Sometimes I get hot out of no where then cool down, get hot again cool down. Could this be menapause? I am only 42 years old! I also get frustrated very easily and sometimes emotional and my thinking and concentration could be off, can these fiborids also make you feel a certain way? My OBGYN told me right from the beginning I needed a hysterectomy. Should I get a second opinion? I also would like to know if they have shrinked so maybe another ultrasound? But yet I want the fibroids completly gone! I have dealt with pain and heavy periods lasting for quite some time and I do not have a normal life, meaning!!! It can be frustrating and I am so tired at time, really tired! I can not continue to keep looking to see if I bleed through my panties and sometimes not knowing when my period will even end!! What is a normal period cyle, it’s been so long since I had a normal period I forgot! Please help with any info to shine some light on this! Thanks. I only want to hear from those of you who have gone through this situation, it be great to hear from a doctor or two also.-
well the changing in body temperature and mood swings are definitely signs of menopause. At your age it is normal to have fluctuating hormones. Usually with fibroid the doctor would monitor to see if they would shrink are give medicine to shrink but if they are overgrown are too big they would suggest the hysterectomy just be sure to talk to your doctor about not removing your ovaries during the surgery because this is the part that regulates your hormones and if they do take them out you would have to do hormone replacement therapy which is another problem.
what is going on????
for about 4 months now i’ve had a period for 22 days then i’m off for a week or so then i get it again for about the same length of time. pap came back normal, blood test showed no diabetes, no thyroid problem, not anemic (although i’ve been taking an iron supplement because i’ve been so tired) and only one hormone was elevated. the period i’m having is like day one of your period times six, it’s heavy, it’s full of clots and it’s like that the entire 22 days.i’m 27 years old. the doctor put me on a pill called depo something for 10 days, i spotted on it for 5, then at the end i got my period the next day and she started me on birth control.
basically i want to know if anyone else has gone through this because i want children and i do not want a hysterectomy. has anyone had this and it’s been fibroids or tumors or what? i go in for an ultrasound in the next couple of weeks and I’d just like to hear other opinions or advice on things to ask to make sure everything is covered. thank you!
My 37 yr.old daughter has been going through this for some time also.
She is very heavy, and no sexual activity. She is a nurse and has been to doctors with no relief so I can only tell you that you are not a lone.
i am having some female problems and need some advice please!?
for about 4 months now i’ve had a period for 22 days then i’m off for a week or so then i get it again for about the same length of time. pap came back normal, blood test showed no diabetes, no thyroid problem, not anemic (although i’ve been taking an iron supplement because i’ve been so tired) and only one hormone was elevated. the period i’m having is like day one of your period times six, it’s heavy, it’s full of clots and it’s like that the entire 22 days.i’m 27 years old. the doctor put me on a pill called depo something for 10 days, i spotted on it for 5, then at the end i got my period the next day and she started me on birth control.
basically i want to know if anyone else has gone through this because i want children and i do not want a hysterectomy. has anyone had this and it’s been fibroids or tumors or what? i go in for an ultrasound in the next couple of weeks and I’d just like to hear other opinions or advice on things to ask to make sure everything is covered. thank you!
I’m having the same problem no periods for month then it comes back and last for nearly 2 weeks and back again. I was given Provera ( not Depo provera, that’s a birth control and the 2 are different) I don’t think you need to worry about a hysterectomy till you can get a good dr. to figure this out and run tests. As for tests they can range from blood tests to ultrasound and another procedure (HSG) I think its called to look for blocked tubes, cysts, and fibroids by putting a balloon filled with dye into your uterus ( if this is done take a midol before the procedure it really hurts) This is about the best I can think of with what I am going through I can only wish you good luck.
dysfunctional period?
for about 4 months now i’ve had a period for 22 days then i’m off for a week or so then i get it again for about the same length of time. pap came back normal, blood test showed no diabetes, no thyroid problem, not anemic (although i’ve been taking an iron supplement because i’ve been so tired) and only one hormone was elevated. the period i’m having is like day one of your period times six, it’s heavy, it’s full of clots and it’s like that the entire 22 days.i’m 27 years old. the doctor put me on a pill called depo something for 10 days, i spotted on it for 5, then at the end i got my period the next day and she started me on birth control.
basically i want to know if anyone else has gone through this because i want children and i do not want a hysterectomy. has anyone had this and it’s been fibroids or tumors or what? i go in for an ultrasound in the next couple of weeks and I’d just like to hear other opinions or advice on things to ask to make sure everything is covered. thank you!
im sorry that seems so stressful, i wish i could tell you what you have but im no doctor. ill get 2 week long periods which stress me out but its like why?? ya know
Very strange question, anyones help needed!!!?
ok so this is a weird one. i have 2 babies(4 and 10 mths) my husband had an extremely ‘botched’ vasectomy a few months back. lots of bruising LOTS of pain and a doctor who ive just found out is well not so good at what he does. i had a “period” four days late and was (tmi here) only brown and i didnt even need a pad or anything. since that period my breast have been leaking again but just the tinniest bit(a drop or two) and constantly look like i am standing in a freezer if you get my drift. im pretty tired pretty moody and some other strange things that only happen when im pregnant. i went to the gyno wednesday who did an transvag ultrasound said i have a very thick uterine linning(wtf???) right now and in her exact words ” theres deff. something in there” she said could be fibroids polyps or a baby, she doesnt know until the bloodwrk comes back. next week. ugh…with myself experienceing preg. symptoms is it possible that fribroids olyps etc are causing my hormones to act up and make me have all of my strange prego symptoms. whats your opinion on this. i have taken about a dozen tests just waiting for the thing to have 2 lines( i also ovulated late most likely, right before or duriong “period”) every test even first response has an evap line a visible but i cant really tell if it has color, prob doesnt. a line mostly visible in natural light but noticeable unless my eyes are playing trick on me and deff. evap lines after a few hours on frer.
what do you think. any opinion is welcome : )Thanks!!!

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