Do Fibroids Make You Gain Weight?
If you are wondering “do fibroids make you gain weight” then the answer is that they can, but this doesn’t always happen. The amount of weight gain depends on a number of factors, including your genetic make-up, the severity of the fibroids and what you are doing to manage the symptoms.
Fibroids themselves can sometimes grow very large, and the fact that they are comprised of solid, muscular tissue, then their density means that large fibroids will inevitably carry some weight and this will show as an increase on the scales.
The largest fibroid ever recorded tipped the scale at a massive 140 pounds and although this is extreme, there are a number of cases where fibroids have grown as large as 50 pounds. However, although most will never reach sizes like this, it is not uncommon for fibroids to grow so large that they give the appearance of a 6 or 7 month pregnancy in slimmer women. Most fibroids though are so small that they are never detected or problematic, with many women never realising that they have them in the first place.
If you are wanting to know “do fibroids make you gain weight not just on the abdomen” then the answer is no. What does not happen is an overall increase in body fat, with any weight gain being attributable just to the fibroids themselves.
The good news is that fibroids will naturally shrink around the time of the menopause and this will cause the abdomen to shrink. However, if you are interested in trying a natural way to eliminate your fibroids now, there is much you can do if you are prepared to make a number of dietary and lifestyle changes.
Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.
One of the best features of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author.

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