Shrink and Cure Fibroids Naturally
If you are carrying extra weight around your stomach and you look pregnant but aren’t then you may be one of the 30-40% of women who have fibroids.
Many women with fibroids go undiagnosed simply because they are not suffering any painful side effects like heavy periods, lower tummy pain and bladder problems. If you have them, one possible side effect you will not have missed is the fact that your stomach seems to have got much larger whilst the rest of your body has remained relatively slim. Friends sometimes look and ask tentatively if you are “expecting”. If this is true for you then go and see your doctor and get a proper diagnosis.
Fibroids are benign growths in or outside the uterus, they can be the size of a pea or a basket ball and some are flat like a plate or even pedunculated (on a stalk). Generally the symptoms you get depend on where in the womb the fibroids are located and their size. Some women become aware of them after seeking medical advice over difficulty in conceiving and discover that there is a fibroid pressing against or blocking the entrance to the fallopian tubes.
If you are diagnosed with fibroids and are fed up with your stomach sticking out and the discomfort, or are seriously concerned about the effects on your fertility then you need to know that you don’t have to resort to surgery to fix it. Whilst solutions offered by traditional medicine often involve surgery or drugs, it is important to know that there are other natural options available. This becomes even more important if you are being advised to have a hysterectomy, especially as a young woman who may wish to have a family.
The secret to healing your fibroids lies in getting to the root cause and it is not a difficult process. This combined with making simple adjustments to your diet can shrink and in some cases cure your fibroids completely naturally. Many others have done so.
So if you have been diagnosed with fibroids do not panic. Know that by getting to the underlying causes you set yourself on the path to natural healing. Make the decision now to take charge of your healing.
“Wait and See” is not an option, each day that passes is another day gone when your body could be healing.
Frequently Asked Questions
What connection does fibroids have with addiction to chocolate and how to cure fibroids without sugery?
I have been bleeding in between my periods for a long time now, my periods are irregular iat is like having periods thruout, I cant enjoy sex anymore,I feel fatigued most times, I cant do vigorous activities and Iam addicted to mint chocolate.Please somebody help!!-
The regular use of the following Homeopathic Prescription will regulate all irregularities in your periods.
1.PSORINUM 1M just one dose per week.
Followed by 4 tablets each of the following Tissue Salts at least 3 times a day half hour before meals:-1.CALCAREA PHOS 6X
3.NATRIUM MUR 6XAll of these are Side Effects free Homeopathic Remedies.
Take care and God Bless you !P.s.
If the remedies don’t make a difference in a week.
I would advise you to please put up more details about yourself and tell us exactly how and what you feel in your own words.So i can amend or correct your treatment.
Take care
Does anybody knows a natural cure for fibroids, only serious answers please?
I have fibroids and they are very big, my GYN doctors prescribed 6 months of Lupron they help a little bit but the fibroids are growing back, does any body know any natural cure for fibroids, I will appreciate it-
There are a few things that you can try.Vitex
Vitex is one of the most widely known women’s herbs.
researchers believe that vitex works by regulating the pituitary gland,the one that tells other glands how much of each hormone to make.
The hormone in question here is estrogen,on which vitex has a regulating effect.
Vitex needs to be taken for 6 months for it’s full benefits to be felt.
An alternative practitioner typical dosage prescription would be any where from 2,000 to 5,000 milligrammes in capsules per day,or one to two dropperfuls of tincture 2 times per day.
Caution-to not take during pregnancy,and Vitex can also lesson the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.
Dietary supplements
To help shrink fibroids,try taking the following supplements once daily for 3 to 4 months.
Vitamin C: 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams
Selenium: 400 micrograms and Zinc: 30 milligrams.Uterine fibroid tea.
This tea combines hormone balancing herbs with those that ease cramps.
2 teaspoons vitex
1 teaspoon black cohosh root
half teaspoon dandelion root
half teaspoon prickly ash bark
quarter teaspoon cramp bark
quarter teaspoon cinnamon bark
4 cups of water.
Combine the herbs and water and bring to the boil.
lower heat and allow tea to simmer for a few minutes.
Remove from the heat and steep for 20 minutes.
Strain and drink at least 2 cups a day for 3 to 4 months.When you have a bath,you can add several drops of rosemary,lavender,or juniper essential oils to stimulate pelvic circulation.
You could also try a castor oil pack
The skin absorbs warm castor oil’s active constituents,lectins,which stimualate the immune response to help shrink fibroids.
Five drops of essential can also be added to a castor oil pack to encourage relaxation.
to make a pack,soak a clean cloth in castor oil,then place it on the abdomen or on any painful areas.
Cover the cloth with plastic wrap,then another clean cloth.
Then apply a heat sorce-A hot water bottle,a heating pad,a cloth bag of lentils,corn,or rice that has been microwaved for a few minutes.
Leave on for about an hour.red raspberry
This herb is useful if your fibroids cause excessive bleeding during menstruation.
herbalists believe that it gradually improves the tone of the uterus.
A typical dosage would be 1 to 2 cup of tea 2 or 3 times a day.
(steep 1 teaspoon of dried leaves in a cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes).
Caution- If you are or think you might be pregnant,use only under the supervision of an experienced practioner.Also in traditional chinese medicine,it is believed that taking milk thistle can also help.
I hope I was of some help and I hope that you are feeling alot better real soon.
Take care.
Anyway to heal or cure uterine fibroids without drugs and surgery? Like naturally or with herbal remedies?
I was recently diagnosed with uterine fibroids and my doctor offered me options that I don’t like – drugs and surgery. I am searching for alternatives and wanted to know if anyone has maybe tried a homeopathic or herbal remedy that they could recommend. I would have asked my doctor but don’t believe I would get an objective answer. I’m deathly afraid of surgery and hate taking drugs. I’m african-american and 28 years old and want children in the future. Thanks in advance.-
I did a search and pulled this off a website I found:How To Shrink Uterine Fibroids By Up To 86%…
Without Drugs, Surgery Or Harmful Side-EffectsInside you’ll discover…
The risks and side effects of medical treatments for uterine fibroids you will never hear from your doctor
Tried and tested strategies for overcoming painful intercourse
How to stop heavy bleeding, cramps and bloating within hours
How to get fast relief from period pain – without drugs or nasty side effects
7 easy lifestyle changes you can make today to shrink your fibroids and restore your periods to normal
How to get pregnant even if you have large fibroids, and tips on fibroids and pregnancy
Why you should never have surgery for fibroids (especially fibroid embolization)
7 foods for shrinking fibroids, and 7 foods that make them grow (and how to avoid these dangerous foods)
And the latest scientific breakthroughs on natural remedies for uterine fibroids
You can sign up for their newsletter on that website.
Hope that’s what you were looking for. Best wishes.
Is there another way to cure fibroids besides surgery?
does anyone know?
on the back of the neck; just one-
has any one used alternative medicine to cure uterine fibroids? what kind was it?
i have 2 fibroids and im 27 years old i dont want surgery and would like to use alternative medicine to cure them . but i would like to now if any one has actually use this method to cure them and what was it? or any doctor or clinic you guys reccommend? if any one could help me i would apprecciated!!!-
Uterine fibroids are benign tumors of the smooth muscle that makes up most of the uterus. They are mostly found incidently duiring a routine ultrasound, and don’t cause much of a problem. If they are large or numerous however they may cause pain and heavy periods.Since the surgery to remove them may interfere with your ability to become pregnant, surgery is only recommended for severe cases in women who definitelly are finished with having a family. There is a newer, non-surgical technique called embolization. With this, the blood supple to the fibroid is plugged, and they just shrink.
On a review of Cochrane and PubMed, there is no “alternative” technique that has been shown to work.

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