Understanding Ovarian Cyst Dermoid Complications
The dermoid cyst in the ovary is called as the ovarian cyst dermoid. They are the tumors that occur mainly from those cells which would have turned as eggs otherwise. Like all the other tumors, this tumor is also of skin mostly and it turns only inside and thus the debris of the skin gets accumulated and allow for growing.
The cells that are present in the ovary are capable of making the teeth, hair and all the other tissues that can grow to become a part in the formation of the cyst in the ovary. Thus these cysts will turn into large and create pain for the person.
More than 25 percent of the ovarian neoplasm accounts for the ovarian cyst dermoid. Very frequently it happens during the life reproduction and very often it will be the incidental discovery. More than 20 percent of the same occurs bilaterally.
A dermoid cyst on the ovary is developed from the germ cell. They are retained in the ovary otherwise called as the egg sac. They are toti potential and hence can give a boom to all the orders of the cells that are very much important to form the tissue of mature nature and are commonly recognized in the structures of bone, sebaceous materials, neural tissue and teeth.
The dermoid cyst is also considered as a cyst of abnormal nature and it generally affects the women of young age and the cyst grows to a diameter of around 6 inches. This cyst is the same as those cysts that are available on the skin tissues and it may contain fat and very rarely it also contains hair, cartilage and bone.
Most of the ovarian cysts are efficient in benign and nature. More than 10% of the ovarian neoplasms are represented by the mature cysts. There are no age criteria for the formation of the dermoid cyst and it will happen at any age. The detection of the same at the prime age is the child bearing years. The average age for the same is 30 and more than 15% of the women have the ovarian cyst in both the ovaries. The size of the dermoid cyst will vary from 1 cm to 45 cms in diameter.
The cysts like hemorrhagic, endometriomas and the dermoids have a special feature of ultrasound and this will help in differentiating the same from the malignant and complicated cysts.
A dermoid cyst can be seen in the ovary from the birth and is finished with the various types of tissues like hair, skin, teeth and fat. It can be seen in one or both the ovaries. In general, the dermoid cysts are small and do not create symptoms till it grows larger. They cannot be diagnosed by the ultra sound scan. Very rarely these cysts twist and cause unbearable pain during which time surgery on emergency basis has to be undertaken.
Frequently Asked Questions
Huge fibroids, myomectomy, and hysterectomy?
I was hoping to find someone out there who’s had large fibroids and had to have either a myomectomy or a hysterectomy because of them. I’d like to know what your personal experiences are with the fibroids/complications from them, what your experiences are from the myomectomy and/or hysterectomy you had. Are you glad you did it? Do you feel better now? What symptoms have you had since you had the procedure(s)? Thank you to all who answer seriously!
Joseph: First, this is not a “survey.” I believe it’s pretty apparent from my question that I’m trying to find out what OTHERS’ personal experiences are because I want to make the best decision FOR ME. But, that’s a clarification, in case there’s any confusion. Second, I don’t understand why a “Joseph” would be answering this question anyway. It’s obviously just for women (unless this is an alias or something).
I had lot of fibroids in 2004. I didn’t have much sign of the fibroids only sign was heavy bleeding during the first day of my period. I was on diet at that time to reduce some weight and at the same time I had bleeding. So I was really sick because of anemia. I had dizziness and weakness. I was really sick at that time. But I never thought I could have fibroids in my uterus.
I went to doctor and he felt lump in my lower abdomen. Ultra sonogram showed that I have many fibroids of size 18 weeks pregnancy. Doctor advised mayomactomy, but before that she advised to take 4 shots of luprone injection to reduce the size of the fibroids.
At the beginning of 2005, I had mayomactomy. Doctor removed 28 fibroids. She also said that there were lot more tiny fibroids inside my uterus which could not be removed. I think the luprone injections were useless in my case.
I had to take 1 month bed rest after the surgery but the surgery didn’t reduce the heavy bleeding during period. Doctor told me to try to get pregnant after 6 months of that surgery. I tried to get pregnant but the fibroids grew again bigger in size just in 6 months. After 1 year the fibroids grew again as big as size of 22 weeks pregnancy.
Luckily I got pregnant in Dec 2005. Now I’m 25 weeks pregnant with all the fibroids. I’m huge now, look like 10 months pregnant. Doctor will do hystorectomy when he does cesarean surgery to give birth of the baby.
I think in my case the 1st surgery wasn’t to successful because If I could get pregnant with no many fibroids now then I might get pregnant without having the surgery at first place. So I didn’t have to face painful expensive surgery at the first place. I could have only 1 surgery to give birth of the baby as well as remove the uterus.
I have to other option other the hystorectomy now because I have fibroids which grow really fast and they are many in number.
Did anyone get pregnant while having the uterine fibroids and regretted it later?
My doctor tells me I should have fibroids removed before I get pregnant because of possible complications to pregnancy. But I know there are possible complications to surgery too.I lave 6 large fibroids, all intramural, the largest measuring 6 cm (2.5 inches) in diameter
I did conceive w/ 6 large fibroids(inside & outside uterus) in ’06. I will admit that I was in alot of pain b/c the fibroids began growing w/ the baby. He was born prematurely @ 5 months due to an infection…not b/c of the fibroids. We tried conceiving for almost a year w/ fertility drugs but nothing happened. I finally convinced myself to have the tumors removed b/c it seemed like that was the last resort. I had them removed in April and we accidentally conceived in that month as well! Oops! The doctor told us we could resume our activity…we just didn’t think it would result in a baby esp since we had been trying for a year. But I feel so much better having them removed and not having that stress and strain on my body and the baby. I would advise anyone who has fibroids to have them removed by a dr who specialized in preserving the uterus b/c I was originally told I would have to have a hysterectomy. I am an advocate for the surgery…best wishes!
How soon can a woman have sex after surgical removal of uterine fibroids?
Assuming that there is no complications.
How soon can she feel semi-decent and can walk?-
Have you had the procedure yet?If so the doctor should have told you your limitations. I am assuming it will be or was a day surgery so minimal walking the same day gradually increasing the next few days,1-2 weeks to work and 6 weeks for sex.
Fibroid in your twenties and pregnancy?
I know that having fibroids can cause complications with pregnancy, however if you have a small fibroid and you want to have children and you are in your twenties, but will prefer to wait a few years to do so. However you are not sure if the small fibroid will grow in those years.
Would you consider having the children now the fibroid is small so that you can guarantee that you can have children before complications of the fibroid steps in later.
Can taking birth control increased the chance of the fibroid growing bigger faster?-
I have a small fibroid and am currently pregnant. A small fibroid should not cause problems with pregnancy. However, if you are planning to wait a couple of years, there is always the chance it can grow. Removing a fibroid really only usually requires a laparoscopy. Women are also often more fertile after one. So, if you wanted to wait and felt your fibroid had gotten larger, you could always opt for the laparoscopy before getting pregnant.
Can uterine fibroids cause miscarriages?
I have had 2 miscarriages in the past year. 🙁 One in October of 2006 and just been treated for another. I have had 2 pregnancies resulting with no complications and healthy babies. During my pregnancy with my son who was born in July 2004, I found out I had uterine fibroids which caused lots of pain during the pregnancy, especially as my tummy expanded! I have had no symptoms ever since but am wondering if this could be related to the previous miscarriages? The doctor wants to remove them surgically but I want more children. I have 4 fibroids on the outter part of the utereus about the size of key limes as he described. Any one ever had this problem who went ahead with the surgery and then had successful births? And is it possible that they are causing the miscarriages? Thanks in advance for you help!-
Fibroids are normally benign in nature. However they usually tend to increase in size during your period and during pregnancies because of hormones. It is possible that if your fibroid get large enough for the fetus not to be able to grown and breathe leading to miscarriages. I am pretty sure that the whole uterus doesnt have to be removed with the fibroid surgery, they can just remove the fibroids, so in theory you should still be able to have more children.

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