Bleeding Fibroids

Why Do Fibroids Cause Heavy Bleeding?

If you are wanting an answer to the question, “Why do fibroids cause heavy bleeding?” then there are a number of reasons why this is the case. Fibroids are one of the most common causes of heavier periods and if you find that your last longer than 5-7 days and are particularly heavy, then ensure that you visit your doctor for a diagnosis.

In brief, the three main reasons why fibroids cause heavy bleeding are:-

1. A blockage of normal menstrual flow, caused by the location of a fibroid. This causes a back-up of blood which seems heavier when released

2. Uterine congestion, common in women with fibroids, can cause a change in the blood flow around the uterus

3. When fibroids grow, new blood vessels form and this means a greater volume of blood is flowing through the uterus

There are a number of simple steps you can take to help with heavy bleeding causes by your fibroids. Firstly, avoid wearing tampons, as these can cause cramping and pain. You can try taking an anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen as this may help reduce inflammation. Regular gentle exercise can also help to improve the blood flow as can heat therapy, thus helping relieve congestion. Many women become anemic due to the heavy bleeding and if this is applicable to you, take a good all-round vitamin supplement together with folic acid.

Although fibroids cause heavy bleeding, many women often feel that this is only one of many symptoms-and often not the worse! Others include terrible bloating, constipation, urinary problems, pain during intercourse and severe cramping.

Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the guaranteed system is groundbreaking and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you. You will find detailed answers to many common fibroid issues, including extensive answers to the question, “Why do fibroids cause heavy bleeding?”

About the Author:
If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment for fibroids, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally.

Fibroids Miracle also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of success and answer to why do fibroids cause heavy bleeding.


Frequently Asked Questions

    Is severe bleeding/clotting normal during your first menstrual cycle after a hysteroscopy to remove fibroids?
    I had a hysteroscopy and laparoscopy 3 weeks ago to remove two uterine fibroids and endometriosis on the outside of my uterus. My first post operative menstrual cycle just started. I have the worst menstrual cramps, bleeding and clotting of my life. Is this normal after a hysteroscopy? Thanks for any help.

    • ANSWER:
      From my experience, I had mayomactomy ( to remove fibroids) in 2005. 3 days after the surgery I had my period and it was as heavy as it was before the surgery. I had the surgery because I had so many fibroids and heavy bleeding during the period. The situation wasn’t better after the surgery as my doctor said they could not remove all the fibroids as they were so tiny. So I had heavy bleeding after the surgery as well. If the doctors would remove all the fibroids they might not be able to keep my uterus.
      I think you have tiny fibroids left inside the uterus. Go to your doctor and have a good check up.

    high blood platelet reading been on iron tabs since november anemia due to heavy bleeding from fibroids and tp?
    what could be the cause of high blood platlets, i was diagnosed in november with anemia i also take norithresone to stop bleeding, I also have b12 deficiency was 119 after 2 months of meds it is now 247 still below border line, i also have fibroids growing within the wall of my womb,the dr has told me she will contact the haemotologist for advice, any answers u can give me thanks, anet

    • ANSWER:

    At age 53 with continuous bleeding uterine fibroids should I have a hysterectomy or await menopause?

    • ANSWER:
      That is a very personal decision which can only be resolved by thoroughly researching every avenue of medical information available to you and then discussing your findings/feelings with your physician/surgeon. You might also consider a second opinion if you have any doubts at all or if your physician will not listen to your concerns.

      There are lots of pros and cons with regards to having a hysterectomy and all surgical outcomes are not always the same.

      Your body is your responsibility. You’re the one that will have to live with the consequences of your actions, so please be sure that you are making the right decision before you consider any type of surgery.

      I am posting three very good websites which may help in your decision.

      Good luck!

    Apart from having fibroids what else can cause heavy mestrual bleeding?
    I have had a scan and was told I have the smallest fibroids and they were not likely to cause me any problems. I’m however having really have menstrual bleeding and have to take Tranexamic Acid to control it which am not comfortable with as I have to take it every month for about four days. Just don’t want to be on any medication long term.

    • ANSWER:
      I have heard of fibroid’s of all sizes, and they do cause more pain with periods, including more blood. if they are small, doctors are not to free in taking a woman’s uterus these days. Just make sure you keep checking them as they can attach to kidneys ect, then your in trouble.did he give you anything to shrink them, talk to your doctor again…

    what would you do with three 5cm fibroids causing pain, bloating and bleeding? what to see if they grow?
    Or have a hysterectomy. I have about 12 to 15 years before menopause and am done childbearing.

    • ANSWER:
      Then what are you waiting for? Get that stuff taken out and quit worrying about it all the time!

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