Acupuncture Fundamentals
The Acupuncture Basics
Acupuncture has been around for a great many centuries with extraordinary results. I will try to summarise the important points toward explaining acupuncture to you.
Acupuncture is a method of inserting and manipulating delicate needles into particular points on the body to relieve discomfort or for therapeutic purposes. The word acupuncture comes from Latin acus, ‘needle’, and pungere, ‘to prick’.
According to conventional Chinese Medical theory, acupuncture points are situated on meridians along which qi, the vital energy, flows.
The primary goal in acupuncture is to balance the Chi or energy of a patient. Acupuncture theory states that so long as the person’s Chi is circulating in the body in a balanced, rhythmic fashion that person will be healthy. However, if for any reason this rhythmic balance of Chi is interrupted or unbalanced, then the person will suffer from sickness or disease.
When discussing this balance of Chi we have to take into consideration the theory of Yang and Yin, negative and positive, etc. This is the of opposites, which plays a prime role in all aspects of acupuncture. Therefore, some discussion is required about Yang and Yin.
Yang literally means sunlight; Yin literally means shade. As you can see, this is basically a theory of opposites. The Yang and Yin principles are the essential keys to understanding the laws of the 5 elements. 5 elements are groups of points which form a meridian or energy pathway, into 5 basic elements. Which are fire, earth, metal, water, and wood.
Acupuncture uses the body’s meridians which are groups of points that form an energy path. These energy paths traverse the body from finger tips to toe tips, up and down the entire body. Over one thousand different points are found all over the body. Some researchers think that these points are related to areas in the body where nerves appear to bundle together or be in high concentration. Meridians affect the organ which they are named after or where they course through in the body.
Acupuncture is just a 2 way communication involving the skin and the internal organs and structures of the body. Stimulation of an Acupuncture point may relieve, or in numerous cases, cure a disease process. There are numerous acupuncture spots that may be stimulated to have several alternative effects. Acupuncture points can be stimulated by a range of ways, from finger pressure, needles, to laser.
The World Health Organization made public a commentary on controlled trials using acupuncture and concluded it was effective for the treatment of twenty-eight conditions and there had been evidence to think it may be effective for several dozen more. Some of the conditions that have been proved to be helped are sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, low back stiffness, headaches, rheumatoid arthritis and so many more. In addition, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the National Institutes of Health, the American Medical Association, and various government reports have studied and commented on the effects of acupuncture.
There’s a general agreement that acupuncture is completely safe when administered by well trained practitioners using sterile needles, and that further research is appropriate.
More Americans are also using acupuncture, herbal remedies and other elements of Chinese medicines than ever before. The explanations for this vary, but the ever-increasing interest in, and use of, traditional Chinese medicine is due in large part to its effectiveness, affordability and absence of bad side-effects compared to Western medicine.
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