How To Get Rid Of Uterine Fibroids Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Uterine Fibroids Naturally

If questioned, the majority of women would prefer to know how to get rid of uterine fibroids naturally rather than to confront the limited options offered by conventional medication. I was certainly amongst that majority as I always felt that my symptoms were not being taken seriously.

In some respects, I felt fortunate and very relieved that my fibroids were not dangerous. When I first had symptoms, I was convinced that I had a life-threatening illness. However, my symptoms were really terrible and my quality of life was severely reduced. I could no longer run, as I was constantly breathless, I was tired and anemic due to heavy blood loss and I even became partially incontinent due to a large fibroids which was pressing on my bladder. I also looked like I was about 7 months pregnant and none of my clothes fit.

Despite all of this, my doctor said that if I left the fibroids alone, they would shrink naturally when I hit the menopause.

Now this was all very well, but being in my mid thirties, I had a long stretch ahead of me and wasn’t prepared to live such a limited life. Indeed, it felt like a life sentence! I strongly felt I should not have to put up with it so spoke further to my doctor about what could be done. One thing I was sure of was that I didn’t want a hysterectomy…for lots of reasons! We discussed the other surgical options-I could have groups of fibroids surgically removed, or have a procedure whereby the blood supply to the fibroids was cut off, allowing them to wither and die. Then the dawning realization hit me. These procedures were not permanent! What had caused the fibroids to grow in the first place was still there and so although I would definitely get temporary relief, the fibroids were very likely to regrow within months. Plus, I’d also got to go through surgery, with all the risks that came with, plus there was the recovery time to think of-I had young children.

Like many of us do now, I began to search on the internet for information on how to get rid of uterine fibroids naturally. Unlike many conditions or diseases, fibroids are a little different in that they cannot be treated by conventional meds as they are often caused by lifestyle or hereditary conditions. Sometimes there is no obvious cause, but all this needs to be taken into account when looking for a solution.

There are various theories around relating to their formation and at present, there is no test available to discover the exact cause within an individual. However, what is known is the spectrum of possible causes and it therefore follows that the key to a successful cure is to systematically eliminate each and every one of the “possibles”.

A combination of dietary changes, changes in your exercise pattern, liver detoxing and general lifestyle changes have proved to be extremely effective in getting rid of fibroids. Some of the following self-help measures have been used to great effect and are worth considering.

* Women prone to inflammatory conditions are also prone to fibroids. Therefore, eating foods with natural anti-inflammatory properties can have a calming effect on fibroids. Try foods such as oats, hops and cumin

* Excess estrogen is thought to play a large part and estrogen is stored in fat cells, which is why overweight women are more at risk. Therefore, losing weight if appropriate reduces the size and quantity of fat cells, which reduced estrogen. This in turn can help to get rid of uterine fibroids

* Pesticides and toxins in the body can play a large part in the formation of fibroid tumors. Very often, pesticides and toxins can become “locked” in the liver and they have characteristics which mimic estrogen. They are difficult for the body to eliminate and therefore can exert their effect for months or years. A good liver detox can help in this respect. Also, minimize your contact with such substances by choosing organic produce where possible and always washing all fruits and vegetables

* Eating a good healthy diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables (up to 10 portions daily) will help, as will drinking at least 2 liters of filtered water. Water can help to flush out toxins and keep the body’s organs hydrated, which is important for good health

It is important to stress that if you want to learn how to get rid of uterine fibroids naturally, then the good news is that it is entirely possible. However, what I would say from personal experience is that if you are the type of person who is not prepared to put time and effort into your own healing, then this will not work. You need to be focused and follow a series of specific steps.

For those who are motivated, you will not see your fibroids disappear within days, but you will see a reduction in some of your major symptoms within a week or two and most women notice shrinkage within weeks. What I would say is that once you begin to see your results this is a great motivator to continue!

If you would like to see details of a unique, 7 Step Plan which has been successfully used by many thousands of women worldwide, please visit my website. You can find full details of how to get rid of uterine fibroids naturally at Shrink Fibroids


About the author: Having suffered from very large fibroids herself, Bernadette was scheduled to undergo a hysterectomy when she decided to try an alternative treatment to shrink fibroids naturally. Success followed, and she enjoys recommending this method to other women so they can be free of the symptoms.


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